Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 183 Breaking the impasse and fake people (1/2)

In the classroom, the people who had formed a team were happy and had no intention of making any further judgment.

In the eyes of a few of them, being a player with "teammates" is equivalent to sitting in a safe auditorium and enjoying the brutal fighting in the arena.

They have made up their minds to eliminate the "fake people" in the audience and advance to the next round.

No, rather than saying how much they are looking forward to finding the "fake person", it is better to say that they hope to eliminate as many players as possible to prepare for the subsequent competition.

But now, the only ones left struggling in the arena are Gao Yi and No. 9 [Brown-haired Woman].

If the logic is correct, then the "fake person" can only appear among two people who are not acquainted with each other.

Inferring from this, under the premise that Gao Yi knows that he is normal, the "fake person" can only be No. 9.

However, this [brown-haired woman] looked too calm.

Sitting in front of Gao Yi on the left, she had been silently tinkering with a small machine from the beginning, as if measuring something, without paying any attention to the arguments of others.

Even now, she still looks like she is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

To be honest, Gao Yi didn't think she was a "fake person" even if she only relied on intuition.

Unless the [Wishing Machine] is for fun, the "dummy" will definitely be allowed to blend in with other players as much as possible and try its best to defend itself when suspected.

Instead of being like No. 9, who doesn't care whether he is eliminated or not.

But...why doesn't she care? What is the device in his hand?

There are many mysteries again, but these are not what Gao Yi should be concerned about now.

He raised his head slightly and saw that the countdown on the wall only had more than two minutes left.

When the second round of voting comes, the remaining people may decide to vote No. 9 based on what Gao Yi said.

But by then, if the game is not over, the next round will be his turn.

Of course, this shouldn't happen.

According to the existing logic, if No. 9 is not a "fake person", then the "fake person" can only be Gao Yi, the remaining No. 10.

Could it be that Gao Yi was the "fake person" from beginning to end? The memories in his mind at this moment were all fabricated...

This is of course impossible. According to the introduction in the broadcast, the "pseudoman" obviously does not have that ability.

But if the inference process is all correct but the result is wrong, then there can only be a problem with the prerequisites.

There is still one minute left in the countdown, and everyone in the classroom has already started chatting.

Two "bug" people began to recruit new people, and two others were discussing a deal for equipment and medicine.

Gao Yi was not in a hurry, he just took out a draft book from the drawer of the desk in front of him and tore out two pieces of white paper.

Then, he held two black pens in his hands.

After getting ready, he stood up and walked to the front of the classroom.

Several people who were chatting nearby stopped and cast their glances, but none of them tried to stop him. They just watched Gao Yi walk to No. 3 [Squinting Girl].

"I have one more question. To help us find the 'pseudoman' faster, can you do me a favor?"

Gao Yi smiled and placed a piece of white paper and a pen in front of No. 3.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Are you about to be thrown out and have to live here?"

The person who raised the question was the [muscular man]. Although his words were not pleasant, they undoubtedly represented the thoughts of everyone in the room.

Gao Yi did not explain in words. At this moment, he needed to express his views with facts as soon as possible.

In a few seconds, he had walked to the window and placed another pen and paper next to No. 2 [Artistic Man].

Seeing that everyone, including the [brown-haired woman] who had not raised her head much, were paying attention to herself, Gao Yi turned around and slowly asked:

"No. 3 and No. 2, you two met in the same instance, right?"

Gao Yi stood between [Squinting Girl] and [Artistic Man], blocking their possible communication with his body.

"That's right...."

The No. 3 had obviously realized something, but still pretended to be calm and gave an affirmative answer.

"That is to say, you should all know the relevant information and general content of that copy."

Gao Yi smiled and looked around the room, waiting for everyone to catch up with him before he continued:

"Now, please two of you, please write down the type and level of that dungeon on paper, as well as the corresponding main quest... If possible, could you please talk about the general background of the dungeon?"

[Squinting Girl]'s expression became a little stiff for the first time, and she couldn't even maintain her smile.

Although the two questioned players did not speak, the rest of the people present also saw the current situation.

Obviously, these two people have never "entered the same dungeon", and the so-called mutual acquaintance is most likely false.

And Gao Yi was not too obsessed with these two people.

"I think if I pretend to know more than just these two people, it will be less likely to be suspected if I take the initiative to tell you."

His tone was light, and he turned his head to look at the three people No. 5, 6, and 7 who were just discussing the transaction.

Seeing this, No. 5 [Long-legged Girl] spread her hands and admitted freely:

"Okay, I just saw that you all started to form a team, so I just randomly brought someone together. This little brother is very cooperative."

The little brother he was talking about was obviously No. 7 [Man with Glasses]. He pushed his glasses and said calmly:

"Yes, if we didn't form a team quickly, we would be easily voted out... I didn't want to be eliminated."

That's why it's impossible to draw a correct conclusion.

The so-called "seven people can be ruled out" condition is wrong.

The only two people who can really recognize each other at the scene should be No. 1 [Bald Man] and No. 8 [Muscle Man].

This "Bug" duo are indeed acquaintances from the same gang.

Faced with this situation, the [muscle man], who was not very good at thinking, was even more confused:

"So... you don't know each other?"

His finger turned a full circle towards the other people in the classroom, and finally landed on No. 3 [squinting woman]:

"You don't know anyone, and you lied to us that you can find the 'fake person' in this way?"

"I... I think this method can find the 'fake person'..."

Seemingly finally adjusted, [squinting woman] bit her lip, raised her head and continued:

"After all, the 'fake person' should not be smart enough to pretend to know others, so he will definitely be left behind in the end!"

Although this paragraph is purely a forced defense for himself, it cannot be said to be unreasonable.

"So you mean, the 'fake person' is the No. 9? After all, she neither pretended to be a teammate with others, nor did she expose your plan to slap you in the face."

This time, it was No. 6 [dark woman] who answered the question. Indeed, the whole person looked a little dark, with heavy dark circles under her eyes, wrapped her hands with her sleeves, and kept her head down.

However, this opening showed a high level of yin and yang, which made [Squinting-eyed Woman] speechless for a moment.

And just at this moment, the electric male voice came from the microphone on the ceiling again:

"The second round of voting has finally begun, please make your choice!"

Unfortunately, the atmosphere in the classroom was not so relaxed this time.

At this time, No. 3 [Squinting-eyed Woman], who had been dragged down from the audience and fell into the arena, once again tried to gain the right to speak.

She stood up, pointed at No. 9, and repeated her point of view:

"This person has not said a word since he came in, and has not even defended himself. He is obviously the most suspicious one!"

Although this statement is much less credible than before, it is somewhat reasonable. After all, No. 9 [Brown-haired Woman] has always looked like she has nothing to do with it.

Even now, when she was once again pointed at and questioned, she was still silently fiddling with her instrument in her seat.

"Well... sister, why do I feel that you are the most suspicious now? After all, you were the one who lied to us in the first place."

And the [Bald Man] touched his bald head and said hesitantly.

Obviously, as the only two people without suspicion, he was quite relaxed at the moment.

And this also caused everyone to nod.

It was time to vote, but the scene fell into anxiety again.

Several people did not dare to start voting casually, nor did they know who to vote for.

At this time, [Man with Glasses] turned his head and looked at Gao Yi, asking the opinion of this "game breaker":

"Brother, who do you think it is?"

But when he looked over, No. 10, who pointed out the scam of [Squinting Woman], took out a huge rectangular...object from somewhere?

That weird thing might be a piece of equipment, but no one present understood what it was used for.

And No. 10 was checking the equipment at the moment, seemingly looking for a way to use it.

Finally found a comfortable angle of Gao Yi, did not answer the question of [Man with Glasses], but just relaxed his shoulders on the spot.

The next second, before everyone reacted, he had dispersed [Super Want Your Life 3,000].

With the blessing of the [Weapon Master] feature, he skillfully wielded the weapon, half-turned his body, and used one of the scimitar-shaped blades to draw a cold light, chopping off the head of the person behind him:

"No need to go through so much trouble."

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, the [Literary Man] who was leaning against the window reading a Chinese textbook had his neck chopped off.

His head maintained a calm expression, but it slowly slid from his neck and fell on the floor of the classroom, and even bounced a few times.

And from his broken neck, no human blood flowed out, instead, a large number of black twisted tentacles intertwined with each other, as if wailing in pain.

The tentacles slowly fell, becoming increasingly powerless.

Not long after, the entire body of the [Literary Man] turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared.

Later, everyone present realized that this No. 10 had just killed the "fake person" among them.

On the screen in front of the classroom, the words [Game Over] were written in fancy fonts, and a cheerful nursery rhyme sounded from the microphone at the right time.

A big red cross was drawn on the gray cartoon avatar of No. 2, and the words "pseudo-human" were written below, indicating his identity.

"Congratulations, everyone, the game is over, and the remaining players can advance. Now please go to the playground and wait for a while!"

Just as the voice fell, the locked classroom door opened with a bang, showing the corridor in front of everyone.

Obviously, this "pseudo-human game" has been declared over.

While everyone turned their eyes to the hero of all this, Gao Yi frowned and was embarrassedly packing up [Super Want Your Life 3,000].

When this thing is unfolded, there are more than a dozen blades underneath, all hanging there now.

Gao Yi tried for a long time but couldn't put it away. [Weapon Master] seemed to only use it, not put it away.

Seeing this scene, and considering his quick action of beheading, the other players were very tactful and didn't talk to him anymore, and left the classroom.

They were more or less curious about how Gao Yi confirmed who the "fake person" was.

But unfortunately, they would never know the answer.

Because Gao Yi's solution involves his secret - the tag system.

The [Ruthless] tag he just upgraded today has such an ability.

[Manchester by the Sea: Can sense individuals with large fluctuations in emotions within a certain range around him]

Gao Yi only needs to wear this tag and tell the shocking truth when he is sure that everyone is paying attention to him.

In this game, it is to expose the "team" lies of several people.

Next, just feel who in the room has no emotional fluctuations.

Obviously, as a "fake person", [Art Man] was pulled out by Gao Yi.

But objectively speaking, even without this tagging ability, Gao Yi can confirm most of it by observing the details.

The various actions of No. 2, the inexplicable idea of ​​reading the Chinese textbook, and the behavior of closing the curtains when approaching the window all made Gao Yi suspicious.

In fact, he can use the [Truth Doll] to quickly confirm, but considering that there is only one problem left in the durability, it is better not to waste it here.

In the end, Gao Yi still confirmed it and took out [Super Want Your Life 3,000] to defeat the enemy in one move.

Rationally, he can completely eliminate a few more people through voting, and then end the game in this way, which should maximize the benefits.

If he is more wicked, he can also ask for game coins from the two players when they are tangling with each other, in exchange for his votes..........

But Gao Yi finally decided to take action directly and leave the room faster, so that he would have more time to explore.

At this moment, he deliberately stayed and did not leave directly, and there was a reason.

In the classroom, the [Brown-haired Woman] who had not spoken all the time was still looking at the strange instrument in her hand.

This woman who looked out of place obviously had a big secret.

Seeing this, Gao Yi, who had put away his belongings, walked up to her and took the initiative to strike up a conversation:

“Um…” He first attracted her attention, then showed a kind smile that was enhanced by [Enthusiastic Citizen]:

“If I’m not mistaken, you are also from the Investigation Bureau, right?”


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