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Chapter 20 The Editor-in-Chief Visits

With the improvement of [Easy Chair Detective]'s five senses, Gao Yi had actually heard the footsteps a long time ago.

But because he has not fully adapted to this new ability, and he did not expect anyone to come to visit him.

It wasn't until the knock on the door actually rang that Gao Yi realized that the visitor was here to see him.

In an instant, the previous relaxation was swept away, and Gao Yi stood up suddenly.

Listening carefully to all the noise outside the door, at the same time, he walked lightly towards the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife in his hand.

Who could it be?

Do you want to pretend you're not at home?

No, if you are here to cause trouble, pretending not to be home won't solve the problem.

Now that I calm down and think about it, the scene where I was fighting with the man in black on the subway must have been photographed and videotaped by many people.

Those people are very likely to upload pictures containing their own faces to various social software and short video platforms.

In extreme cases, the scene where Gao Yi holds the ticket and then suddenly disappears may have been seen by someone.

If this is the premise, the people who come to the door may be looking for various "players".

Official relevant departments? Other private “player” groups? Or maybe the man in the black hoodie is back?

In any case, it is difficult to imagine that the other party is a person with good intentions.

The knock on the door sounded again, this time more intense.

What should I do? I tried the [Easy Chair Detective] initiative before, but now I can’t use it at all.

The weapon, [Super Anti-Wolf Spray] has half a bottle left, and the only thing left is the knife in my hand.

But just as Gao Yi was thinking, the person outside the door suddenly began to whisper to himself:

"Damn, this kid couldn't really be beaten to death by the person who defrauded the company..."

Accompanied by the sound of pressing the phone password to unlock.

At this point, Gao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, put the kitchen knife back to its original position, and opened his mouth to respond:

"Hey, I'm here, coming right away."

Then, he rubbed his neck with a smile, put away the notebook on the desk, and laughed at himself in a low voice:

"Is it the influence of these new abilities? I'm a little nervous..."

Open the door and look outside.

There was a handsome man in his thirties standing in the corridor. He was holding a plastic bag from the convenience store downstairs and standing with his hands on his hips.

He was wearing a tight dark down jacket and a rather thick red scarf around his neck, covering his entire chin.

Looking down, the overalls are also tied up tightly, and the entire black boots are obviously full of velvet inside.

It's the type that even though it's December, it still makes people think, "Is this person wearing too much clothes?"

This man named Pan Tian is the editor-in-chief of the magazine where Gao Yi currently works.

Although he was not the real boss of the newspaper, he was the one who gave Gao Yi the job at that time.

Pan Tian walked into the house, put on his slippers without ceremony, and hung the scarf on the hanger nearby, as if he had returned to his own home:

"Why didn't you reply when you were at home? I thought you were really dead. You didn't answer the call before..."

Because I was inexplicably pulled into a weird game, cleared a script full of monsters, and now I have become a superpower... It is naturally impossible for Gao Yi to answer like this.

So I had to change the topic and take the other party to check the previously obtained recording.

"Damn, your home is still so clean now that you are single. Do you know how to enjoy your personal life...?"

Pan Tian followed him into the house, his words of complaint not stopping at all.

Gao Yi had no choice but to ignore his nonsense, turn on his computer, and drag the recording files from the network disk to the desktop.

Then, he recalled the key contents and played them in sequence.

When Pan Tian listened carefully and started recording on his mobile phone, Gao Yi also looked at the time.

【0:07 am】

Undoubtedly, it was now day two.

Gao Yi excused himself to go to the bathroom, walked to the bathroom, and started checking today's labeling tasks.

[Tag tasks: ① Investigate a secret organization and write a report; ② Do a good deed that benefits more than a thousand people]

"I have no clue..."

Sighing slightly, Gao Yi pressed the flush button, seeming to wash away his resentment.

Needless to say, the two tasks at hand correspond to the labels [Investigator] and [Enthusiastic Citizen] respectively.

It may just be that the label level has been increased, and the task difficulty has also made a small leap.

As Gao Yi himself said - there is no clue of completion.

But then I thought about it, to publish the news myself and then expose the fraud group, to some extent, it should be considered a good person and a good deed.

But these tasks are updated every day, and the "Nangui" magazine where Gao Yi currently works publishes every half a month.

Apart from major publications, all that remains are official accounts on public social platforms and a forum website with poor daily activity.

You have to organize the materials, write the manuscript, proofread, review and finally publish it.

Nothing looks like it can be completed today.

After rubbing his hair that was not yet dry, Gao Yi sighed again and walked towards the bedroom.

Pan Tian was still sitting at his desk, frowning and listening to the recording.

Since this recording was not edited at all, most of the time it was actually filled with invalid content and noise.

Pan Tian pressed the direction keys with one hand to fast forward and recorded on his mobile phone with the other hand.

Seeing Gao Yi come back, he temporarily put down his headphones, tapped the table, and said while thinking:

"The content is OK, and even includes several people directly admitting that their products are fake, but..."

"But?" Seeing that the other party was hesitant to speak, Gao Yi raised his eyebrows.

"But the strength is not enough. There are only the words of these minions and middle-level management. They can claim that the recording is forged."

Pan Tian spread his hands and said helplessly.

"We don't need complete evidence. Everyone knows that the things they sell are fake. As long as the public opinion is stirred up..."

Gao Yi subconsciously retorted, and he was about to give an impassioned speech.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Seeing that Gao Yi was about to start a long speech again, Editor-in-Chief Pan quickly interrupted:

"Although our magazine is not a big newspaper, we also have to pay attention to the impact. What if someone sues us when there is insufficient evidence?"

Seeing the serious expression of the other party on the chair, Gao Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Of course he understood this truth, but when he thought of the fraud company called "Jinhuang Security" openly selling some "super tea" and "self-defense underwear".

And the target group is the middle-aged and elderly, and a large amount of their pensions, savings and even houses that they have worked hard for all their lives are defrauded.

It is definitely a lie to say that Gao Yi does not want to get rid of them quickly.

"Okay, I know this truth. I will find a chance to collect some evidence of their crimes later - the kind with legal effect."

Gao Yi waved his hand to show that he understood.

But what he was thinking in his mind was that he had already stepped half a foot into the "superpower" field, so why would he be afraid of a small fraud company?

Seeing Gao Yi's reaction, Pan Tian nodded in surprise, muttering "When did you become so obedient, kid."

In the past, Gao Yi would definitely make a fuss for a while.

Mature... Pan Tian explained himself like this.

Then, he changed the subject:

"You should be careful too. Nankang City has been in turmoil recently. Did you see the madman who robbed tonight? He looked like a special forces soldier..."

"What madman?"

Pan Tian paused for two seconds to make sure Gao Yi was not kidding him, and then said with some surprise:

"What were you doing tonight? You didn't look at your phone at all, did you?"

I was filming a horror movie in a supermarket wrapped in white fog... Gao Yi naturally couldn't answer like that, so he had to deal with it.

"Damn, as a reporter you have to keep your nose for news..."

Pan Tian muttered, unlocked his phone, flipped it twice, called out a short video, and played it on the desktop.

The picture was taken in a car, and the blogger seemed to be filming a short video for his family.

But a few seconds after the start, there was a loud noise outside the picture.

Amid the screams, the blogger turned the camera over and aimed it at a small bank on the street.

There, a man in black clothes and a Santa Claus mask ran out of a puff of black smoke.

It is worth noting that he was carrying a travel bag on each shoulder, and he was running while leaking money.

In this way, he ran away quickly on foot, dropping a lot of banknotes as he ran.

What is more surprising is his agile steps and running speed.

Even if he was blocked by various obstacles, he would still cross the roof from time to time.

His running speed is still close to that of a national-level sprinter - this is obviously not something that ordinary people can do.

At the end of the picture, the man jumped onto the wall of a low building in a few steps, jumped onto the roof along several balconies and window sills, and disappeared.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yi sat on the edge of the bed beside him.

As a new "player" who joined tonight, he certainly knew what kind of existence the man in this video was.

Obviously, "players" are not all good citizens who abide by the law.

At least, they are no longer after they have the ability.


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