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Chapter 180 The Beginning of Miracles

[different 2024/12/31 22:03:23]

"Sister Tang, I am still near Nankang Experimental Middle School and found a mysterious group of players. I suspect they are from other places. Do you have relevant information? Can you introduce them to me?"

[Dream back to the Tang Dynasty 2024/12/31 22:05:31]

"Oh, I had so much fun. If you didn't mention it, I would have almost forgotten about it. Is everything going well for you?"

"If the news is correct, it should be a group of players from Jinghai. The organization is called "Alphabet". It seems that each small leader is named after a letter."

"It's so unfashionable. If I am called Miss Y or Ms. T, I might as well die."

"I don't know how that group of people chose the name of the organization."

[different 2024/12/31 22:06:23]

"Can I know who it is specifically? Do you have more information?"

Gao Yi did not dare to complain about the name of the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society", but just continued to ask questions.

[Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty 2024/12/31 22:08:11]

"It seems to be K. He is quite famous in the north. It was rumored that he led people to conquer a copy of "Scepter 2" before."

"Oh, I don't know him very well. It's better to let Xiaoqian tell you, but he is not very convenient to talk now. This little spell will last for a while..."

"By the way, I found a great store. Next time you want to buy a rope, I recommend you to go and have a look."

Seeing this, Gao Yi really didn't know how to reply.

He took a deep breath and decided not to disturb the nightlife of the two.

Although there is no more progress on the specific situation of the foreign organization.

But at least, we know where this group of people came from.

Gao Yi sent keywords related to "alphabet" and "K" to Athens, asking him to help search.

But if nothing unexpected happens, there shouldn't be much information.

After all, it's not a local organization, nor is it well-known in Nankang, and Gao Yi's sources of information are relatively single.

But since he dared to run such a long distance and compete for the so-called [Wishing Machine] in front of the Investigation Bureau, he must have his own confidence.

Thinking of this, Gao Yi couldn't help but feel a little flustered again.

If it was like Gan Yejia's last experience, he would be pulled into a space for a death fight to decide the final winner.

Then Gao Yi would basically only be beaten in front of this group of old players and the special team of the Investigation Bureau.

In the worst case, he might have to wear a [Scarlet Raven Coat], lie on the ground with his head in his hands and pretend to be dead, praying that he would not be affected by the unknown AOE.

Speaking of which, Gao Yi sent a message to ask Gan Yejia if he had returned home, but he never received a reply, and he didn't know what he was busy with.

This high school student cherishes his life very much, so there is no need to worry about him coming here to commit suicide, so Gao Yi did not think much about it.

After all, there are more serious problems facing him now.

In the face of the so-called "miracle", what should he do, and what can she do?

Should he rob the so-called [Wishing Machine]?

The answer is naturally no, it is too dangerous.

What exactly should be done to "witness the miracle" in the special mission to be considered as witnessing?

Going home to witness on the forum is naturally not possible; running to a safe place a few kilometers away to watch is probably unlikely to be accepted.

According to the content on the black card, you have to "witness the miracle" on the playground of Nankang Experimental Middle School during the New Year's Eve.

But the problem is that the entire school is now completely blocked, surrounded by eyes and guards, and it is almost impossible to enter directly.

Either, use the disguise effect of [Mist Mask] to try to lurk.

Or, wait until the designated time and follow other player groups to charge into the school.

Yes, there are so many players, although more than half of them are here to watch.

But at least a few organizations really want to fight for the so-called [Wishing Machine].

When it is almost twelve o'clock, whether it is a strong attack or the use of some special equipment and features, they will definitely take action.

At that time, Gao Yi can blend in and find opportunities in the chaos.

The specific plan still needs to be planned, but at least now, there is still nearly an hour left, enough for him to think slowly.

The sky is overcast, and there is no moon tonight.

The dull air pressure makes everyone a little breathless.

As time approaches, the atmosphere near Nankang Experimental Middle School has become more and more solemn.

A legendary story like "One Piece", a [Wishing Machine] that can fulfill all wishes, and a "miracle" waiting to be witnessed.

This grand scene that has never appeared in Nankang is about to break out completely on this New Year's Eve.

While people everywhere are waiting for the countdown and cheering for the new year.

But near an ordinary high school, countless people who have entered the extraordinary are waiting for a "miracle".

Gao Yi silently sipped his tea. Fortunately, his boss hadn't left work yet, so he could stay a little longer.

He looked down at his phone. There was only one hour left before the "miracle" happened.

What would happen then?

But just as Gao Yi and all the players present were thinking, a male voice mixed with electricity suddenly appeared in the sky, breaking the deathly silence.

It was like the broadcast heard in the school, but the microphone turned into dark clouds.

"Ahem, everyone, although I said twelve o'clock in the preview, I can't wait to see this exciting scene."

"What a grand celebration, like a large reality show, everyone can participate."

"I know you have been waiting for a long time, and I am also a little impatient at this moment."

"Then let us start tonight's "miracle" in advance!"

Gao Yi tilted his head slightly, and the boss at the door did not respond, probably because he was an "ordinary person".

And looking at the puzzled eyes of several sentries at the school gate, it can be basically judged that this is a speech only for players.

Needless to say, it came from the legendary [Wishing Machine].

Surprisingly, so human?

Wait....... "Everyone can participate, what does it mean?"

The next second, Gao Yi's eyes went dark.

When he opened his eyes again, his body had come to another place.

Or, another area.


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