Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 21 Coffee and late night work

In the attribute list, the high "player level" is E, and the "evolution rate" is 10%.

Putting aside the unused bottle of evolution potion, the bonus given by "evolution" at this point is not obvious.

The high-power person vaguely felt that his body had been strengthened a little, but there was no big change.

As for the level of the robber in the video, even if Gao Yi had the bonus of being labeled [enthusiastic citizen], he would definitely not be able to reach it.

The level and evolution rate of this robber player cannot be speculated now.

Of course, he may have some characteristics that increase agility, so it would be even harder to make a judgment.

Since Gao Yi can obtain enhancements in the spiritual realm such as [Easy Chair Detective], it is not surprising that some people can obtain enhancements in the physical realm.

"What's wrong, do you still know this lunatic? Let me tell you, although the official information has not been released yet, my informant told me - 8 died and 12 were injured."

Pan Tian saw Gao Yi thinking deeply and snapped his fingers in front of him to interrupt.

"No...I was thinking that everyone is having a hard time now, and Santa Claus has to come out to make money..."

Gao Yi shook his head and retracted his thoughts.

Of course, he was complaining about the Santa Claus mask worn by the robber in the video.

"Come on, every time you try to cover up something, you start telling bad jokes..." Pan Tian ruthlessly exposed Gao Yi's thoughts, but paused for a few seconds before adding:

"It's really funny though."

After laughing and cursing a few words, Gao Yi lay on the bed and started searching on social platforms on his mobile phone.

“Nankang Metro”, “Fighting”, “Line 3” and “Hongshan Temple”

I tried various keywords, but couldn't find even a single discussion about my fight at night, let alone the images.


The official may be deliberately concealing and controlling the dissemination of information. After all, this is too exciting for ordinary people and will definitely cause social chaos.

Suddenly, a bunch of people around me turned into supermen and began to gain super powers. It was terrifying to think about it.

But as far as Gao Yi himself is concerned, he has been exposed to more and more information and news about various strange things recently.

It seems that as the number of "players" increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to hide these things in the shadows.

The video of Santa's robbery just now can be considered as evidence.

"By the still won't go home? Your wife doesn't care about you?"

Gao Yi sat up and looked at Pan Tian, ​​who was still at home.

This guy went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of Coke at some point and came back, and he was enjoying it at the moment.

Seeing Gao Yi stand up, he wiped his mouth, opened the plastic bag on the side, and took out a large pile of documents:

"Hi, my wife took classmate Xiao Pan back to her parents' house tonight. There is no one at home now. I originally wanted to relax by myself, but..."

As he spoke, he threw the document in his hand towards Gao Yi.

Relying on the reaction boost provided by [Easy Chair Detective], Gao Yi accurately and swiftly received the document with his backhand, placing the document on his lap to read.

On the side, Pan Tian was still explaining:

"My boss suddenly called me in the evening and told me that our magazine would publish a special issue the day after tomorrow... Really, it comes out as soon as I think about it."

" came to me with a job?"

Gao Yi put down the document and looked up at Pan Tian with an expression like "Are you kidding me?"

"Hey, who doesn't know that our magazine's Gao Yi is serious about his work and extremely efficient..."

Pan Tian took advantage of the situation and began to wear a high hat.

"Don't do this, I'm very tired today." Gao Yi said, throwing various report manuscripts and analysis and commentaries back on the desk.

"The boss said that overtime pay will be calculated at 300%, and an extra bonus will be given before the Chinese New Year!"

"Show me the file again."

Gao Yi, who had already planned to open the door to see the guests off, immediately changed his mind and walked back to the desk.

"You know any other good news?"

When Pan Tian saw Gao Yi agreeing, he couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

Gao Yi did not answer the conversation, but lowered his head slightly and made a "you say" expression.

"Coffee, my treat!"

Pan Tian said, completely opening the plastic bag in his hand, revealing two cans of canned coffee underneath.

"That's so kind of you."

Looking at the six or seven empty bottles of Coke on the table, Gao Yi responded expressionlessly.


Once you get into working mode, time flies by.

Relying on coffee (and bought several more bottles at Gao Yi's request) and enthusiasm for bonuses and overtime pay, the two turned the bedroom of the rental house into a temporary editorial office.

Writing, proofreading, formatting, deciding layout, confirming illustrations and cover requirements...

After working until dawn, the two finally completed the work.

After patting his painful waist, Gao Yi collapsed on the swivel chair and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"I'm exhausted...I'm going to use the bathroom. Can we go out for breakfast later?"

On the side, Pan Tian, ​​who was also yawning, rubbed his eyes and walked to the bathroom.

"Just go and eat by yourself...I really want to sleep..."

Looking at the pile of completed work in front of me, the fatigue that had been suppressed emerged in a swarm.

In addition to the completion of these tasks, as well as guaranteed bonuses and overtime pay.

Gao Yi's biggest gain at this moment was the system prompt that had been ringing last night.

[Investigator]'s tag experience has been slowly increasing, increasing by about four or five points every minute.

By now, the experience value has reached [2544/10000]

Although there is still a distance to upgrade, it is also a gain.

"No, let's give up today's daily task. I'll have a good sleep later... I'm too tired."

Gao Yi muttered to himself, thinking about how to send Pan Tian away quickly so that he could sleep in the gentle quilt.

But just as he was fantasizing about the warmth and comfort in the quilt, the doorbell rang again from the direction of the door.

"Damn... Usually there won't be two people coming in a month, what's wrong today?"

Rubbing his waist impatiently, Gao Yi just stood up and suddenly reacted.

Today seems to be a week after the last time he promised the landlord's mother-in-law "give me another week".

"Damn, damn, how could I forget this..."

Calling loudly "Come right away", Gao Yi ran to the kitchen sink and quickly wiped his face.

While washing his face, he replaced the label "Investigator" with "Friends of Elderly Women".

On second thought, he took out "Deadbeat" and replaced it with "Enthusiastic Citizen".

Gao Yi ran to the door in a panic and stood firm. He took a deep breath and quickly rehearsed the possible phrases in his mind.

Then, he opened the door and squeezed out a bright smile:

"Grandma Chen..."

But halfway through his words, Gao Yi was suddenly stunned.

Standing in front of the door was not the landlady he thought, but a teenage stranger.


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