Turning around following the voice, the person who came was indeed an acquaintance.

Standing behind is the No. 3 [Squinting Woman] who tried to control the situation in the "Puppet Game" but was finally exposed by Gao Yi.

Gao Yi had noticed before that she was one of the few players who did not leave the playground.

Unexpectedly, he came over to chat at this point.

"Is there a problem?"

Looking down at the other party, Gao Yi didn't respond too fiercely, but just asked very calmly.

"That's too much. After all, we are all comrades who fought together in the last game. There is no need to be so ruthless."

This [Squinted Eyes Girl] still maintained her bright smile, and her narrowed eyes looked harmless.

"How do I remember the story of the last game? You pretended to be acquaintances with the 'dummy' and wanted to kill other players, including me?"

Of course, Gao Yi doesn't like this.

Make no mistake, putting on an amiable expression, using inducing words to get closer to the target, and ultimately extracting key information are his expertise.

This [squinted-eyed woman] is basically making "high-class talk"...what a strange statement.

In any case, Gao Yi is extremely wary of these beings who like to show off their faces with some kind of obvious disguise and always look non-threatening.

This [Squinting Woman] and the previous Captain Ouyang can be said to be such people.

Underneath the disguise, there is no telling how deep the intentions are.

Of course, Gao Yi doesn't seem qualified to criticize others in this regard.

On the other side, [Squinting Girl], who was pointed out that she had cooperated with the "dummy", looked a little embarrassed. She touched the end of her hair beside her ear with some embarrassment, lowered her head and defended:

"I really didn't know at the time. Who would have thought that the 'fake man' could be so smart and take the initiative to find people to cooperate..."

This somewhat surprised Gao Yi. Was it actually the "fake person" who proposed to pretend to know him?

It seemed that the previous game was more difficult than I thought, which partly explained why so many players were eliminated.

Seeing Gao Yi start to think about something again, the [squinting woman] came back from her guilty state and spoke again with a smile:

"My name is Tao Xuanyu, what do you call me?"

"My name is 'I'm in a bad mood today. I'm caught up in an inexplicable game and I don't really want to share my name with a suspicious stranger.'"

Gao Yi made a huge quotation mark with both hands and did not relax, remaining wary of the woman who called herself Tao Xuanyu.

"Then I'll call you Number Ten."

Beside him, Tao Xuanyu was not angry and still maintained his smile.

It seems that except for the time when she was exposed by Gao Yi in "The Puppet Game", she has not experienced many emotional changes.

He raised his head and glanced at the big clock on the wall of the teaching building. The time limit for this "Fu Ling to ward off ghosts" game was still twenty minutes.

In the direction of the cafeteria, Gao Yi had already heard the sound of fighting and screaming for quite a while.

It seems that several people caught a player carrying a charm and took it away.

After that, the snatchers seemed not to let go of the lone player.

This is actually not difficult to understand. In this "grab the tail" game, there are no rules like "the person being robbed cannot directly counter-rob".

How to prevent the player who had his tail taken away from holding a grudge, take the opportunity to retaliate, and get the tail back at the last moment?

The simplest way is to kill him to avoid future troubles.

This is cruel and realistic.

Although it is not in a dungeon, there is no way to obtain equipment and characteristics by killing players.

But having one less competitor is always a good thing.

Starting from the playground, the atmosphere of the entire space has quietly changed.

When they first entered this space and participated in the so-called "Puppet Game", most players didn't take it too seriously.

But after experiencing a rather brutal game and advancing to the second round.

An idea about "Maybe I can be the last person to successfully make a wish" appears in everyone's mind.

Correspondingly, violence and fighting have become more intense.

Under this situation, the entire Nankang Experimental Middle School fell into a passion that was close to madness.

If in reality, we still have to consider the consequences of killing, then in this field, players show the most primitive animality.

And these beasts with extraordinary strength also have sharper fangs and claws, and the violence they create becomes more and more bloody.

Looking at a certain player who was wailing and free-falling from the rooftop of the Second Sect, Gao Yi asked Tao Xuanyu next to him casually:

"You don't seem to be from Nankang?"

"Hey, I'm actually from Nankang, I just study in the north."

Seeing that "No. 10" who had always been quite cold beside him was willing to take the initiative to open up the topic, Tao Xuanyu seemed very happy:

"Then are you a native of Nankang?"

"Yes, it's just that since I was a child, no one around me spoke dialect, so I was used to speaking Mandarin, which made others not believe that I was from Nankang."

Gao Yi still cast his gaze on the street outside the fence. The usually busy road next to Nankang Experimental Middle School was not driven by a single car at the moment.

"Haha, it looks a lot like me. My parents are both from the north, so I can only speak the northern dialect."

Tao Xuanyu, whom Gao Yi remembered as "Squinting Eyes Girl", covered her mouth and laughed a few times, and then flipped her hair on the side of Gao Yi's side. Inadvertently, her shoulders were obviously much closer:

"Don't be so cold, No. 10. I feel like we are destined to be together. We might become good friends if we get to know each other better."

"My last good friend owed me hundreds of thousands and ran away. I haven't found his whereabouts yet."

Gao Yi did not respond to the other party's obvious closeness, nor did he deliberately distance himself. He still answered coldly.

"Oh, that's a bit pitiful, but we know each other better, don't we?"

She moved closer, raised her head to look at Gao Yi's profile, and spoke again:

"Why don't you ask me about my situation, and I will definitely answer!"

The evening breeze blew, leaving the playground silent for a few seconds.

"Okay... I do have something to ask you."

After hearing a series of words from the other party, Gao Yi finally turned around and looked at Tao Xuanyu beside him:

"It's December now, and it's not a holiday. Since you are studying in the north, why did you return to Nankang at this time, and just break through the guards of so many people nearby and enter the field of this [Wishing Machine]?"

The night sky above was still gloomy.

Not to mention the moon, there were not even a few stars, as if they were deliberately avoiding the slightest light on the playground.

At some point, Gao Yi had already held the [Gentleman's Cane] in his hand, keeping the distance within the most comfortable combat range, staring at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, and said word by word:

"What is your relationship with the 'alphabet'? Where is that K?"


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