To be honest, Gao Yi's conversation was not very successful.

Mainly because he didn't understand the professional terminology spoken by the other party at all.

I don’t know what “Kant Counter” or “Hume Index” is, but I thought it was a conference of philosophers.

All attempts to probe for information from the Bureau of Investigation headquarters failed. This Ye Lin was indeed very tight-lipped and could hardly answer more than ten words. She was obviously a professional.

This is a bit of a headache...

The two of them walked all the way down, walking a little slowly because Ye Lin kept looking at the "Kant Counter" in her hand.

But at this moment, we have already reached the first floor, a few hundred meters away from the playground.

What to do? The remaining time is only one round of conversation. How can we pry out more information...

Gao Yi's brain quickly reversed and began to recall the various information displayed by Ye Lin.

She couldn't understand the machine at all; she didn't want to talk about the special team at the Bureau of Investigation headquarters at all; clothes and cosmetics? Not only do I not understand it, but it also makes no sense...


Gao Yi suddenly had an idea. During the "Puppet Game", he was sitting in the last row and saw Ye Lin's mobile phone screen.

On the chat software at that time, there was a contact named "Captain Ouyang", who seemed to be particularly concerned about the status?

In the absence of signal, she specifically clicked on the "Captain Ouyang" homepage to take a look.

Anyway, give it a try.

Pretending to be casual, Gao Yi rubbed his shoulders and said as if he had something in mind:

"By the way, does the special team at the headquarters also have members and a captain? Are you the captain?"

Hearing this, Ye Lin on the side seemed to suddenly become more energetic, and she didn't even look at the machine in her hand:

"I'm just an ordinary player, not as good as our captain."

"Is that so...your captain is very powerful? It sounds like you admire him very much."

Gao Yi, who felt that he had grasped the key, took a step further and followed the other party's words and asked.

"Awesome...but not bad. Mainly because he is very handsome and has a good figure. Every time he meets outsiders, he looks like he is in control. But if the plan fails, he will be awkward in the office alone. ..."

No, it’s not critical information at all! Who wants to know what your captain looks like? !

Gao Yi's smile was a little stiff, but he still tried to change the topic on the right track:

"That's really good... Is he also a player? What level is he?"

But on the other side, Ye Lin, who has brown hair, has obviously entered a certain state and can't stop talking:

"The earrings are actually quite handsome, and the smoking look is also very handsome. Although it is not good for the body, it is offset by his daily exercise. Even though he has a bad habit of throwing cigarette butts around, he will pick them up and throw them away after criticizing him. Into the trash can…”

"That's good...but whose decision was it to let him lead the team? The top brass of the Investigation Bureau?" Gao Yi resisted.

"Last time when I went to Jiujiang to complete my mission, I was very handsome when I rescued a pair of twin girls. I was also very handsome when I came back and kept saying thank you. I was also very handsome when the band performed, but it was a pity that he was a bass player... ..."

Gao Yi had never regretted starting a topic so much.

The good news is that he did succeed in getting the reticent Ye Lin to open up.

The bad news is that the information obtained is completely useless.

I have to say, at least I know that "Captain Ouyang" is really handsome.

A minute ago, Gao Yi was still regretting that the playground was too close and he didn't have enough time to inquire for information.

Now, he was already complaining in his mind that the playground was too far away to let this conversation end.

"The blond hair is actually quite handsome, but he was a bit greedy and found a cheap shop, and he refused to let me dye it for him. The dyeing effect in the shop was not good, but he is really handsome with long hair, and the bun is also very handsome, and the hair is tied. He looks very handsome..."

God, please punish me if I have made any mistakes. Don't let me suffer these...

Gao Yi raised his head slightly and looked at the still moonless night sky, digesting the damage to his ears and soul.

Just a few hundred meters along the path, Gao Yi had already heard Ye Lin next to him praising the captain, whom he had never met, as "handsome" nearly a hundred times.

And it doesn’t just mean handsome, it even adds a different prefix every time it says handsome.

In the first few interviews, Gao Yi would try to ask for further information, but as the other party became more and more "handsome", he gave up.

Gao Yi even suspected that this was a method specially trained by the other party to counter other people's inquisition of intelligence.

But Ye Lin's eyes looked quite serious. At least she really thought that Captain Ouyang was so handsome.

When they were talking about the 200th handsome man, the two finally arrived at the outside of the playground of Nankang Experimental Middle School.

Standing on the high platform on one side and looking out, there were about twenty people standing scattered on the huge playground. It seemed that they were all players who had finished the "Puppet Game".

At this moment, they have been divided into several different small groups and are communicating in low voices.

At least I saw the "Bug" group that [Bald Man] and [Muscular Man] belonged to, gathering around a pile of construction equipment and communicating with each other.

There are also several people who look very professional, and no doubt they are people sent by the Investigation Bureau headquarters.

Among them, Gao Yi saw a young man with yellow hair in a bun, standing in the middle and saying something.

Ah, is this Captain Ouyang who Ye Lin calls so handsome?

To be honest, his appearance is above average, but he is not that handsome...

Captain Ouyang seemed to have seen the newcomer with his peripheral vision, and waved his left hand, shouting loudly:

"Lin, I'm here!"

Ah, it seems that this Ye Lin is quite important?

Gao Yi was just thinking in his heart, and the yellow-haired young man shouted the second half of the sentence:

"Is the lighter still there? I can't hold it anymore!"

Well, from a certain perspective, it is indeed very important.

Seeing the other party's call, Ye Lin, who had been shouting handsome, returned to his previous cold state and turned to Gao Yi:

"Let's go together, after all, he is also a member of the Investigation Bureau."

"I'll forget it for now, and I won't affect your team. It's not convenient to have an outsider like me here."

Gao Yi showed a sincere smile and couldn't wait to send the other party away.

Ye Lin just nodded, flicked her hair, and walked towards Captain Ouyang who was calling for a lighter.

Through the hearing bonus provided by [Armchair Detective], Gao Yi can also hear some words like "Didn't we agree to smoke no more than three cigarettes a day?"

All I can say is that the world is big, and we should learn to tolerate different ways of getting along........

What makes Gao Yi feel even more wrong is that there seems to be someone missing on the playground.

Where did the people from "Alphabet" go?


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