Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 9 [Heart-strange Mist] Return

Next to the employee lounge of the supermarket, after confirming that no one was around, Gao Yi and Xiao Hong stood still.

Only then did Gao Yi have time to observe the other party carefully.

Her semi-long black hair was pinned into refreshing bangs. She wore a black apron over her gas station uniform. Her legs were slightly bowed and she couldn't stop shaking.

It is worth mentioning that the apron on her lower body is very short, completely exposing the stockings of the same color, and she even wears a pair of bright red high heels on her feet, which is completely different from her temperament.

At this moment, Xiao Hong is lowering his head, putting his hands together, and rubbing his two thumbs repeatedly.

"If you don't want to chat with that Yamada, you can refuse."

Gao Yi sighed when he saw the other party's appearance, but couldn't help but give an admonishment.

To be honest, compared to one's own life, the strangers in these game copies are really insignificant.

But Gao Yi couldn't simply ignore the other party standing in front of him so pitifully.

That's why he became a reporter - the same reason why everyone would try to trick him.

"I understand... In fact, store manager Yamada didn't do anything bad..."

The little red head hung lower and her voice became smaller and smaller.

No, you cannot be led astray.

Gao Yi rubbed his hair and brought the topic back on track:

"I want to know more about the situation. Can you tell me what you were doing before the mist appeared, and what happened to the owner of the blood stain at the door that you mentioned before?"

"Well, before the fog came out... I didn't have much of an impression. I seemed to want to buy something?"

Xiaohong frowned, as if trying to remember, but found nothing, but the friction between her hands became more intense, obviously very nervous.

"It doesn't matter. Then tell me what happened to the pool of blood at the door."

Xiaohong seemed to be relieved that she no longer needed to remember, but the current topic clearly made her a little scared:

"The black shadow...and then the tentacles! Strange tentacles suddenly stretched out from the fog, grabbed a man tightly, and dragged him out!"


After saying goodbye to Xiao Hong, Gao Yi opened the door of the employee lounge on the pretext of going to the toilet.

To be honest, I don’t know if it was due to extreme panic and fear that made Xiaohong’s description intermittent and vague.

After asking for a long time, I didn't get much useful information.

I had no choice but to give up further inquiries.

But something is very strange.

According to Mr. Fujimoto, the man who was the first victim died from "some kind of wolf-like beast."

And in the words of the old woman, it was "the giant hand of the mountain god."

Gao Yi didn't pay much attention to the differences between what the two people said before. He only thought that the old woman was exaggerating.

But now, a third different theory has emerged.

has a problem.

"Illusion?" "Spiritual attack?"

Gao Yi wrote his guess in the notebook and flipped it over again, sighing again.

After these two hours, I didn't get any accurate information about monsters and fog, only a lot of vague guesses.

There is no way, it is really difficult to collect information in the foggy supermarket.

Listening carefully, store manager Yamada outside the door spoke to Xiaohong again, and the child's snoring could still be faintly heard.

After tapping the sore back of his neck twice, Gao Yi regained his energy and started searching in the employee lounge.

The space in the entire employee lounge is not large, and the only source of light is an incandescent lamp that flickers on and off.

An old brown second-hand sofa, paired with a wooden coffee table that has almost aged well, forms a small resting corner.

There are several paper cups stacked on the coffee table that have not been cleared away, with tea leaves remaining.

Underneath it are posters for various product events, many of which are held in the name of the "Huirong" supermarket chain.

But it can be seen that this chain store established in a remote area has not carried out various "buy two, get one free" and lottery activities required by the parent company.

It is not difficult to understand that although this place also belongs to a chain supermarket, it is actually completely independent and operates only under this brand.

Otherwise, I would not have allowed such unprofessional placement and display on the shelves.

Stepping on the coffee table, the small window that reached the ceiling was closed tightly, and there was still a vast white mist outside.

If you look carefully, you can faintly see some black shadows swimming in it, and you don't know what they are.

But compared to the beginning of the game, these shadows have obviously become a lot more restless.

Sighing slightly, Gao Yi summoned the light curtain.

[Ⅰ: Survive for twelve hours in the "Huirong" supermarket (countdown 9:54:23)]

There was no way, there were no clocks or anything like that in the entire supermarket, and the only way to check the time was on a few customers' mobile phones - and Gao Yi didn't have any.

Finally, the flow of time can only be calculated through task countdown.

He can actually estimate time through his body senses, but in this weird "game", it's best not to trust his intuition too much.

Get off the coffee table and look to the other side.

Three iron lockers, often seen in Western teen movies, are standing there. The cabinet doors are full of stubborn adhesive residue left after something has been pasted and then torn off.

Slowly opening the cabinet door that was somewhat stuck due to the dent, Gao Yi inspected it in turn.

There are three employees in the entire Huirong supermarket - to be exact, there are two left.

A female employee seems to have resigned, and the cabinet is basically empty, leaving only some things like duty reports and cargo lists.

It is worth mentioning that there is a letter inside the cabinet.

After opening it, the content of the letter is to accuse another employee in the supermarket.

The employee named Zhenshan Xiang sexually harassed her at work, often intentionally or unintentionally making physical contact with her, and her stockings were missing in the locker.

Maybe this letter was left for the store manager, but thinking about the character of that Yamada, it can only be said that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

The cabinet on the other side is that of Zhenshan.

When it was opened, the first thing that came out was a foul smell.

Various papers and flyers in the cabinet were randomly crumpled into a ball, shirts wrapped with rotten pizza and loose pills, and the loose work uniforms were full of stains.

"Untidy", "tall", "extremely poor hygiene", Gao Yi can easily make a basic profile.

Under the pizza, Gao Yi also found an employee ID card with a blacked-out photo. I wonder if this person is not confident about his appearance.

From the innermost hole blocked by the flyer, Gao Yi also found two pairs of black stockings.

It seems that what the female employee who resigned said was true.

The last thing left was the cabinet of the store manager Yamada.

Unexpectedly, the cabinet of the fat store manager was quite tidy.

Two sets of uniforms were hung on the clothes rack, and the various registration documents and receipt materials in the drawer were very neat.

From the various sundries in the carefully selected positions, Gao Yi can also see a little obsessive-compulsive tendency.

"I didn't see it... Yamada looks so wretched, but he loves cleanliness?"

Sighing that you can't judge a person by his appearance, Gao Yi carefully searched around and found nothing worth mentioning.

Except for confirming again that this supermarket is near the highway next to a small town and the delivery truck comes every three days, there is nothing to gain.

The specific data and content of many files were covered by various stains. I wonder if it was the work of this weird game.

He closed the cabinet door and put all the items back to their original positions as much as possible. He only took a fruit knife from the cabinet of Manager Yamada and put it on his waistband.

Gao Yi sat down on the sofa, holding his head with both hands, and fell into thought.

The situation was worse than he thought.

The search did not find any useful information, and the expected weapons and equipment were all gone.

Do I really have to wait in this supermarket for twelve hours and pray for the goddess of luck to show mercy?

With a slight movement of his mind, Gao Yi opened the [Tag System]

The task in front of him still exists.

[Special Task: Explore everything that happened in the "Hui Rong" supermarket and find out the truth of the disaster (09:43:34)]

No, with this task, I must have a way to find out the truth of the disaster.

The problem is, where is the breakthrough point?

There are still three chances to draw a lottery, why not use them now?

Gao Yi had already gotten used to his nightmare-like misfortune and had no expectations for any lottery draws. Thinking of this now, he was already trying his best.

Just as he was about to spin the roulette wheel and draw the lottery, a noise came from outside the door, as if something had happened to the supermarket again.

After a burst of hurried footsteps, Xiao Hong pushed the door open with a heavy breath:

"That... Ha, ha, sir, outside the supermarket..."

"Don't worry, tell me slowly, what happened outside the supermarket?"

Gao Yi stood up, put away the notebook in his hand again, and said in a calm tone.

"Outside the supermarket, the three people who left before are back!"


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