Rubbing his swollen eyes, Gao Yi recovered from the dizziness.

Getting rid of this annoying discomfort, he began to observe his surroundings quickly.

Outside the window, there is a moonless night sky in the city.

Inside the room, neatly arranged tables and chairs, podiums, whiteboards, and various papers and exercise books filled in the drawers and desks.

Undoubtedly, this is a classroom, and if I guessed correctly, it is a classroom in Nankang Experimental Middle School.

This can be confirmed from the familiar classroom layout and the scene outside the window.

A few seconds ago, I was sitting in the teahouse, but I was teleported here directly?

At this moment, Gao Yi was sitting in a seat in the last row, and in the classroom in front of him, there were nine people sitting scattered.

Although they were all unfamiliar faces, if nothing unexpected happened, they were all players.

Everyone recovered from the dizziness and began to look at each other with vigilance.

Several of them had already stood up and leaned against the wall, while others turned their wrists and pulled out various weapons.

Obviously, all ten people in the room had heard the story of the "miracle" last time.

Worried about the situation this time, they would have to fight again.

Gao Yi was sitting in the last row, so he didn't have to worry about being attacked by the people behind him.

At this moment, he confirmed that the [Lucky Necklace] was worn, and then took out his mobile phone to check the status.

[11:01 pm]

[No signal]

As expected, this place is in the field of the [Wishing Machine].

Just as the room fell into an uneasy silence and the air pressure was getting lower and lower, a sound finally came from the microphone on the ceiling.

But this time, it was not the principal of Nankang Experimental Middle School who spoke.

"Everyone, good evening, welcome to witness the advent of the 'miracle' together."

The voice was very familiar, the male voice mixed with strong electric current that I heard when I was sitting in the teahouse before.

"There are a total of 407 players participating in this program, and the final winner will get an unconditional wish opportunity."

The words of the [Wishing Machine] are similar to what Gan Yejia described in the previous encounter.

If nothing unexpected happens, the way to compete for the winner will be introduced next.

But unexpectedly, the way of competition this time has become much more advanced.

"It is worth celebrating that there are more participants, but it is also a happy trouble. It will take a longer process to decide the winner."

"Everyone is now locked in different classrooms and cannot leave. There are eight to twenty people in each room."

"Most of them are players participating in this competition, but please note that there is a 'pseudo-person' in each room."

"It has enough intelligence and looks completely random. It will try its best to disguise itself as an ordinary player and blend in with you."

Hearing this, everyone in the room began to glance at each other with suspicious eyes.

And the words on the ceiling have not yet ended, and the annoying electric sound continues.

"Every three minutes, everyone can vote. If the person voted is a player, this player is out."

"If the person voted is a 'fake person', the 'fake person' will die, and the remaining players will advance to the next round."

"As for the rules of the next round, please stay tuned!"

After the voice ended, the whiteboard in front of the classroom suddenly opened, and the unplugged monitor suddenly lit up.

Above, the cartoon avatars of the ten players were neatly arranged, and there were corresponding numbers below.

Perhaps because he sat at the end, Gao Yi's number was ten.

And on the right side of the screen, it was also written in detail how to vote.

Just as the screen lit up, a red five-minute countdown appeared on the electronic screen above the classroom for displaying time.

While others were still trying to understand the rules, Gao Yi took out his notebook and began to summarize the known information.

Among the ten players, including himself, there is a "fake person" hidden among them, and he needs to be voted out.

Overall, it is a cooperative type, and the abnormal player needs to be found.

Of course, if we want to eliminate future competitors as much as possible, the best situation is to let as few people as possible advance.

No, why do I want to advance?

There is no need to compete for the wishing opportunity. Maybe it is better to leave early.

Although this space is quite abnormal, the ability to imprison hundreds of players at the same time is beyond imagination.

But Gao Yi can basically confirm that the [Wishing Machine] has no ability to directly harm players.

This is the reason why the [Wishing Machine] was forced by a mysterious person to admit its victory during the "miracle" of No. 18.

The [Wishing Machine] can control this space, but it cannot effectively threaten the players.

Since being eliminated is not too dangerous, the most worthy of vigilance is still the group of players around...

While thinking, several action-oriented people have begun to explore.

And Gao Yi also took the opportunity to give them different nicknames for easy memory.

No. 1 [Bald Man] walked to the door of the classroom and tried to turn the door handle, but failed.

No. 7 [Glass Man] tried to open the window, but also failed.

The conclusion is very obvious. This room is completely closed and cannot be entered or exited at will.

If you have enough strength and suitable equipment, you may be able to try to break the door open directly, but the players present seem unwilling to be the first to do so.

"What is a 'pseudo-man'? Does such a thing really exist? Let's talk. See if anyone can't speak clearly."

No. 8 [Muscle Man] patted the table and spoke impatiently.

It can be seen that he is not good at and doesn't like to use his brain.

"If we can judge it only by words, this game is too simple."

The one who responded to him was No. 2 [Literary Man]. He was leaning against the window and reading a Chinese textbook found on a desk.

"Then what do you say?! Do you know which 'pseudo-man' is?"

[Muscle Man] was very unhappy about being refuted and started patting the table again.

Although this was just angry words, it was indeed not wrong. In the case of extreme lack of information, no one could make a direct judgment.

The room fell into silence again, and Gao Yi began to worry about possible fights.

The rules say that the "pseudo-man" in the vote can be killed, allowing the remaining players to advance.

Then can we kill the other players in the room directly? No matter who the "pseudo-man" is, he will definitely die, and we can achieve the goal of promotion.

No, we can't wait for those people who are good at fighting to figure this out.

Just when Gao Yi was about to speak and control the situation.

On the other side, a female voice attracted everyone's attention first - it was No. 3 [Squinting Woman].

"Everyone, can you listen to me?"

She sat in the front of the classroom, turned around, and raised her right hand slightly:

"Although I don't know who the 'pseudo-man' is, I should be able to rule out some possibilities."


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