Gao Yi has actually been thinking about what this "label system" on him represents?

First of all, what is a "label".

In daily life, we subconsciously label the people we see.

Gender, occupation, personality, identity, status.

We get to know and understand others through labels.

The labels given to Gao Yi by the system are some of his most prominent "characteristics" during that period.

A reporter; a debtor who owes a large sum of money; a lovelorn who has lost love; a good person in the popular sense; a professional surfer; and a friend of elderly women...

After being concretized by the system, each label will give Gao Yi some ability enhancement.

By upgrading, you can get more abilities.

Most of these abilities are passive skills.

According to the earliest system information, new skills will be obtained every 1, 2, 4, 8... levels.

For example, [Reporter lv3] gives Gao Yi:

① Night Walker: A higher probability of contacting various accidents and breaking news; ② Truth First: Get a confidential document randomly every week.

The second [Truth First] has not been triggered yet, but since the appearance of the skill [Night Walker], Gao Yi obviously feels that there are more events around him.

The dungeon and game that he entered inexplicably today are also one of them.

Although this system is still full of mysteries - why did it appear, why did it choose himself.

But for Gao Yi, the top priority now is to gain experience through actions and completing tasks, and then upgrade the label to gain more abilities.

Rather than looking back and forth and being indecisive, it is better to use everything you can use as much as possible to improve yourself first.

But the question is, how to gain experience?

In the attempts of the past few days, Gao Yi gradually got a clue.

When he pretended to be an employee and sneaked into the fraud company and was discovered, his [Reporter] experience increased.

But when he was writing and collecting information on weekdays, he was obviously doing the work of a reporter, but the prompt for the increase in experience value would not appear.

In summary, Gao Yi believes that the key is not himself, but others.

Only when others think that Gao Yi's words and deeds are in line with the personality of that "label", the experience of the corresponding label will increase.

Otherwise, even if the ability of the label is used, the experience value of the label will not be increased.

Just like just now, Gao Yi showed a warm-hearted look and did not stop the behavior of several people, which was obviously noticed by other people in the supermarket.

Based on this, the label of [Enthusiastic Citizen] received a 20-point experience bonus.

And this label is the product of another synthesis before.

After defeating the black sweater madman in the subway, Gao Yi obtained a [Brave] feature.

He has been considering which label to combine with since the beginning.

Finally, after a period of hesitation, Gao Yi made a choice.

[Good Man (Ordinary)] + [Brave (Rare)]

[Enthusiastic Citizen lv1 (Rare)]

[Label Ability: ① Crazy Zootopia: Make people feel close and reliable unconsciously, and it is easier to gain trust and praise]

According to the experience of the [Reporter] label, the label ability should be stronger with higher levels.

What Gao Yi wanted now was to upgrade it to level 2 first and see what the next skill was.

Back in the supermarket, he was saying his final goodbye to the three people who were about to leave.

The strong man Fujimoto, the middle-aged office worker, and the worried-looking Ms. Naga were all ready to go.

Fujimoto and the office worker were holding homemade weapons and shields, and to be honest, they looked a little unreliable.

Ms. Naga was still wearing her sunglasses, making it difficult to understand her expression.

The store manager Yamada was still fiercely opposed just now, but seeing that the few people were determined to leave, he had to give up.

"Then... we'll set off. Don't worry, we will definitely call for help when we are safe."

Fujimoto nodded slightly to Gao Yi, and then looked at the old hunter who was smoking a dry pipe deep in the supermarket with a complicated look.

The other party had no intention of coming out to see him off, and stubbornly cast his eyes on the cat and dog posters on the wall.

He thanked him with some words such as "If there is any danger, remember to run back immediately." "Be careful."

The three of them walked into the narrow passage between the iron racks and the goods, and walked into the vast white fog, without looking back.

Although they had just said that, the remaining people in the supermarket quickly blocked the empty passage.

Gao Yi squatted on the ground, waiting for the movement outside the supermarket through the gap between the iron racks and the goods.

More than a minute passed, and the expected blood and wailing still did not appear.

But the sound of the car engine starting did not appear either.

The inside and outside of the supermarket fell into a strange silence again.

Gao Yi recorded again in the small notebook in his hand, listing possible guesses.

"The monster is not very aggressive?" "The fog has a soundproof effect?" "Will you fall into a coma or poisoning without being able to call for help when entering the fog?"

He sighed and flipped the notebook in his hand again.

The problem lies in the information, which is too little.

If this was a virtual game, Gao Yi would have saved the game and tested it one by one.

But this strange game that Gao Yi is in obviously contains the danger of death.

No matter what, you can't take risks.

This is also the reason why he was willing to let the three people in the supermarket leave - let them take on the responsibility of exploring the way.

Putting this aside, Gao Yi actually had some new guesses.

Just like the various electronic games he had played before, this strange game he participated in had its focus.

Perhaps this copy called [Heart Strange Mist] does not test the player's combat effectiveness.

And this copy itself also has deep secrets.

Turn your wrist and call up the light curtain.

[Ⅰ: Survive in the "Hui Rong" supermarket for twelve hours (countdown 10:36:55)]

An hour and a half has passed, and there is no time to delay.

Gao Yi turned and looked inside the supermarket. He was just paying attention to the people outside, but now he relaxed again and returned to the state of dispersion just now.

The notebook in his hand wrote the next plan.

"1. Collect as much information as possible to understand what happened before he came, how the "man who died before" in the townspeople died, and then obtain information about monsters and fog."

If you want to ask this, who should you look for?

Gao Yi looked around again and made a choice...

Near the supermarket cashier, Manager Yamada was telling an embarrassing dirty joke to the gas station employee named Xiaohong.

"So, this is the difference between a cucumber and a finger...hahahahahahahahahahaha."

After the fat manager finished telling the joke, he had to laugh for a while, shaking the fat on his face.

Xiaohong laughed awkwardly on the side, and for some reason did not refute or leave.

But it was obvious that she was uncomfortable, and she would turn her head and sigh from time to time when Yamada was not paying attention.

"Sorry..." Gao Yi timed it well, walked slowly into the two of them, and then said:

"Ms. Xiaohong, I want to ask you a question, can you come over and talk to me alone?"

Xiaohong, whose eyes were blank, seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, nodded hurriedly to indicate that it was okay, and left quickly with Gao Yi.

["Enthusiastic Citizen" label, experience value +50]

I actually gained so much experience at once, it seems that I am really "heroic".

Before leaving, Gao Yi clearly noticed that the store manager Yamada had a murderous hatred in his expression.

As a result, the light in the supermarket seemed to dim a little.

Forget it, the work of enthusiastic citizens is indeed easy to be hated.

The question now is, how much does this Xiaohong know.


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