Nankang Experimental Middle School, Administration Building, Third Floor.

Gao Yi pressed the handle, and the unlocked door of the "broadcasting studio" was opened directly by him.

The moonlight behind him passed through the window and sprinkled into the dark room.

A large number of unknown buttons and small lights were densely spread on the control panel, emitting bursts of red light, and behind it, there was a thin back figure in a blue suit.

"Why... why did you guess it?"

As the back figure slowly turned around, a familiar electronic male voice also appeared in the small broadcasting studio.

Gao Yi then noticed that this person was wearing a huge, TV-shaped mask - or a headgear, hiding his entire face behind the screen.

No, it's not just a headgear.

The small black-framed TV on his head was not plugged in, but different pictures could appear on it and change in real time.

Above the TV, there was a small hat-shaped protrusion with a wifi signal icon drawn on it, and two antennas were plugged on it.

At this moment, on the screen, a pixelated cartoon face was staring at Gao Yi, seemingly with a slight smile.

Obviously, this hood or mask has the dual functions of covering the facial information and changing the original sound.

In a way, it is similar to Gao Yi's [Mist Mask], maybe it is also a piece of equipment?

Without being anxious, Gao Yi slightly turned sideways to let the moonlight avoid him and hit the other person.

Then, he propped the [Gentleman's Cane] on the ground and spoke slowly:

"If you say that the [Wishing Machine] doesn't exist at all, and everything has a behind-the-scenes controller, I actually knew it a long time ago."

Gao Yi found a comfortable angle, sat on the table next to him, and added:

"In the final analysis, the whole story is very illogical. If that A-level player from another place really has a [Wishing Machine] that can fulfill any wish, how could he be found and killed by the enemy?"

"Maybe this story is exaggerated. Isn't it normal for a rumor?"

The TV man leaned on the swivel chair, spread his hands, and the expression on the screen seemed to curl his lips.

"Yes, it's very common..." Gao Yi smiled and held the cane with both hands, "But the story you told is exactly the same as the rumor, which shouldn't be the case."

In that "information classroom", the [Wishing Machine] that agreed to answer Gao Yi's question told the same origin story as the one on the forum.

A-level players from other places came to Nankang, were hunted down, and left behind legendary equipment.

"Actually, I should have thought of it earlier. So many local players, and even foreign organizations, were attracted here. Naturally, it was because someone spread the news on a large scale."

Seeing that the other party had no intention of refuting, Gao Yi fiddled with the handle of his cane and continued to tell his reasoning process:

"As a player, a person who wants to get a 'wishing opportunity', how could he want to increase his competitors?"

"The only person who has a reason and motivation to spread this matter and let everyone know that the [wishing machine] exists is naturally the person who organized this event."

"Not only that, there are so many clues in various details that it is unimaginable."

"Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" first said in the tea restaurant.

[To be honest, I don't really believe this rumor. Although I haven't seen many A-level players in China, but equipment with life? It's too outrageous. ]

Captain Ouyang's words on the school playground.

[It's okay, I 'saw it'. There is no need to collect this so-called "wishing machine". 】

【I didn't say the "wishing machine" doesn't exist, but if you expect to use that wish to revive your dead family or make up for past mistakes, you'd better give up this idea as soon as possible. 】

"Everything points to the same answer--"

Under the moonlight, Gao Yi, who was sitting on the table, raised his cane with one hand and pointed to the man wearing a TV mask deep in the room:

"The [wishing machine] does exist, but its body is not a legendary equipment left by an A-level player, but... a person"

Without the barrier, all the sounds around the school became real.

With the enhancement of the [Armchair Detective], Gao Yi's senses can extend very far.

It seems that although the people from the Investigation Bureau have evacuated, the blockade has not been lifted, and the residents around have not discovered that a huge vacuum has appeared in this school.

This is a good thing. If the existence of "copy" and "player" is exposed, the whole society will be in great turmoil.

At that time, individual players like Gao Yi, who have no background, will definitely not be in such a good situation.

As his thoughts wandered, the TV man inside the studio clapped his hands, and the expression on the screen became extremely happy:

"Very exciting inference, Gao Yi, you are undoubtedly the best player tonight."

He paused for a few seconds before continuing:

"Congratulations, you have broken through this 'miracle', and you are naturally the winner this time, and you will get a chance to make a wish."

Hearing this, Gao Yi grinned and showed a rather disdainful smile:

"Oh? Do you want to tell me that you can actually fulfill all the wishes of others? Why don't you make a wish yourself to make your game more exciting?"

"Satisfying all wishes... is naturally impossible."

The man wearing a TV headset slowly explained:

"Only the winner of the show will have the opportunity to make a wish. You can make a wish at will. As a [wishing machine], I will respond as much as possible."

"If I ask you to take off the hood and let me see your face, will you agree?"

Gao Yi understood what the other party meant and asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"This... No, I can't reveal my true identity to others."

The man in the blue suit straightened up slightly, obviously reacting strongly to Gao Yi's temptation, and his words began to show the familiar incitement and bewitching meaning:

"Don't you want anything? Countless potions? Powerful equipment? Or enough game coins and cash for you to squander? Compared to these, what good is it for you to see the face of a stranger like me?"


Gao Yi stretched out his right hand at this time and interrupted the other party.

In the moonlight, he slowly raised his head, and his sight seemed to be able to see through the weird TV hood and see through everything:

"We have met before, haven't we?"


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