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Chapter 5 [Heart-strange Mist] Gathering

"The Mist" is a classic horror film shot in the early 21st century.

The general plot is that a sudden fog permeates the entire town, and a group of people who go shopping are trapped in a supermarket.

In the fog, there are all kinds of terrifying monsters, and people in the supermarket also have various disagreements and fights in this dangerous situation.

Now it seems that the copy in front of Gao Yi is also in a similar situation.

This also explains what it means to survive for twelve hours in the main task, or escape from the fog.

Of course, the situation Gao Yi faces is not as complicated as in the movie.

The supermarket is smaller and has fewer people, and ideally he only needs to stay for twelve hours to complete the main task.

Outside the door, unknown shadows are still moving and flickering in the white fog.

The strange tone is transmitted into the supermarket through the gap, which makes everyone shudder.

In this situation, the people in the supermarket finally gathered for the first time, and Gao Yi was able to understand the specific situation.

Unlike the movie "The Mist", where a small supermarket gathers painters, lawyers, soldiers, fanatics, police, and employees.

There are only twelve people in this "Hui Rong" supermarket, including Gao Yi.

In addition to the middle-aged woman mentioned above, the obese store manager named Yamada, and the middle-aged office worker standing by the cashier.

There is also a student couple wearing summer school uniforms on the side of Gao Yi, and a hot girl who also wears school uniforms but dyes her hair blonde and has exaggerated makeup.

Near the inside of the supermarket, there stands a middle-aged man with muscles and tanned skin, and a woman in her early twenties who is wearing a gas station uniform and is at a loss.

A little further away, an old woman with a cane is holding a child of seven or eight years old and standing there silently.

The most eye-catching thing is the old man standing in the middle of the crowd, frowning and observing the door.

He is dressed in coarse cloth, and the straw sandals on his feet are badly worn. What is more worrying is that he actually carries an old double-barreled shotgun on his back.

It is not known whether it is because his status as an elder is more respected or because the hunting rifle behind him is too conspicuous.

Anyway, at this moment, everyone is forming a loose circle with the old hunter as the center, looking at each other in silence.

It is worth mentioning that everyone deliberately avoided the bloodstains that had been "smeared" at the entrance of the supermarket.

The tragic scene looked like a person with bleeding all over his body was dragged into the fog from the inside of the supermarket by something.

This copy seems to be in summer, and the temperature is a bit high, which makes people worry that the minced meat and bloodstains at the door will become unbearable.

But it is also fortunate that this copy is in summer, Gao Yi's short-sleeved shirt does not look conspicuous, and it did not attract extra attention from everyone.

Looking around, several people are using their mobile phones silently.

They are either refreshing the social platform again and again in a daze, or listening to the prompt tone of "no signal".

It's not that Gao Yi doesn't want to check his mobile phone, but when he came to the copy, he only had the ticket he robbed, as well as the notebook and pen he carried with him, and the rest disappeared.

Picking up the ticket, there was no useful information on it.

[Dungeon Ticket: Heart Trick Mist (Holy Grail 5)]

[Mode: Single Player]

The lights in the supermarket were a little dim, and it seemed that the power of the backup generator was not strong.

And because of the micro-earthquake just now, several light tubes fell off, resulting in the indoor light barely maintaining illumination.

"That... we will be fine, right? The police and even the army will definitely come to rescue us, right?"

The female student couple seemed to be the first to be unable to bear the dull atmosphere in the supermarket and tried to cheer everyone up.

But judging from the fact that no one responded except her boyfriend, everyone was not very optimistic about this.

"After all, we are in the countryside. Even if the police want to rescue people, they should not consider us first... Besides, we can't confirm how large the range of this fog is..."

The old hunter stroked the short beard on his chin and made an analysis.

It must be said that there is a reason why he can become a temporary leader. The old hunter's thinking is very clear and his guess is also reasonable.

"Haha! It's okay. This is a supermarket. We have plenty of supplies. It's enough for us to live for ten years. Leave it to me!"

The fat store manager found that everyone seemed to be very convinced by the old hunter. He was obviously a little unhappy. He laughed and started to show off his role.

But things went against his wishes. After he said this, the people who had finally started the discussion fell into awkward silence again.

Gao Yi was not in a hurry to participate in the discussion. This was not a werewolf killing game. It was not necessarily a bad thing to slack off.

It was more important to collect intelligence than to attract attention.

The old hunter was right. Although he did not understand the specific world view of this copy, it was obviously unrealistic to expect help from the outside world at this time.

On the other hand, Gao Yi did not think that they could just eat and drink and live safely in the supermarket.

In the main task, the level I is [Survive in the "Hui Rong" supermarket for twelve hours]. After completing it, you can get the so-called "return ticket".

But you don't have to think about it. You know that there will be all kinds of unpredictable changes in these twelve hours.

If it is really simple enough to wait in the supermarket, you can easily pass it.

The player in the black sweatshirt on the subway wouldn't be that scared.

You know, that madman obviously gained a lot of benefits through these copies and games.

His physical fitness and reaction speed that far surpass those of ordinary people are one of the evidences.

Although I don't understand what the so-called "Holy Grail 5" means, if I still take it lightly in this situation, it would be pure death.

Just when Gao Yi was thinking about when to participate in the discussion and try to gain the initiative, the middle-aged office worker in a suit suddenly roared:


Although Gao Yi just noticed that his face was dark blue, he really didn't expect him to do this.

The other people were obviously startled, and the female employee who was already in a panic shivered directly and almost fell to the ground.

"Do you know what's going on now! The monster is outside, and you still have the mood to take a selfie here?!"

As the middle-aged office worker looked, a hot student girl with free and easy clothes stood there.

To be precise, she was also wearing a school uniform, the same style as the student couple over there.

It's just that the upper edge of the skirt was rolled up too much, so that the hem barely covered the thighs.

The coat was tied at the waist, and with the exaggerated lipstick and golden curly hair, the word "hot girl" was almost written on her face.

She was holding up a mobile phone with a very fancy shell and taking pictures of herself from different angles.

As the target of scolding, she didn't care at all. She spread out her right hand holding the mobile phone, and exaggeratedly covered her mouth with her left hand and said:

"Oh~ Everyone obviously doesn't know what to do, why are you so mean to me? It doesn't remind you of your rebellious daughter who ran away from home, uncle~♦"

The face of the middle-aged office worker was obviously stiff, and he was about to rush up to argue.

The fat shopkeeper on the side hurriedly stopped him with a smile, which once again caused the hot girl to laugh.

The good news is that the atmosphere in the supermarket has become much more lively.

The bad news is that even if there are so few people in the supermarket, the differences and contradictions will not disappear.

Gao Yi rubbed his hair, and he had to participate in this situation.

After confirming that the label [Lovelor] was worn, he clapped his hands and walked to the center of the dispute:

"Everyone, everyone, can you listen to me for a moment?"

There was actually no real conflict between the two sides. Seeing someone coming to be a peacemaker, he also stepped down the stairs and chose to keep quiet for the time being.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Gao Yi nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"Compared to quarreling, we have more important things to do now."

"What is that?"

The sturdy man who had been silent for a long time beside the shelf spoke up at this time, obviously hoping that someone would end this meaningless quarrel.

Gao Yi naturally would not give up this opportunity. He pointed to the glass wall that lacked a sense of security at first glance and said seriously:

"We have to strengthen the defense inside the supermarket."


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