Gao Yi is a person who is very good at observing words and emotions.

Looking back now, I don't know whether it was developed during my childhood in the orphanage or after becoming a reporter.

In any case, he can easily grasp the subtle changes in the demeanor and body movements of the people around him and judge the current emotions of others.

And when Gao Yi acquired the label of [Ruthless] and upgraded to obtain the ability of [Manchester by the Sea], the emotional changes of ordinary people could no longer escape his control.

At least the player in front of him who called himself Tao Xuanyu couldn't hide the drastic change in his mood when he heard Gao Yi's question about the "alphabet".

Obviously, she knew the "Alphabet" organization that came to Nankang from Jinghai City, and the leader of this operation, "K".

Just when Gao Yi speculated on the origin of the person in front of him, Tao Xuanyu's reaction was somewhat beyond his expectation.

She put away her smile, carefully looked at the cane in Gao Yi's hand, and waited for a long time before speaking again:

"Are you really not K?"

"Do you think you can turn this situation to your advantage by questioning me?"

Gao Yi wanted to laugh a little, but he could read the seriousness of the other party - certainly not from his eyes.

Tao Xuanyu, who was asked rhetorically, looked at Gao Yi for a few seconds - mainly because she looked at Gao Yi...

Okay, it would be impolite to joke about people's small eyes.....

Tao Xuanyu withdrew his gaze and nodded with relief:

"Okay, I believe you...K will not take the initiative to ask me about the 'alphabet'."

The other party's words were very nonsensical and had no logic, but Gao Yi felt that Tao Xuanyu was very serious and not talking nonsense.

He also realized that the other party had a story worth hearing.

As expected, with Tao Xuanyu's narration, the origin of the "alphabet" slowly opened.

Unlike most organizations, which require someone to establish, recruit troops, participate in various dungeons and battles, and ultimately build a reputation.

"Alphabet" does not seem to have a development process.

When it appears in the players' field of vision, it has become a very terrifying existence.

First, a player with a single uppercase English letter as his ID appeared on the forum.

Gradually, these players showed different but extremely powerful strengths.

Although they rarely admit it directly, other players also begin to realize that these twenty-six letters represent twenty-six cooperative players.

The core members of the entire "Alphabet" organization are twenty-six of them.

Some of them are very public and appear frequently in front of other players.

And some are so mysterious that one wonders whether such a person exists...

"Let me guess, this K belongs to the latter?"

Hearing this, Gao Yi slightly interrupted Tao Xuanyu's narration.

The female player, who no longer smiled, just nodded and began to introduce the "K".

No one knew what he looked like, no one knew his age, no one even knew his gender.

Some people say that K can disguise himself and can change his appearance at will.

Some people say that certain characteristics of K itself give it unparalleled stealth capabilities.

"So, how do other players know that there is such a person? He can't take the initiative to tell everyone, 'I am K, I am so mysterious that I can change my appearance.'"

Gao Yi did not restrain his desire to complain and said casually.

Unexpectedly, Tao Xuanyu on the other side nodded extremely seriously:

"Right, that is it."

This mysterious K has an extremely nasty habit. After accepting certain tasks or commissions, he will disguise himself as an ordinary player and get close to the target and other people who want to complete the task.

Throughout the entire task or commission, he will pretend to be out of touch and unaware of the situation.

Only at the end will he appear in front of his target and laugh at the people he fooled.

Not only that, he will also record his knowledge and experiences and post them on the forum...

As if he was afraid that Gao Yi would not understand, Tao Xuanyu added:

"Jinghai City Players Forum."

"That's it..."

Gao Yi raised his cane with one hand, put it on his shoulder, and touched his chin slightly with the other hand.

I have to say, this piqued his interest.

I thought that the so-called "Alphabet" organization was just an out-of-town, stronger player gang.

What I didn't expect was that there would be such a unique player among them.

In this way, could the "uncle" with unobservable properties in Gan Yejia's mouth be the so-called "K"?

Without revealing his thoughts, Gao Yi asked again:

"So you came close to me to test whether I am the 'K'?"

Gao Yi clarified the situation and figured out the reason for Tao Xuanyu's strange behavior before.

"Yes..." The female college student on the other side pursed her lips and told the whole story:

"I also heard about the [Wishing Machine], so I came here, and I was targeted by 'K' because of some things..."

Her words were very sincere, and it seemed that she no longer doubted Gao Yi at all.

What can also be seen is her desire for the so-called "wishing" opportunity and her fear of the mysterious enemy.

"So that's how it is... So do you think that member of the 'alphabet' existed in the 'pseudo-human game' we experienced?"

Gao Yi suppressed his evil smile and told the other party that he was "K", and asked questions along the way.

"Yes, I am very sure. According to 'K's' habits, he must have been by my side from the beginning, wanting to see my ugly face."

Tao Xuanyu's words were filled with a hint of anger, and he obviously hated and feared the "K".

Listening to the other party's narration, Gao Yi took out the notebook in his pocket and quickly recalled the players he met in the "pseudo-human game".

Not counting Tao Xuanyu in front of him and Ye Lin who had already left, there were still five people left: [Muscle Man], [Bald Man], [Glass Man], [Dark Woman], and [Long-legged Woman].

Could there be a mysterious player among them who could disguise himself?

Gao Yi turned his head and looked at the big clock on the teaching building. There were still ten minutes left in this game.

The nearby teaching building seemed to have been divided up, and most of the "talismans" were snatched by small groups of players.

Looking at the night sky again, the sense of disharmony that had been lingering in my heart finally reached its peak.

Tao Xuanyu beside him sighed and began to say that he would rather not advance than be fooled by "K" again.

It can be seen that he has lost confidence in the so-called "wishing" opportunity.

Gao Yi took a step back and took out a talisman with a yellow glow from behind the guardrail that he had been covering with his body:

"I think we can cooperate."


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