No. 3 [Squinting Girl]...Okay, this name sounds a bit strange.

But it is not wrong to blame the blame.

The female player always had a smile on her face, her eyes were narrowed to a slit, and she looked quite friendly, which made people worry about whether she could see the road clearly.

There is nothing special about the clothes. They are just the kind of clothes you would wear for daily work and shopping. It does not look like you have specially chosen clothes to participate in the melee here.

Of course, Gao Yi actually only wore regular clothes that were easy for exercise, and didn't buy a night clothes or anything like that.

Number 3's words attracted everyone's attention. After a moment, she slowly spoke:

"Didn't that broadcast say that the appearance of the 'dummy' was completely random, so it shouldn't be pretending to be a real player."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment and looked specifically at the [Muscular Man] to confirm that everyone was following the train of thought before continuing:

"Then if any of us know each other, we should be able to rule out the suspicion... No. 2 and I have met in the previous dungeon, so we have a close relationship."

[Female with squinting eyes] pointed at [Artistic Man] who was leaning against the window, and the latter shrugged in acquiescence.

This idea is really good, and it also cheers up the atmosphere in the classroom a lot.

"I came here with No. 8, and you can see that his brain is not an 'advanced intelligence'."

Number 1 [Bald Man] pointed at [Muscular Man], causing the latter to curse.

"No. 5, we have met at that gathering before, when we traded items."

The No. 7 [Glasses Man] by the window spoke, and the No. 5 [Long-Legged Woman] on the other side also responded directly:

"Yes, No. 6 was there at that time."

In just ten seconds, three small groups separated in the room to authenticate each other.

Gao Yi also took the opportunity to write down notes in his notebook.

The ones currently confirmed by each other are No. 2 and No. 3; No. 1 and No. 8; and three groups of No. 5, 6 and 7.

In a blink of an eye, only three people, including Gao Yi, were left.

I have to say that this No. 3’s mind works very quickly.

Exclusion through mutual confirmation is undoubtedly a feasible option.

In fact, Gao Yi had already seen the scorpion tattoo on the arm of No. 8 [Muscular Man], and No. 1 had seen it in the photos on the forum.

If nothing else, these two are members of the local player organization "Insects" in Nankang.

If the so-called 'pseudo-person' is really just a random appearance disguised as a normal player as stated in the rules, then there will definitely be no acquaintances.

Under this premise, players who know each other can guarantee each other to eliminate some options.

I have to say that this logic is correct.

As a player who had encountered the dungeon for less than half a month and had not joined various gangs and organizations, Gao Yi naturally suffered a loss in this link.

The ones left behind with him were No. 4 [Scarred Man] and No. 9 [Brown-haired Woman].

The two of them had not spoken since entering the classroom.

It can be seen that he is also somewhat withdrawn or unwilling to communicate with others.

Maybe, the "pseudoman" is really among these two people?

Seeing that the room fell into silence again, [Squinting Woman], who had already obtained some rights to speak, spoke again and asked Gao Yi and the others:

"You three don't know any other players here, do you?"

The [brown-haired woman] did not speak, but shook her head slightly, while the [scarred man] had an impatient look on his face and said "no" mixed with swear words.

No, I'm going to have to resist the push if I keep going like this.

Gao Yi thought for a moment and turned to the smarter looking No. 1 of the "worm" duo [bald man]:

"I really don't know anyone here, but I have seen you 'worm' people in the copy."

"Oh? Who is it?"

[Bald Man] became interested, propped up the table and looked at Gao Yi.

"I don't know his name. He was already dead when I saw him. Anyway, he had a scorpion tattoo on his stomach. He was very short. Judging from the situation at the scene, he seemed to be being chased."

"Damn, isn't this nail-biting? I said that bastard ran away with a lot of debt and died in the dungeon for a long time."

The [Muscular Man] on the other side slapped the table again and cursed.

It can be seen that the nail is not a very popular or important character.

"You know it in such detail, even the location of the tattoo, so you wouldn't have searched his things, right?"

Different from the excitement of [Muscular Man], [Bald Man] seemed much calmer and was still taking the opportunity to test Gao Ding.

"Nonsense, if I see a dead player in the dungeon, can I not search his body? What if there are key clues or props on him? Do I still have to hold a funeral for him?"

Of course, Gao Yi would not show his timidity in such a place.

The other person is obviously not a good person. If you show him how "respectful" and "kind" you are, the reward you receive will definitely not be tolerance and smiles, but only intensified bullying.

Seeing the "worms", the duo stopped asking questions and instead started whispering.

Gao Yi turned his head, looked around the classroom, and spoke slowly:

"Does this make you believe that I'm not a 'fake person'?"

After a moment of silence, No. 3 [Squinting Girl] still replied:

"Sounds very convincing. I believe you, No. 10."

Her smile was very bright, and she seemed to be really happy that Gao Yi had escaped suspicion.

But it’s the characters who hide their emotions and thoughts beneath the surface that are often the scariest.

Is she really an ordinary local player in Nankang, or is she a member of the Investigation Bureau or the so-called "Alphabet"?

"That's great."

But at this time, it was not the time to delve deeper. Gao Yi just nodded slightly and ended the conversation.

Just when everyone was about to fall into silence again, the electronic clock above the classroom finally came to an end.

As the five-minute countdown ended, the bell rang from the ceiling.

The electronic male voice appeared again, laughing and announcing to everyone:

"The first round of voting has begun."

In conjunction with this, the ten cartoon avatars on the electronic screen also began to sparkle, accompanied by childlike music.

"Hey, there's no need to go to such trouble. There are only three of us...let's count them as two suspicious people. Just come one by one. I'll vote for number four!"

[Muscular Man] waved his hand impatiently, obviously not wanting to think more.

The rest of the people responded one after another. Except for Gao Yi and the two suspects, everyone had already voted for No. 4 [Scarred Man].

"I'll go to hell with you..."

It took a while for [Scarred Man] to understand the situation, stood up with a grin, and took out a long knife from his waist.

But before he could take action, his whole body emitted a burst of white light and exploded directly in the classroom. A large number of colorful ribbons floated out of his body and danced in the air.

"Hey, it doesn't matter, just drop one."

"Just wait five more minutes."

"it's okay no problem......."

Seeing this scene, the people who teamed up with each other showed no regrets or regrets at all, they just smiled and encouraged each other.

It's not good. If you keep going like this, it will always be your turn...

Gao Yi shook his head slightly and closed his notebook.

He had to do something.


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