Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 6 [Heart-strange Mist] Monster


Gao Yi heaved a sigh of relief after throwing the big bag of pet food in his arms and stacking it at the door. He took the opportunity to observe the surroundings.

Except for the old lady and the child, and the female student who was persuaded by her boyfriend to rest on the side because her boyfriend said that "it is inconvenient to exercise during menstruation", everyone was participating in the construction of "fortifications".

Even the hot girl helped to move two bags, but now she started a new round of selfies.

It's called "fortifications", but in fact it's to take out the big bags of goods and goods in the supermarket, and use the iron frame pushed over to hold up the glass wall.

After all, it's related to everyone's safety, so everyone worked hard.

Especially the male student who said "I will do my girlfriend's job together", I have to praise him, his efficiency is particularly high.

This may be the power of love.

Looking at the shining [Lovelor] in his label, Gao Yi couldn't help but smile self-deprecatingly.

It is worth mentioning that the fat shopkeeper named Yamada looked very hardworking, constantly shouting "I'm so tired", "Come on, everyone", "Huh, I've moved another one".

But Gao Yi noticed that his actual workload was not even as much as that of the female staff at the gas station.

But then again, he was just a bit annoying.

In fact, when he helped everyone choose the goods to be moved and introduced the layout of the supermarket, he did not hide anything.

Taking the opportunity to relax his torso, Gao Yi began to study the new [Synthesis] option.

This is a new feature of the label system. After opening it, two small boxes appeared in front of him, and he could choose to put in any label and feature.

"The more practical feature now... that [Cheating]?"

Gao Yi looked at the labels he had, [Debtor], [Reporter], [Lovelor], [Good Man], [Professional Internet Surfer], [Friend of Elderly Women]

Now he really needs to be a liar, but which of these labels looks more suitable for [Cheating]?

A [Reporter] who can [Cheat]? Isn't there any difference...

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yi had an idea and filled in the synthesis list.

[Debtor (Normal)] + [Cheat (Normal)]

A flash of golden light appeared in front of him, and the original label and characteristics disappeared, and a new label appeared in front of him.

[Debtor lv1 (Rare)]

[Experience value: 0/1000]

[Label ability: ① Fraud game: Your lies are more convincing, and your creditors will be more patient]

He installed it and replaced [Reporter]

After all, [Reporter]'s label ability has a "higher probability of contacting various unexpected events and breaking news".

In the current situation, "sudden" and "accidents" are not what Gao Yi wants to see.

"Hey, friend, you are not a local, right?"

Just as Gao Yi was thinking, the sturdy dark man came over, put down a large bag of pet food, and started a conversation with Gao Yi.

"Oh, yes, I'm from another place."

Gao Yi was a little caught off guard, and hurriedly responded with a smile, and went back with the other party to get a bag of "fortress materials".

"I guess so, after all, I've never seen you before."

He stretched out his powerful right hand and said:

"I'm Fujimoto."

"Just call me Gao Yi."

After shaking hands with the man who called himself Fujimoto and confirming that he had no special reaction to his name, Gao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

People's names here are obviously Japanese-style, and Gao Yi is ready for the other party to show surprise, and he is ready to excuse himself by saying "this is my nickname."

Fujimoto obviously has something to say, and Gao Yi is happy to see it happen.

After all, the opponent with muscles all over his body has the second highest combat power on paper except for the shotgun. Under the current situation, it is not bad to have a good relationship with him.

"You don't know, this is a small town, very closed, and usually there are not many outsiders coming. The person who was captured by the wolf-like monster at the door before counts as one, and you count as one."

"Is that so? I can't tell."

Gao Yi easily read the other party's desire to confide, and the fact that he didn't finish his words, so he just sighed along with it.

But then again, the other party's statement also solved the previous confusion - what was going on with the blood and minced meat at the door.

After the distance was shortened, Gao Yi had more time to observe the other party carefully.

At first glance, this man named Fujimoto looked like a wolf-like and stupid person, but after contact, he could find that it was not the case.

His muscles were not exaggerated, but they looked very hard, which must be the result of long-term physical labor.

In contrast to his body, his eyes were sharp and his speech was clear.

Seeing that Gao Yi had no intention of responding, he continued to talk:

"By the way, what are you doing here? You are in this store so late, where did you plan to stay at night?"

Gao Yi keenly caught the temptation and slight hostility. It seems that Fujimoto is not here to simply make friends.

Carrying another bag of dog food on his shoulders, Gao Yi deliberately pretended to be panting to buy himself time to think.

This is the key to gaining the other party's trust. Lying is inevitable. The problem is how to make up a lie that can convince the other party.

"Actually, I didn't come to your town. I just drove by and saw this and thought of filling up the gas."

From the staffing in the supermarket and the few words during the chat, Gao Yi has already made a basic judgment on the general situation in this copy.

The female employee of the gas station is over there.

Considering that she appeared in the supermarket in uniform late at night, and the store manager Yamada was obviously familiar with her.

It is not difficult to judge that the gas station is close to the supermarket.

And as a "highway rest stop", why are there so many townspeople in it?

Knowing that both the elderly and children will come here, it can be concluded that this "Hui Rong" supermarket must not be too far from the town.

At the same time, it is very likely that there are some entertainment facilities such as KTV and hotels built next to it, and the entire area has assumed some responsibilities as a "commercial center".

This also explains why there are student couples and hot girls in this area late at night.

Finally, combined with Mr. Fujimoto's vigilance against "outsiders", a set of excuses of "passing by to refuel" came into being.

Of course, this reason can only slightly survive this round of questions.

When Gao Yi saw Fujimoto open his mouth slightly and wanted to ask again, he hurriedly asked:

"By the way, what is your relationship with the old man carrying a hunting rifle? You two look very familiar with each other."

Gao Yi certainly didn't see that they "looked very familiar". On the contrary, the two of them disliked each other, which was basically written on the surface.

"Tsk, that stubborn old man, I don't know him at all! He keeps talking about customs and traditions, old man..."

Very good, he successfully got the other party into the complaining stage.

If he was allowed to ask questions like "Where are you driving to?" and "What brand of car are you driving?", Gao Yi would really have no way to deal with it.

Fujimoto began to chatter, complaining that the hunter old man was full of "traditional customs" and hindered him from going out to work.

Gao Yi didn't care about the other party's complaints. While making a half-serious and half-perfunctory expression that he had practiced in school, he observed other people in the supermarket with his peripheral vision.

Manager Yamada was still trying to take credit for himself, jumping up and down to show off in front of the female employee of the gas station.

The middle-aged office worker folded his suit aside and was carrying a bag of rice with the old man.

The female student who was not working was squatting on the ground chatting with the little boy.

At this moment, Ms. Naga, who was near the door, suddenly let out a very miserable scream.

Gao Yi and Fujimoto looked at each other and hurried to the door with others.

A few meters behind the glass door, Ms. Naga slumped on the ground, pointing in the direction of the glass wall with horror on her face.

Looking in the direction she pointed, after half of the fortress was completed.

Looking through the gap between the iron frame and the cloth bag. Several hairy thin legs appeared behind the glass wall.

They moved quickly, and at the last moment, several pairs of eyes flashing red could be vaguely seen.

In an instant, they disappeared again.

The lights in the supermarket also flickered a few times, adding a sense of horror.

The monster finally appeared.

Gao Yi sighed slightly, raised his left hand, and summoned the light curtain.

[I: Survive in the "Hui Rong" supermarket for twelve hours (countdown 11:16:32)]

Less than an hour after the copy started, the brief tranquility in the supermarket was broken again.


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