"What...what is that!"

The first person to arrive was the middle-aged office worker. His voice was obviously trembling at this moment, and he asked questions intermittently.

"From the appearance, it looks like a spider."

The old hunter touched the short whiskers on his chin and said hoarsely.

Of course, everyone understood that the creature was close to the size of a medium-sized dog, and it was definitely not an ordinary spider.

"How can there be such a big spider?"

"How can there be such a thick fog!"

"Don't you remember the gentleman before? Have you forgotten how he died?!"

The panic was wrapped in meaningless arguments, and the supermarket fell into an unbearable low pressure.

At this moment, the old woman who had never spoken suddenly screamed, attracting everyone's attention:

"Mountain God! This is the anger of the mountain god. It's all your fault for ignoring the traditions left by your ancestors and bringing back things from outsiders!"

"The mountain god's giant hand has taken away the outsider before, and it's you next!"

Her eyes, which were narrowed into a slit, suddenly opened, bringing the uneasy atmosphere in the supermarket to a peak:

Disputes, roars, and abuses.

Then, they parted unhappily.

The atmosphere, which was slightly eased by collective labor, sank to the freezing point again, and the appearance of the monster broke everyone's only remaining fantasy.

The anxious crowd dispersed, silent, thinking about their own thoughts.

Of course, Gao Yi was an exception.

He was cursed by the goddess of luck since he was a child, so he naturally didn't expect the so-called miracle.

He could sleep in the supermarket, complete the main task when he got up, and all kinds of prizes and adventures began to hit his face. This was something he dared not even dream of.

But that's why there is no disappointment without expectation.

Gao Yi took a few steps back, slightly away from the collapsing crowd, and sorted out the known information as quickly as possible.

The source of the fog and monsters is still a mystery, but it is not critical.

Gao Yi knows very well that with his ordinary body, even with the help of the shotgun and others, it is impossible to break through the monsters' encirclement head-on.

What is really important now is to confirm the number and type of monsters, the range and characteristics of the fog.

And in the final analysis, knowing where the fog and monsters come from does not solve the problem.

No matter what the pollution leaks, the crazy plans of evil scientists, or the anger of the mountain god.

It can't change the status quo.

In the final analysis, Gao Yi now has three urgent tasks.

1. Collect as much information as possible to understand what happened before he came, how the "man who died before" in the townspeople died, and then obtain information about monsters and fog.

2. Communicate with more people in the supermarket, resolve disputes, and unite the fighting force as much as possible.

3. Explore the entire supermarket, find available weapons and equipment and information, and strengthen defense as much as possible.

After sorting out the problems and recording them in his notebook, Gao Yi also breathed a sigh of relief.

This is also his usual way of dealing with things - when encountering a big problem that is difficult to solve, it might as well be broken down into small problems to solve them.

Looking back at the inside of the supermarket, there were less than a dozen people, and at this moment, they had already divided into several small groups, whispering to each other.

It can only be said that humans are indeed such creatures. When there are more than two people, they will start to stand in line and attack each other - this is the origin of politics and religion.

Sighing slightly, Gao Yi checked the task list.

[Ⅰ: Survive in the "Hui Rong" supermarket for twelve hours (countdown 11:03:47)]

Almost an hour has passed. If this basic task is the goal, it has already completed almost one twelfth.

But from another perspective, the distance to the inevitable changes is getting closer and closer.

Can't delay any longer, we have to act according to the plan quickly.

So, it is time to communicate with that group of people first...


The white fog outside the supermarket is still thick, blocking all the sights that want to explore outside.

This small supermarket is like a small boat in the deep sea, swaying.

And inside, it can now be roughly divided into three camps.

The old hunter, the old woman and the hot girl are together, sitting quietly in the depths of the supermarket.

Although it is not very clear, the hot girl is indeed in the same camp as them.

The middle-aged woman Naijia, the student couple, and the seven or eight-year-old child form a women and children group.

With the little boy as the center, they took a few bath towels and spread them on the ground, surrounded an area of ​​the central shelf, and seemed to be trying to coax the child to sleep.

Finally, there was the middle-aged office worker, the muscular man Fujimoto, the store manager Yamada, and the female gas station clerk.

They gathered at the entrance of the supermarket, still arguing fiercely about something.

And Gao Yi was actually not a choice at all about where to go to get words first.

The two old men had clearly shown their resistance to all kinds of foreign things, so it was impossible for a pure outsider like him to be welcomed.

As for the women and children group, there were a mentally unstable wife, a student couple in love, and a child who had just fallen asleep.

To be blunt, the intelligence and information they had was not necessarily more than Gao Yi's.

Thinking about this, it was not difficult to make a choice.

Slowly, Gao Yi walked towards the last group of young and middle-aged people.

At this time, three men and one woman were arguing fiercely.

"My car is not far outside. If we can run in, maybe we can leave!"

The middle-aged office worker gritted his teeth and said firmly.

The sturdy man Fujimoto beside him also raised his head slightly and agreed:

"This fog must have a range. No matter what, it is impossible to cover the whole world."

"How can that be possible? Have you forgotten those monsters outside? Didn't the customer just want to leave?!"

The female clerk at the gas station was obviously a little flustered. She combed her hair to one side and retorted excitedly.

At this time, Gao Yi noticed that there was a round badge on his chest.

There was a cartoon oily logo on it, and the name of the female clerk-Xiaohong.

Well, it may not be that her name is really Xiaohong. It may also be some nickname, stage name or something like that.

But at least, everyone else called her that.

The fat store manager named Yamada was one of them. He shook his double chin and objected:

"Xiaohong is right! We should wait for rescue in the supermarket. There is no shortage of food and drink here. There is no need to leave..."

"What about my family? Can I leave my wife and children at home?!"

The office worker's voice became louder again, attracting the attention of everyone in the supermarket in an instant.

After that, he walked to the side, took off his suit jacket, and tried to make a spear with a mop pole and kitchen utensils.

And the strong man Fujimoto stopped participating in the argument and quietly prepared.

The gas station employee named Xiaohong wanted to stop it, but didn't know what to say, and was anxiously spinning in place.

Seeing Gao Yi approaching, she seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, and hurried over and said:

"Sir, please help persuade them, it's too dangerous outside!"

Looking at the pitiful expression of Xiaohong in front of him, who was about to cry, Gao Yi smiled slightly and turned to the two people who wanted to leave:

"Um, can you wait a moment?"

The strong man Fujimoto frowned a little dissatisfied and said in an unhappy tone:

"What's wrong? Are you going to stop us too?"

"No, no, no..." Gao Yi waved his hand and added:

"If you want to leave, take Ms. Naga with you. I remember she also misses her daughter at home."

["Enthusiastic Citizen" label, experience value +20]

As expected, the other label that was just synthesized successfully obtained the experience value bonus at this moment.

And Gao Yi's words were obviously beyond the expectations of several people.

Everyone in the supermarket fell into a brief silence.


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