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Chapter 186: Talisman Spirit Exorcises Ghosts

From the moment he could see the playground, Gao Yi was thinking about where the "alphabet" people were.

This player organization from Jinghai occupied a high-rise building near Nankang Experimental Middle School very early, gathering and waiting in it.

Judging from the distance, they would definitely be pulled into this space.

But at this moment, there were no obvious strangers in the small group gathered on the playground.

Could it be that the information was wrong, or that the "alphabet" people failed to advance from the "pseudo-human game"?

Neither was likely.

On the one hand, the source of the news was "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty", and there was no reason to lie to himself from all angles.

Even if the information was wrong, it was an established fact that such a group of mysterious players existed.

On the other hand, the average level of this group of players from other places was definitely stronger than that of Nankang players.

Even if there were some obstacles, it would not be impossible to gather several players to advance.

Compared with the fact that all the "alphabet" people were eliminated, the greater probability was...

They deliberately mixed in with ordinary players and did not want to expose their identities?

Maybe he wanted to avoid the eyes of the Bureau of Investigation, or was he implementing some kind of plan?

In fact, maybe there was someone from the "alphabet" in the game he just played, but he just didn't expose himself.

In any case, he needed to be vigilant.

Gao Yi stood alone at a corner of the fence, observing the crowd on the playground and the newly promoted players.

Although Gao Yi himself would explain that "beasts always walk alone", he did look a little lonely among those groups of players.

To be honest, he really expected to meet some acquaintances, such as whether Officer Wang Wuzhou would be sent here for duty, or whether Tan Zhi might come in person.

But unfortunately, Gao Yi didn't wait for an acquaintance in the end.

Most of the people who came to the playground first looked relaxed, and there were not many signs of fighting on their bodies.

But when time dragged on to the end, the players who came to the playground were basically covered in blood and had hideous eyes.

It can be seen that after a certain number of rounds without casting a "fake person", it is unlikely that the classroom will maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

I don't know if it's the change brought by the increase in evolution rate, Gao Yi's memory has also improved significantly.

Although it's impossible to remember the faces of every player present, at least they can leave a certain impression.

The next time you see someone, you can recognize him and recall his state on the playground.

Looking to the other side of the playground fence, it is outside the school. Obviously, it is also blocked by some kind of transparent hard wall, cutting off the idea of ​​players leaving directly.

The thick dark clouds seem to loosen a little, making people look forward to the arrival of the moon tonight.

The breeze blew across the silent land, taking away some blood in the air.

After waiting on the playground for more than half an hour, the teaching building finally fell into complete silence, and the last player walked into the playground covered in blood.

At this time, the microphone on the rostrum once again rang the male voice full of electric sound.

"Good evening, everyone! Congratulations on advancing to the next round of the game. You are all one step closer to an unconditional wishing opportunity! Cheer!!"

As expected, the players in the audience had no interest in "cheer" at all, and just looked at the stage rather coldly.

However, the electric male voice on the rostrum was not affected, and continued his speech:

"The total number of players who advanced in the end is 51! It's really unexpected!!"

So few.

This was Gao Yi's first reaction.

Although he had roughly counted the total number of players on the playground, he was still surprised when he heard the words of the [Wishing Machine].

At the beginning, this [Wishing Machine] had said that the total number of players was 407.

And each classroom has eight to twenty people, and even the existence of dummies must be considered.

In other words, there will be more than 30 "pseudo-human games" starting at the same time.

In the end, only 51 people successfully advanced?

On average, only one or two people can leave each room.

You know, eight people came out of Gao Yi's classroom at once.

Excluding this outlier, there should be quite a few classrooms that were wiped out.

Perhaps the sneak attack to kill the "pseudo-human" avoided some crises, or there would be additional situations when the number of people decreased?

Like Gao Yi, the players present began to whisper, and many people were a little surprised by this result.

But in any case, fewer competitors are a good thing, and no one will specifically object, just quietly listening to what the [Wishing Machine] can say.

"And now, we will start the second round of the game! I named it, [Talisman Spirit Exorcist]!"

"The rules are very simple. After half an hour of countdown, the evil ghost will appear on the campus and kill all the unprotected players."

"You will definitely ask, how can we get protection?"

"It's very simple. After the game starts, a talisman paper will appear on the bodies of ten of you players. At the end of the game, the player holding the talisman paper will be protected."

"But other players don't have to worry. You just need to touch the player holding the talisman paper to snatch the 'protection'."

"In addition to these basic contents, each empty classroom can also be used for exploration. There may be exciting random events and extra rewards!"

This electronic male voice sounded quite excited, and seemed to be very satisfied with his game.

Although many other players seemed to be thinking seriously, Gao Yi had already started to complain in his heart.

After all this fuss, isn't it just a "catch the tail" game, grab the tail behind other players and drag it out until the time is up.

As for the random events, it is probably nothing special.

This [wishing machine] has the means to teleport so many people in one breath and the ability to create a confined space, why are the games designed so simple?

Of course, it may also be that Gao Yi has more experience in this area.

At least the dozen people at the "bug" are in a dilemma, and the [muscle man] obviously doesn't understand the rules, and the people next to him are explaining it to him.

When the players in the playground understood the situation, the electronic male voice of the Wishing Machine sounded again from the podium:

"The scope of this "Talisman Spirit Exorcism" game is limited. The first, second, third teaching buildings, the cafeteria, and the playground are open to anyone. The two floors below the administrative building and the half staircase in the back mountain are also within the scope."

"Whether you understand the rules or not, the game... starts now!"

Amid the laughter of the Wishing Machine, everyone suddenly found that the big clock on the wall of the teaching building was emitting red light, the hour hand and the second hand returned to zero, and the minute hand pointed to the "6" directly below.

Obviously, the half-hour countdown has begun.

At this time, a yellow-brown talisman appeared on the chests of the ten players in the playground, representing some kind of "protection".

Not only that, these ten players also emitted bursts of yellow light, obviously worried that other players would not find it.

Of course, with Gao Yi's luck value, this kind of thing will naturally not fall on him.

Among the ten people selected, several lone wolves have begun to run towards the teaching building.

On the other hand, the "protected" in several organizations and gangs were protected in the middle and did not rush to act.

Just when Gao Yi thought that another game was about to start in such a calm manner.

There was a new move on the part of the Investigation Bureau.


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