So that’s the real purpose.

Having said this, Gao Yi finally understood the purpose of this "interview".

It seems that the scope of this [Wishing Machine]'s capabilities is smaller than I imagined, and it is even impossible to fully grasp the situation in this field.

They had been making trouble for a long time because they planned to bring themselves here to find out what those people from the Investigation Bureau had done.

It seems that the [Wish Machine] himself was a little shocked that the barrier was opened.

After thinking about this, Gao Yi relaxed a little, leaned back in his chair and asked:

"Are there any rewards for answering?"

After a few seconds of silence, the electronic male voice spoke again:

"Uh... If you answer, you can directly participate in our random events!"

"Isn't that right? You can participate in random events just by entering the room. Isn't this considered a reward?"

Gao Yi is a good negotiator, and in this case, he often behaves in an extravagant manner.

"Then...what do you want?" The electronic male voice sounded a little confused.

"Aren't you a wishing machine? Grant me a wish."

Gao Yi clasped his palms together and said calmly.

"That won't work! Only the final winner can realize a wish."

This [Wishmaking Machine] is actually quite principled.

"All right......"

Gao Yi looked a little disappointed and changed the subject:

"Then tell me your origins. How did you end up in Nankang?"

"Okay, this is easy!"

[Wishmaking Machine] seemed completely unaware of Gao Yi's purpose, and was just glad that the request was so simple.

Next, Gao Yi listened to this electronic male voice and told the story he had heard several times in the first person.

A-level players from out of town came to Nankang and were hunted down by their enemies. Their strongest equipment fell off, but they were given life and stayed there.

It is exactly the same as what I learned from "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" and the forum.

When this short story ended again, the [Wish-making Machine] shouted:

"Okay! Now it's your turn to tell you, what did the group of people say before they left, and why did they leave?"

It can be seen that [Wish Machine] really wants to know this.

After thinking for a while, weighing the pros and cons, Gao Yi slowly spoke like he was recalling:

"The captain of the Investigation Bureau said that your so-called [wishing machine] is useless and fake. There is no need to stay here anymore."

"What??! He really said that?"

The electronic male voice became unusually angry and seemed to be gritting his teeth.

"Why else would they just leave and not continue to fight for the 'wishing opportunity'?"

Gao Yi spread his hands, looking like an innocent person.

Of course, the reason why he used the secret of journalism - "quoting out of context" was to see the reaction of this [wishing machine].

Captain Ouyang's words always confused Gao Yi.

What does "no need to collect" mean, and why are the responses to its authenticity so ambiguous?

And the reaction of the [Wish-making Machine] in front of me seems... really a little angry?

"Hmph! Never mind, Gao Yi player, welcome to participate in your random event!"

The electronic male voice was unhappy for a while, then seemed to decide not to dwell on it anymore, and turned the topic back to the original "random incident".

Gao Yi, who was sitting on the wooden chair, also straightened up and looked a little more serious.

The picture on the big screen in front of the classroom changed again and turned into a shining golden key.

The meaning seemed a little unclear, but then the explanation came:

"This random event is very simple! Gao Yi, you only need to make a very simple choice!"

[The Wishing Machine] paused slightly and let the golden key rotate twice before continuing:

"Option 1! You can take this key and advance directly to the next round, which is the final game, to compete for possible wish-making opportunities!"

Gao Yi frowned slightly as an ominous premonition appeared.

If one option is an unconditional benefit, then the other option must be a choice that makes him tangled.

As expected, the picture on the screen changed again.

And this time, it's no longer a cartoonish picture.

The real-time time and CCTV logo are marked in the upper right corner, revealing that this is a surveillance video.

This appears to be a camera installed in the room, filming a bedroom.

In the center of the picture, a girl wearing the uniform of Nankang Experimental Middle School was handcuffed to a radiator on one side of the room. She was sitting against the wall, seemingly in a coma.

Of course Gao Yi knew this girl with a ponytail, it was Gan Yejia who he found in the afternoon.

I didn't receive any reply from him before. So he was arrested?

And at this moment, the electronic male voice laughed and spoke again, seeming to be witnessing a good show.

"Option 2!! You can also save this girl from being killed by the poisonous gas in the room."

As if worried that Gao Yi would not be able to understand, [Wish-making Machine] also added a special sentence:

"I'm not talking about being eliminated from the game, but real death. If you don't choose to save her, she will die from the poisonous gas filling the room within ten minutes."

Gao Yi sat on the wooden chair and said nothing, just silently observing the surveillance screen.

And from the microphone above the classroom, the laughter of [The Wishing Machine] became more and more crazy:

"Think about it. You have three minutes to think about it. Should you choose to advance and get the chance to make a wish? Or should you save your good friend?"

"I want to advance, give me the key."

"Only three minutes, you can...what did you say?"

[Wishing Machine] seemed to hear something in the wild laughter, but it was a little unbelievable.

"I said I want to advance, option 1."

Gao Yi spoke quite calmly, as if he was not embarrassed at all.

"But...if you choose option 1, this girl will die? Your friend will die!"

[Wishing Machine] seemed to be shocked by Gao Yi's cold-bloodedness, and confirmed in disbelief.

On the other side, Gao Yi seemed to have lost interest in teasing the other party. He stood up and walked out of the classroom door:

"To be honest, if you didn't do this, I couldn't be completely sure...but this is a lot simpler."

His pace was not fast, but in more than ten seconds, he had already arrived at the stairwell just now.

Stepping into the stairs to the third floor, he soon touched the transparent barrier.

Gao Yi adjusted his posture, put his hands together, and "inserted" his ten fingers into the barrier in a pull-up-like posture.

Then he exerted a little force and "torn" off a curtain-like object that was exactly the same as the scene behind him.

Feeling the surge of air, he rubbed his sore arms.

Then, Gao Yi walked into the third floor, a place that was not allowed to enter according to the rules.


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