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Chapter 187 Investigation Bureau Separation

The first thing Gao Yi noticed was Captain Ouyang, whom Ye Lin kept saying was "so handsome". A talisman also appeared on his body.

Strangely, the investigation bureau team did not react much. They were still at the guardrail at the edge of the playground, minding their own business assembling some machine.

Captain Ouyang was standing nearby, smoking a cigarette, and seemed to be directing the supervisor.

It is worth mentioning that he seemed to be holding a cigarette but not lighting it.

It can be seen that Ye Lin did not order this for him in the end.

Other players on the playground have scattered, either hunting down the lone wolf with the talisman or starting to explore the empty classrooms in an attempt to trigger "random events."

Although the dozen or so members of the Investigation Bureau on the playground were abrupt, no one dared to trouble them.

On the one hand, most people can see that their skills are not low, and the tools in their hands are also very professional.

On the other hand, they do have a lot of people.

Under this premise, the players on the playground have already left, and no one has bothered this special team of the Investigation Bureau.

Of course, not everyone dares to contact them.

Seeing that the playground was gradually becoming empty, Gao Yi walked slowly to Captain Ouyang.

The other party obviously noticed someone approaching, but did not say anything to stop him. He just let Gao Yi come to his side easily.

But before Gao Yi could speak, Ouyang suddenly turned his head and asked in a low voice:

"Is there a fire, bro?"

He really wanted to smoke.

It's a pity that Gao Yi's [Endless Lighter] has long since disappeared. As a non-smoker, he really doesn't have the habit of carrying a lighter with him.

After spreading his hands, Captain Ouyang sighed deeply, took off the unlit cigarette and put it in his ear.

After completing this set of actions, he casually took off the talisman from his chest and handed it to Gao Yi:

"Do you want this?" Seeing that Gao Yi had no reaction, he shook it and added:

"There's no conspiracy, it's just that I simply don't have any use for it."

Although the other party said so, Gao Yi knew that things were not that simple.

After thinking for a moment, he raised his hand to express his refusal:

"Give it to someone else so I don't need it."

Captain Ouyang, who was rejected, was not annoyed at all. He shook his head and put the talisman back on his body:

"Don't regret it. This thing might disappear as soon as I leave."

"You want to"

Gao Yi frowned slightly, somewhat confused.

Following the other party's line of sight, the work of the dozen or so members of the Investigation Bureau was almost completed.

They worked together and assembled a large, complex machine under the command of Ye Lin.

Its overall shape is a bit like a battering ram with wheels underneath?

The general structure is a huge cuboid on eight wheels, and the head is a rotating triangular pyramid that slowly emits blue light.

On the ground around this machine, several rivets with a very technological look were inserted, and the light curtain emitted enveloped the "battery ram".

Gao Yi failed to ask questions such as "What is this used for?" Captain Ouyang had already stepped forward and bumped Ye Lin's arm:

"Not bad. It's only been equipped for a little over a week, but I'm actually so proficient in assembling it."

The brown-haired female team member on the other side just took a step across to the other side, distanced herself, and said calmly:

"It would be faster if you, captain, come to help instead of standing and watching."

"That's okay. I'm the captain. If we work there, others will look down on our team... just to get angry."

"No, you've already smoked three."

Gao Yi stood a few steps away, silently watching this scene with the other members of the Investigation Bureau.

The current relationship between these two people is completely inconsistent with Ye Lin's previous talk of "so handsome".

But the rest of their team looked like they were used to it, indicating that this scene was not staged for them.

Forget it, it’s not a big deal. Today at noon, I also met a pair of men and women who had a strange way of getting along...

The question now is, what is their machine used for?

While Gao Yi was thinking, the "battery ram" was successfully moved under the control of several members of the Investigation Bureau.

As the wheels of the "battery ram" slowly rotated, Gao Yi could feel that an unknown energy began to accumulate power inside it.

Several rivets began to vibrate, as if they were suppressing some force.

And the triangular pyramid in front of the "battering ram" began to rotate from slow to fast.

My eyes followed the rotating triangular pyramid closely, and I saw a sharp blue light suddenly emitting from its tip, pointing directly at the transparent wall outside the playground guardrail.

The moment the beam of light came into contact with the wall, there was a slight buzzing sound in the air, as if materials from two different worlds were intertwining.

"Bang!" There was a soft sound, and a circular opening appeared in the wall, with blue arcs flashing around the edge, like a portal that can only be seen in science fiction movies.

Everything calmed down, and several members of the Investigation Bureau began to recover the high-tech rivets and "battery rams" on the ground.

Captain Ouyang turned around and showed an unknown smile to Gao Yi: "Want to go together?"

Having just recovered from the shocking scene just now, Gao Yi did not answer the question directly, but asked:

"Aren't you here to find the [Wishing Machine]? Are you leaving now?"

The rest of the investigation bureau members had packed up their things and left through the gap, leaving only Captain Ouyang and Ye Lin.

The yellow-haired captain with a bun pointed at his eyes and said something meaningless:

"It's okay, I 'saw' it, there's no need to collect this so-called [wishing machine]."

After a pause, he raised his right arm and put it on Ye Lin's shoulder, revealing a rather evil smile:

"Besides, we still have to go eat hot pot. Do you have any recommendations?"

On the other side, Ye Lin, who was hugged by him, was not polite at all. She slapped the back of his hand, and Captain Ouyang's action was reversed.

"If you want to find a shop that sells ropes, I do have a recommendation..."

Gao Yi lowered his head and sighed, his tone a little weird.



Waving his hands, Gao Yi suppressed his complaints and continued:

"So, the [Wishing Machine] thing is fake? It doesn't exist at all? Then what about this space and this game?"

"I didn't say that the [Wishing Machine] doesn't exist..." At this time, Ouyang had already helped Ye Lin through the portal in a gentlemanly manner, and then turned around and said:

"Lin said you are very smart, I think you can find it out, but if you expect to use that wish to revive your dead family or make up for past mistakes, you'd better give up this idea as soon as possible."

Leaving Gao Yi with a meaningful look and a piece of inexplicable words, Captain Ouyang disappeared with the portal.

But when he approached the area outside the fence, he couldn't see his back.

"Does this person's eyes have any characteristics or equipment bonuses..."

Gao Yi pulled himself out of the extremely unpleasant "feeling of being watched" and slowly concluded.

Now that he thought about it, he had felt the same gaze when he escaped from Nankang Experimental Middle School using the [Mist Mask] earlier.

"He likes riddles and can see through other people's secrets. He is the most troublesome type......."

Just as Gao Yi was talking to himself and thinking about his next move, a familiar female voice came from behind him:

"No. 10, are you here alone to enjoy the night view?"


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