Since Gao Yi became a reporter, he gradually began to realize that how to get needed information from others is a profound knowledge.

Most people in this world have such an invisible line of defense that guards their inner secrets.

If you want to know their secrets, you need to overcome that psychological defense first.

Interrogation, questioning and even execution are naturally the most direct methods, but they are not common methods.

In most cases, a lot of information can be easily obtained by making the other party feel that the person in front of them is "trustworthy".

Therefore, Gao Yi chose to start with identity and try to gain the other party's sense of identity.

"If I guess correctly, you are also from the Investigation Bureau, right?"

Hearing this question, [Brown-haired Woman] finally raised her head, turned her attention away from the small instrument, and looked at Gao Yi:

"do we know each other?"

"No, I don't know him." Gao Yi answered quite directly, "But I feel that we can get to know each other. I am actually a member of the Investigation Bureau."

" do you know I'm from the Bureau of Investigation?"

[Brown-haired woman] looked around Gao Yi up and down and asked questions.

"Temperament, that professional temperament is obviously exclusive to members of the Investigation Bureau."

Gao Yi patted his chest as if to say, "Me too."

Of course, this is a complete lie.

Not to mention the members of the Investigation Bureau, there don't seem to be many professionals.

How can a person show any "professional temperament" when he is sitting there and not talking.

To put it bluntly, in the situation just now, he didn't say a word, he didn't pursue promotion at all, and he didn't look very "professional".

What makes Gao Yi make a judgment is actually his judgment of the overall situation in the early stage.

There are only so many players in place near Nankang Experimental Middle School, and there are only a few organizations.

After seeing this [brown-haired woman] enter the classroom, her behavior of trying to contact other people on her mobile phone confirmed that she did not come alone.

The only uncertainty is whether she is from the Investigation Bureau headquarters or the "Alphabet" organization in Jinghai City.

In fact, there is a lot of corresponding evidence, such as the high-tech instruments in his hands, the performance of not being obsessed with promotion, and the rather professional clothes.

But what made Gao Yi completely confirmed was that he in the back row saw the screen of the other party's mobile phone.

Group A, Group B above, and a contact named Captain Ouyang are the most direct evidence.

Seemingly believing Gao Yi's words, [Brown-haired Woman] glanced at the strange instrument again, raised her head again and asked:

"Are you a member of the local investigation bureau in Nankang? I remember you were assigned to the outside. How can this [wishing machine] cover such a large area?"

"It should be bigger than expected..."

Gao Yi did not correct the other party and said that he was an external mercenary on a commission.

At the same time, he also turned to the corridor on the other side, interrupting the other party's possible follow-up question:

"How about we go to the playground first?"


Walking into the corridor of the teaching building, Gao Yi realized that the same game was being played in every classroom.

Gao Yi and his room seemed to be one of the fastest groups to complete.

Think about it, under normal circumstances, if you want to identify "fake people", you have to vote for four or five rounds to have enough time to ask questions and check.

It was only through extraordinary performance that he directly killed the target in the second round of voting that the game ended early.

The night sky is not very clear tonight, and the moon refuses to show its face.

In the dim corridor with no lights on, fierce quarrels and screams erupted from every classroom passing by.

Interspersed with this, there were the sounds of weapons being exchanged, as well as screams and pleas for mercy.

It can be seen that this extremely troublesome "pseudo-human" game has stumped many people.

And these players who did not have enough discernment began to pursue a simpler solution to the problem-killing the suspicious people in the room.

The more people who think this way, the more intense the conflict becomes, and death becomes inevitable.

In this symphony full of suspicion and killing, Gao Yi looked to the side, Ye Lin, who was still operating the weird machine.

Yes, on the way here, Gao Yi exchanged names with the other party and learned the real name of this [brown-haired woman] and the fact that her family lived in Jinghai City.

"By the way, what is this machine in your hand used for?"

After thinking for a while, Gao Yi decided to ask directly. After all, with his mechanical knowledge and related qualities, it was impossible to guess.

The instrument in Ye Lin's hand looked like a personal thermometer at first glance, but the screen above it was much larger, with all kinds of incomprehensible lines and charts floating on it.

There is always a green percentage value in the center of the screen, but I still don't know what it means.

This member of the Investigation Bureau from Jinghai City seemed to have been using this thing to detect something, and he did not stop when he entered the corridor.

Hearing Gao Yi's question, she paused slightly and seemed to hesitate, but still gave the answer:

"This is a Kant counter. Your Nankang branch should also be equipped with it."

"Maybe my level is not high enough."

Gao Yi spread his hands slightly, remembered this strange name in his mind, struck while the iron was hot, and then asked:

"What is it used for? Is it to measure the philosophical thinking ability of nearby players?"

Being silly at the right time can sometimes lead others better and stimulate their desire for expression.

Hearing Gao Yi's outrageous question, Ye Lin was obviously speechless, and her vision rarely moved away from the "Kant Counter":

"The Nankang branch's on-the-job training is too poor... Forget it, this is used to measure the local Hume index and monitor in real time..."

The professional team member from the Investigation Bureau headquarters began to talk about professional terms, and seemed to suddenly realize that the person in front of him could not understand.

After a pause, he explained it again in plain language:

"In simple terms, it is to check whether the area you are in belongs to reality and whether the space is distorted."

"I see..." Gao Yi nodded, but he didn't really understand, but he was very good at pretending to understand:

"So is the space we are in reality?"

And this question seems to have really asked something key.

Ye Lin on the other side frowned, and with her right hand she tucked the brown hair behind her ear, seeming a little upset:

"That's the problem, this space is very strange, it's clearly separated from the real world, but the counter keeps telling me that the reality here is very stable."

"That's a bit strange indeed..."

Gao Yi didn't understand at all, but he was already regretting not taking the [Cache Gold Bar] before coming here, otherwise he would have changed to the [D-level personnel] feature, and it would not have been so troublesome.


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