Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 192 Tearing the Barrier Apart

When he saw the special team of the Investigation Bureau assembled and assembled some strange machines.

When they finally tore through the barrier and left this space.

Gao Yi was thinking, how did they do it?

According to the description of Captain Ouyang, the "battery ram"-like machine was not specially made for the existence of this [wishing machine].

It must have used some universal principles, or similar barriers have the same weaknesses.

To be honest, if you talk about mechanical assembly and space technology, Gao Yi knows nothing about it.

But he has the most straightforward and primitive ability of human beings - observation.

Not knowing the principle of this [wishing machine] barrier does not mean that Gao Yi cannot break through its blockade.

Long before humans figured out what buoyancy is and why some things can float on water, they had invented ships; before understanding what wind is, they made sails.

Even if they don't know where the waves come from, they still built dams.

All of this comes from "observation", the most basic and primitive behavior.

After a long period of observation, Gao Yi realized that something was wrong with this space.

Outside this area where players can move, everything is still.

Not only are there no pedestrians or vehicles, but even the lights on the distant buildings and the shape of the dark clouds in the sky have not changed during this period of time.

On the contrary, in the area where players can move freely, everything is operating normally.

In Gan Yejia's initial description, and in the records of other players on the forum in the last "miracle", it is believed that the [Wishing Machine] has pulled everyone into a space different from reality.

This is the same as the experience of players when participating in the "copy", and it can also explain why no other ordinary people appear.

However, this idea is undoubtedly wrong.

Not to mention that if this is an independent space, why should the scene be consistent with the place where the players gather.

If the [Wishing Machine] has the ability to create and control everything in a super-real space, how can there be a blind spot for monitoring this space, and how can it let the personnel of the Investigation Bureau leave?

More direct evidence comes from the "Kant Counter" in Ye Lin's hand. The original words of the female member of the Investigation Bureau at that time were:

[This is the problem. This space is very strange. It is obviously separated from the real world, but the counter keeps telling me that the reality here is very stable. 】

The answer is very simple. The area where the players are located is real from beginning to end, but it is blocked by the [Wishing Machine].

Now that I think about it, the reason why both activities were chosen in the early morning may be to reduce the players' observation ability as much as possible and avoid too many ordinary people approaching.

The ability of the [Wishing Machine] can select an area and install a barrier to prevent players from leaving. This is the basis of everything.

Then the question arises again, why is everything seen outside this area still?

The answer is even simpler, because these barriers used to prevent players from leaving are not transparent.

Everyone subconsciously thinks that it is a transparent barrier that blocks them, and the scene seen outside is real, but they can't get through for the time being.

But the fact is that this barrier is like a huge curtain, providing the same scenery as the outside world.

When players look from the inside, they will see streets without vehicles and pedestrians passing by.

And the Investigation Bureau left from the big hole, and Gao Yi couldn't see their backs when he approached, which is also the reason.

This huge barrier is the background board of the entire "program".

All the fights among the players took place in it, creating this huge "reality show".

After figuring this out, everything became clear.

Gao Yi realized that he did not need to have any space teleportation ability, he only needed to "tear open" this huge curtain to go outside.

The question is, how to tear it open?

Use [Super Want Your Life 3,000]?

It can be said that it is worth a try, but in the last event of [Wishing Machine], many players used various weapons to attack the barrier, but none of them worked.

It should be difficult to break through the [Wishing Machine], a barrier with obvious supernatural properties, with brute force.

Is Gao Yi helpless?

It should be so.

But after the [Mechanical Casting God] copy, he obtained an extremely interesting epic feature - [D-level personnel].

This passive effect is the feature of [making the wearer extremely resistant to all "super-real" phenomena], which can undoubtedly be used here.

On the playground, Gao Yi asked Tao Xuanyu with a try-it attitude, and then he used the talisman and promised to help find the trace of "K" as a condition.

He exchanged a [Cache Gold Bar] from the player who was studying in the north.

Now, Gao Yi has replaced the [Weapon Master] feature and equipped the [D-level personnel].

Just before he went up to the second floor and was called to the end of the corridor by the voice of the [Wishing Machine].

Gao Yi had tried to touch the barrier in the stairwell that blocked the third floor.

As expected, the strong resistance to super-real phenomena given by [D-level personnel], although slow, can indeed act on this barrier.

Everything after that became simple.

Gao Yi followed the guidance of the [Wishing Machine] and walked to the information classroom to complete the final inquiry and collect information.

When all the clues were closed and the chaotic codes were gathered together.

Gao Yi walked to the stairwell and set foot on the road to the third floor.

A doubt had already arisen when Gao Yi heard the rules of the "Talisman Spirit Exorcist" game.

Why can other teaching buildings be used at will, but only the first and second floors of the administrative building can be entered? ,

This doubt may have appeared in the minds of many players at the time, but in the fierce and tense situation, it was quickly forgotten by everyone.

But Gao Yi remembered it firmly and combined it with another observation.

All the sounds of the [Wishing Machine] came from the broadcasting equipment that already existed on campus.

That electronic male voice did not sound from the sky, nor did it sound directly in the ears of the players.

Combined with the fact that the [Wishing Machine] had a weak control over this space, Gao Yi gradually realized.

The reason may be much simpler than imagined.

The [Wishing Machine] communicated with the players through the existing broadcasting room inside Nankang Experimental Middle School.

The studio that can control the broadcast is on the third floor of the administrative building.

Gao Yi, who had already found the target on the floor map, did not stop and walked quickly outside the studio.

Looking through the glass square window on the door, as expected, a figure was sitting in front of the red light panel on the control desk.

This is the true form of the so-called [Wishing Machine].


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