Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 4 [Heart-strange fog] Beginning

"What's going on..."

Gao Yi came back to his senses from the darkness, and when he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in the subway car.

He stood up, rubbed his right arm, which was a little painful due to excessive force, and began to observe the surroundings.

The first thing that caught his eye was a row of shelves, or to be more precise, a row of shelves with messy and disorganized items.

Half of them were hung with various fried snacks and sandwich biscuits, and the other half were filled with large bags of pet food.

Looking up, the same shelves were neatly arranged in rows, and turned further away, extending all the way to the two cashier counters.

Several figures could be seen between the gaps between the shelves, some leaning or standing, but none of them looked like they were shopping.

Although the light was a little dim for some reason, it could be seen from the words and the signs on the wall that this was undoubtedly a small-scale chain supermarket.

It is worth mentioning that the words around were obviously not Chinese, but Gao Yi could recognize and understand them instinctively.

The chain supermarket brand named "Hui Rong" on the wall was also unheard of.

All signs indicate that this is no longer the Nankang City that Gao Yi is familiar with - in fact, it is very likely that it is no longer in the world that Gao Yi is familiar with.

Suddenly, the light bar above his head made a "sizzling" sound, flashed twice and then completely lit up, finally dispelling the disturbing darkness.

At this time, a fat man in a light blue uniform ran out of a small door on the side panting, shouting to the supermarket with a smile:

"Everyone, I, the store manager Yamada, just started the backup power supply, and it's okay now!"

There was a clear sense of seeking credit in his tone, like a child who showed off to his mother in the morning that he didn't wet the bed last night.

Unfortunately, for some reason, the entire supermarket was filled with a breath of despair, and it was obvious that no one was interested in paying attention to him.

Taking the opportunity, Gao Yi also raised his head to organize the layout of the entire supermarket.

Although it is a "chain" indeed, the total area of ​​the entire supermarket is only three or four hundred square meters.

The goods on the shelves were not neatly arranged, and the classification was chaotic. There were also some agricultural products in woven bags being sold, with handwritten white cards as labels.

The production dates on the goods could differ by more than a year, and it was unknown how long they had been piled up here.

All signs indicated that this was a small supermarket far away from the central city - if it could really be called a supermarket instead of a grocery store.

But so far, these were just quite common elements. The irresponsible store manager and the lack of professional training of the store clerks were not news.

But on the other side, the locked glass door, the broken meat and blood on the floor, and the customers with "seeing a ghost" expressions on their faces were the standard equipment of horror movies.

Just as Gao Yi was thinking about whether to talk to someone and find out what happened, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his wrist.

Turning his left hand, Gao Yi suddenly found that a circle of strange red tattoos had appeared on the skin at his wrist.

It was wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet, and between the two lines, some words that looked ominous were written on it, like some kind of ancient secret language.

The stinging pain slowly dissipated, and as Gao Yi frowned and thought, a light curtain projected from the inside of his wrist and appeared in front of him.

[Player: Novice player TC130]

[Dungeon name: Heart Strange Mist]

[Game type: Holy Grail 5 (single player)]

[Main quest has been triggered]

[Ⅰ: Survive in the "Hui Rong" supermarket for twelve hours]

[Ⅱ: Escape from the fog]

[Ⅲ: ? ? ? ]

[Main quest reward: a return ticket, a small increase in the player's evolution rate, a small probability of obtaining random props, and a high probability of obtaining random potions (depending on the level of completing the main quest, the reward will also be different)]

Following the instructions, waving his hand to switch the light curtain, he found that the [Attributes] and [Backpack] options on the side could not be opened.

After clicking, it will only show [Unlock after completing the first game]

The supermarket still maintained a restless and fragile calm, and Gao Yi also took the opportunity to compare his memory with the current situation.

The black-clothed madman he met on the subway must be one of the players of this weird game.

His crazy words can be roughly understood with what we see now.

"Player", "Instance", "Holy Grail", "Game"

"In other words, I have now replaced that person and entered this so-called instance as a 'player'..." Gao Yi concluded.

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered something and began to focus his consciousness.

[Name: Gao Yi]

[Equipped tags (2/2): Reporter lv3 (Normal), Brokenhearted lv1 (Normal)]

[Tag abilities: ① Night Walker: Higher probability of exposure to various unexpected events and breaking news; ② Truth First: Get a random confidential document every week; ③ Ex-boyfriend - Gain stronger empathy and be able to comfort people who are in extreme emotions]

[Daily tag task: Undercover a criminal group with more than 100 people and obtain evidence of its crimes (completed)]

[Unequipped tags: Debtor lv1 (Normal), Good Guy lv1 (Normal), Professional Internet Surfer lv1 (Normal), Friend of Elderly Women lv2 (Rare)]

[Possessing characteristics: Deception (Normal), Bravery (Rare)]

[Other ordinary item lottery opportunities *3]

[Synthesis function unlocked]

It is this tag system that uses rewards to lure you into the game.

But now it seems that he has completed the previous special task, and the upper limit of equipment tags has become two.

There are still three lucky draw opportunities, do you want to use them now?

But just when Gao Yi was still immersed in his new harvest, the brief calm situation in the supermarket was suddenly broken.

Near the cashier and the exit, a middle-aged woman was stopped at the door by several people, who seemed to be arguing about something.

Gao Yi's professional intuition as a reporter took effect instantly, so he naturally would not give up the good opportunity to collect information, and quickly approached the center of the whirlpool of the dispute.

"No, my daughter is still at home, I have to go back!"

The middle-aged woman rubbed her hair irritably and shouted excitedly.

She was dressed in loose, homely clothes and wore sunglasses at night. She looked young, but her unmaintained skin had already developed wrinkles.

"Ms. Naiga, you also saw the man who just went out..."

The person who responded to her was the store manager who had asked for credit before, and the name badge read "Store Manager-Yamada".

At this time, his greasy and fat face was sweating, and he was trying to persuade the other party with his back crossed.

"What's more, your husband is still at home, isn't there anything to worry about?"

At this time, another middle-aged office worker who was blocking the door also took a step forward and patiently tried to comfort the middle-aged woman named Naija.

There is actually no basis for saying that this man is a middle-aged office worker. It is purely Gao Yi's guess based on stereotypes.

Wearing a suit while shopping in a chain supermarket late at night, my face was full of exhaustion, as well as a vague sense of world-weariness and reliability.

But the consolation from the office worker was ineffective this time, and Ms. Naiga became even more excited:

"No, you don't understand! My husband...if you let him stay with my daughter, something will happen even more!"

Several people looked at each other, obviously confused, but they still used their bodies to block each other's movements to leave.

Gao Yi turned to look at the door. Outside the glass wall, the entire supermarket was wrapped in thick white fog, and the visible distance was no more than 20 centimeters.

Lights, screens, cashiers, it seems that all the products of human technology only stay in this supermarket.

And further outside, it already belongs to another world.

Just when the middle-aged woman was getting more and more excited and wanted to forcefully rush out of the door.

The entire supermarket floor suddenly shook violently, and the chandelier hanging overhead suddenly began to flicker and sway.

Amid a burst of exclamations, Gao Yi and several customers surrounding the door all saw strange black shadows appearing in the white mist.

They were several times the size of humans and looked blurry. They surrounded the supermarket at extremely fast speeds, but stopped at a certain distance, making it impossible to see clearly.

"The monster...the monster is here again..."

The obese store manager who fell due to the shock climbed up with difficulty and pointed tremblingly outside the glass wall.

The interior of the supermarket, which had just become a little livelier, quickly fell into a deathly silence. Even Ms. Naiga was frightened and did not dare to say anything about leaving.

"It took me a long time... This is a replica of "The Mist"."

Gao Yi took a few steps back and finally understood the situation.

But at this moment, the labeling system in my mind sounded again.

[Special mission has been triggered: Explore everything that happened in the "Huirong" supermarket and find out the truth about the disaster]

[Reward: Random rare characteristic*1, random common label*1, common item lottery chance*2]

[Time limit: twelve hours]

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