Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 19 New Labels and Resynthesis

[Special mission completed]

[Reward: Random rare characteristic*1, random ordinary label*1, ordinary item lottery chance*2]

[Acquired characteristics: Mist (rare)]

[Get tag: Actor (ordinary)]

[Get a chance to win a lottery for ordinary items*2]

【use or not? 】

The relaxed Gao Yi had no reason to refuse and started the lottery smoothly.

Of course, Lady Luck didn't give in today because of his mastery of the script.

[Item: Super Signature Pen]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Type: props]

[Special Effect: When you need to sign, it can automatically complete it for you! 】

[Note: Are you still worried about the large number of fan letters? Are you still worried about the signature shirts required for business cooperation? Super signature pen will be your first choice! 】

To be honest, this thing is something that even an optimistic person like Gao Yi can't imagine where it can be used.

But if this [Super Signature Pen] is just “better than nothing”, the next one is “unbelievable”.

[Item: Empowered Nail Clippers]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Type: Gain Item]

[Special effect: After using this nail clipper to cut your own nails, your fingers will feel burning pain, and the attack will cause additional fire damage]

[Note: It’s chili, I added chili! 】

"What the hell..."

Gao Yi sighed and put the nail clippers and signature pen in front of him:

"At least the inflatable hammer from before was pretty good."

He comforted himself like this.

But unfortunately, when Gao Yi wanted to take out the [inflatable hammer], he suddenly found that it had completely deflated.

Upon closer inspection, its [Durability] actually returned to zero.

"Hey, hey, hey, such rubbish has a durability limit, what are you trying to do?"

Gao Yi slapped the table and gave an extremely rare look.

I checked again and found that the durability of the [Super Wolf Spray] I used on the black sweatshirt on the subway was only 50%.

In other words, this anti-wolf spray can only be used twice.

"Most of the items drawn in the lottery are consumables, so you can't rely too much on them..."

Gao Yiru concluded.

Of course, apart from this disappointing draw, there are other rewards.

First is the latest tag, [Actor]

[Actor lv1 (normal)]

[Experience value: 0/100]

[Tag ability: ①King of Comedy: Your performance will be more convincing. 】

"Actor...I thought it would be a higher-level label."

Gao Yi's ability is indeed pretty good, and he often needs to disguise himself.

But on the other hand, how to upgrade this label?

According to the previous inference, the upgrade of labels relies on the cognition of others.

That is to say, experience will only increase when others think that the highly unusual behavior conforms to this "label".

How do you make others think you are an "actor"?

"How about I go back to the studio and play a role when I'm free?"

Gao Yi looked up and remembered what he had experienced in the film and television city a few months ago.

At that time, he had just been kicked out of his previous newspaper, his new job had not yet been found, and he still had two ongoing follow-up reports that required money.

Due to helplessness, I found a lot of odd jobs everywhere, and walk-in was one of them.

By the way, Gao Yi's acting skills were quite good. At that time, he was spotted by the director of the TV series and said that he would be given a supporting role in the next film.

Of course, later Gao Yi was spotted by his current editor-in-chief and got a new reporter job, which also brought an unexpected end to his career as an actor.

Ignore the new label in hand for now, and then look at another harvest.

Characteristic [Mist (rare)]

If it is to be synthesized, which label is more suitable?

With a slight movement of thought, Gao Yi laid out the options in front of him.

Reporter lv3 (common), Lao Lao lv1 (rare), Lovelorn lv1 (common), Enthusiastic Citizen lv2 (rare)

Internet surfing professional player lv1 (common), elderly women's friend lv2 (rare), actor lv1 (common)

"Speaking of which, what exactly does this [fog] represent..."

Gao Yi tapped the pen cap on the notebook and arranged and combined in his mind.

The two previous combinations, [Courageous Action] and [Deception] are both types that can be understood at a glance.

[Mist] + [Actor], maybe he will become a [Horror Movie Actor]?

Then you don’t even know what it means, and there is no way to increase your experience.

[Mist] + [Lao Lai], maybe [Lao Lai] who absconded?

This is quite suitable for Gao Yi now. The debt collection text messages on his mobile phone are almost full.

If this continues, he may really have to abscond.

After hesitating for a long time, I realized that I actually had no choice.

Gao Yi opened the synthesis list and started adding materials.

[Reporter (Common)] + [Mist (Rare)] = [Investigator (Epic)]

[Investigator lv1 (epic)]

[Experience value: 345/10000]

[Tag ability: ①Mist: The unexpected and strange will be attracted to you and come closer to you, but at the same time, you will receive additional rewards and rewards every time you complete the exploration]

"Is this an epic label? It's my first time."

But with the epic level, the experience required for each level has also reached 10,000.

The experience accumulated by [Reporter] before has been inherited, but it is a bit insufficient here.

As for the tag ability, it is basically an enhanced version of the first ability of [Reporter].

The problem is, to what extent will this "unexpected and weird things will be attracted to you" reach.

If you are dragged into various life-threatening weird events while eating breakfast on the road, it will be too troublesome.

Although I have become a "player" now, I have already possessed abilities beyond ordinary people in a sense.

That does not mean that I can die at will. A slight improvement in physical fitness cannot make Gao Yi invulnerable.

If someone really attacks me, I will die.

Considering this, this tag cannot be worn all the time.

But if you don't wear it or use it, isn't it the same as not getting this tag?

This has become a paradox again. You can't give up the epic tag that you have finally got.

"In short, wear it until midnight and see what daily tasks it will give tomorrow..."

Looking at the alarm clock beside him, it was already 11:50 pm, so Gao Yi made a decision to see what tasks this epic tag would trigger.

At this moment, Gao Yi's attributes in the tag system have also changed a lot.

[Name: Gao Yi]

[Equipped tags (2/2): Investigator lv1 (epic), Enthusiastic Citizen lv2 (rare)]

[Tag abilities: ①Mist: Unexpected and strange things will be attracted to you and approach you, but at the same time, you will receive additional rewards and rewards every time you complete an exploration;

②Zootopia: Make people feel close and reliable unconsciously, and it is easier to gain trust and praise;

③Big Hero 6: When you are brave enough to do something righteous, your combat effectiveness will be improved. 】

[Daily tag task: secretly visit a criminal group with more than 100 people and obtain evidence of its crimes (completed)]

[Unequipped tags: Lao Lai lv1 (rare), Brokenhearted lv1 (common), Actor lv1 (common), Professional Internet Surfer lv1 (common), Friend of Elderly Women lv2 (rare)]

[Possessing characteristics: none]

Although tonight's encounter was very strange and terrifying, it did allow Gao Yi to understand the world more deeply and gain some benefits.

In the previous investigation, the strange past events that happened in Nankang City have been explained at this moment.

It can be seen that this "game" of unknown origin has profoundly affected Gao Yi's peaceful and ordinary world.

What will the future be like?

Gao Yi, who has stepped half a step into the extraordinary realm, rested his hands on his neck and leaned on the swivel chair and fell into fantasy.

"I still have to go get some information tomorrow. Since there are so many 'players', they must have their own communication channels."

"And what about the official side? There are so many uncontrolled superpowers in the country, it is impossible that there is no response, right?"

"Well, don't wear this [Investigator] label for a while, lest something strange really comes to your door."

But just when Gao Yi made up his mind and waited for twelve o'clock to arrive.

A knock on the door suddenly sounded from the entrance.

Someone is coming?


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