Since the game of [Wishing Machine] started, the number of players in the entire Nankang Experimental Middle School has become less and less.

From the initial 400 to 51 at the beginning of the game of "Talisman Spirit Exorcism".

Now, there should be only about 20 left.

The reduction is, on the one hand, because the investigation bureau team led by Captain Ouyang broke out with some kind of machine.

At this time, there are more than ten people left.

On the other hand, it is the fighting between players.

Gao Yi left the playground and walked on the welcoming avenue of the school.

The originally peaceful and peaceful walking path that carried countless students every day has changed.

Several players were thrown from the rooftop, like pieces of dripping red ink, and like red spots on pale skin.

The players' enhanced physical fitness is not enough to die directly from falling from a height of more than ten or twenty meters.

But before they fell from the building, they had already suffered fatal injuries from various attacks. If they fell without protection, they would naturally have no way to survive.

On the way, Gao Yi also saw two female players he had seen in the "pseudo-human game", both of whom had died at this moment.

It seemed that as individual players, they could not escape the pursuit.

The big clock on the teaching building was counting down mercilessly, and there were less than ten minutes left before the evil ghosts attacked.

At this moment, Gao Yi did not have the "talisman" to provide protection.

On the playground, after Captain Ouyang crossed the portal and left, Gao Yi walked closer to observe the traces and instantly found the talisman left by the other party behind the railing.

Although it was not clear what the purpose of the captain of the special team of the Investigation Bureau was, it did leave Gao Yi with a lot of mysteries while also leaving Gao Yi with a lot of convenience.

Just as Gao Yi was thinking about how to deal with the talisman, Tao Xuanyu suddenly spoke behind him, scaring him.

It was precisely because he did not have time to deal with it that Gao Yi insisted on standing by the railing and blocking the other party's sight with his body.

But after communicating with Tao Xuanyu, Gao Yi suddenly figured out some things.

After entering the [Wishing Machine], the strange scenes in front of him were reconstructed and intertwined in his mind.

Gao Yi felt that he seemed to have grasped some key points.

So he decided to give the talisman in his hand to Tao Xuanyu and make a deal with him.

It can only be said that Jinghai is worthy of being a city where "games" and "dungeons" appeared earlier, and as a player, it also has more resource reserves than Nankang.

At least Gao Yi got what he wanted.

The night sky was still gloomy, and it seemed that it had not changed for a long time.

Following the dim welcoming avenue, Gao Yi pushed open the double-opening glass door and walked into the "Administrative Building" near the school gate.

After all, the number of players is limited, and most of the battles are concentrated in the cafeteria and the two teaching buildings on the inner side.

Since the rules say that different "random events" may be encountered in the classroom, it is even more important to go to the building with more classrooms.

Therefore, the administrative building with fewer rooms and restricted to only the first and second floors has not been destroyed too much by the players.

Just as Gao Yi walked up to the second floor and looked for the barrier in the stairwell, a familiar electronic male voice came from the other end of the corridor.

"Hohoho, in the last minute, there are new players trying to explore the unknown, welcome, welcome!"

Gao Yi stopped his movements and hesitated a little, but still followed the direction of the voice and walked towards the blue light at the end of the corridor.

At the corner, a spacious "information classroom" was located there.

Perhaps because a middle school does not have as many administrative staff as imagined, this "administrative building" of Nankang Experimental Middle School also undertakes some teaching tasks.

The information classroom, which is not suitable for being placed with ordinary classrooms, and the experimental classroom are all placed here.

At this moment, the information classroom that attracted Gao Yi to approach was not closed, and the strange blue light was emitted by the computer screen.

Slowly entered the classroom in the disturbing sound of electricity.

Dozens of neatly arranged computers and large display screens for display, all lit up with a unified picture at this moment - the familiar grass and blue sky.

Looking up, as expected, the electric male voice of the [Wishing Machine] came from the microphone above.

"Hello, player, congratulations on triggering a wonderful random event, but before that, please cooperate with me to complete a small interview, okay?"

The picture on the display screen in front of the classroom suddenly changed, and a huge red arrow pointed downwards.

There, there was an extremely ordinary wooden chair.

Gao Yi rarely complained or told boring jokes, but just followed the instructions silently, sat on the chair, and faced the huge screen.

"Very good, very good, this will become an excellent material, and the audience will be very happy..."

The electronic male voice sounded quite happy, and then asked the first question:

"Please give a brief self-introduction, okay?"

"My name is Gao Yi, twenty-two years old... a few days away from twenty-three, a reporter."

Gao Yi did not deliberately hide it, he could feel that this question was not important, and the other party already knew the answer.

"Great, great, young handsome reporter, you must be very popular, right?"

[Wishing Machine] praised it and asked the next question.

"It's just so-so. I'm not very popular."

On the other side, Gao Yi's reply was also quite brief.

This was just a prelude, not a question with much nutrition.

"Haha, this is a joke. Didn't you have a good chat with a beauty when you left the classroom of the 'pseudo-human game'? The audience's response was very intense~"

On the screen, a surveillance video was playing, which was the scene of Gao Yi and Ye Lin talking, but it seemed that there was no sound.

"Then you misunderstood, I just went to her to get some information."

Gao Yi responded calmly, but his mind was thinking quickly.

From the beginning, this wishing machine has been mentioning the so-called "program" and "audience", and even used "reality show" to describe this situation.

I always feel a little familiar.......

"Yes, that beauty behaved intimately with another man. This kind of twisted triangle relationship is often the most popular!"


Gao Yi chose not to pick up the conversation.

"Okay, okay, no more jokes, here's the last question."

The Wishing Machine's laughter gradually died down, and the question became clear:

"What did you say to those members of the Investigation Bureau as you watched them leave on the playground?"


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