This reasoning is far less complicated than imagined.

Although it is unknown how this high school boy obtained such a powerful ability and how he became a [wishing machine].

But in the final analysis, his behavior reveals extremely obvious immaturity and immaturity.

And facing Gao Yi, who makes a living by exploring secrets and solving mysteries, these shortcomings will be infinitely magnified.

In the end, the mask was ruthlessly unveiled.

"Aren't you worried about Gan Yejia at all? Do you think the video of her being kidnapped is fake?"

After a moment of silence, the [wishing machine], the TV man, or Ye Chenjie, looked at Gao Yi again and slowly asked a question.

He did not refute Gao Yi's inference again, and obviously acquiesced.

"That's not the case. I didn't contact her when I was out. Looking at the bedroom layout in the picture, that's not your home, right?"

Gao Yi shook his head and said as if he remembered something:

"You dare to tie up a female classmate in the bedroom, you must live alone, that doesn't look like a one-bedroom apartment, your family is quite rich? Oh, that's right, otherwise you wouldn't be able to go to this school with your brain..."

Gao Yi's venomous tongue was not completely restrained, while he was thinking and making fun of the other party.

On the other side, Ye Chenjie's expression on the TV mask changed again, looking uncertain:

"Then aren't you worried that I will kill her?"

"Ha, you won't do that."

Gao Yi grinned and waved his hand.


The high school student was obviously a little annoyed by Gao Yi's laughter, and stood up directly, and his height was actually slightly taller than Gao Yi.

"Because you like her, how could you bear to do it?"

This sentence instantly dissipated the momentum that the other party had finally gathered:

"You don't think it's hard to find out, right? Xiao Gan himself can see what you mean, but I think it will be difficult after you kidnap her today..."

Ye Chenjie's expression on the screen changed again, and finally returned to darkness.

He also sighed and sat back in the swivel chair.

And Gao Yi saw that his dominant position in this conversation had been established, so he stopped talking nonsense and got straight to the point:

"Since you know to hide yourself, you should also know that your ability and the things you have done are enough to be caught by the Investigation Bureau for human experiments for a lifetime."

Gao Yi ruthlessly added another blow to the already notorious reputation of the Investigation Bureau, and began to intimidate the Investigation Bureau, making it the red face.

Seeing the other party bowing his head and not speaking, he changed the subject and began to play the good guy:

"And I am not from the Investigation Bureau. I am just interested in studying the so-called [Wishing Machine]. As long as you answer some questions for me, I can help you."

Speaking of this, Gao Yi paused slightly, and waited until Ye Chenjie on the opposite side nodded slightly before continuing:

"First of all, take off your mask. It is too rude to keep talking to people like this."

Gao Yi decided to start with the simplest, but unexpectedly, the first request was rejected:

"No, no... It's not that I don't want to, but I can't take this off before the 'program' is over."

Gao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, took out a notebook from his trouser pocket, skillfully opened it with one hand, and began to record:

"It's okay, then tell me first, what these 'programs' are all about."

Under the narration of Ye Chenjie, his story was fragmented, but full of fantasy.

Two months ago, like all students of Nankang Experimental Middle School, Ye Chenjie walked between the rental house and the classroom every day, and his only task was to study.

But one day in November, he suddenly gained some ability, and from then on he embarked on a different path.

"Wait, what ability?"

Gao Yi interrupted the other party just as the story began.

"I can't say..."

Ye Chenjie's answer was also very straightforward.

There was no way, Gao Yi waved his hand and motioned the other party to continue.

In short, under the guidance of this ability, Ye Chenjie began to hold various "programs".

That time in "Beijiang Park" was actually the fourth time.

It's just that the previous attempts were all very unsuccessful.

"Wait a minute, haven't you downloaded a copy?"

Gao Yi frowned slightly, keenly aware of something wrong.

After seeing the slightly confused expression on the other party's screen, he finally confirmed:

"Are you... not a player?"

"Player... Are you talking about your kind of existence? I am indeed not."

Ye Chenjie's answer was quite direct, without hiding anything.

Now think about it, this is not without signs.

When they first met, Gao Yi did not feel the throbbing of meeting a player from this boy.

In fact, if he was a player, Gan Yejia from the same class should have discovered it long ago.

So, this is indeed a misconception. It has never been said that only players can have extraordinary abilities.

Nodding slightly, Gao Yi made a few notes in his notebook and nodded again:

"Go on, tell me what you did."

But this time, he did not get a response.

Looking down, the boy on the swivel chair did not look at him, but stared at the window on the outside of the studio.

"What's wrong?" Gao Yi turned his head in confusion, but did not find anything unusual.

"The audience's expectations have suddenly increased... The program's appeal is also increasing... What's going to happen?"


Gao Yi frowned slightly, not understanding the other party's words.

But when he heard "what's going to happen", he still subconsciously expanded the reconnaissance range of [Armchair Detective] and listened to the movements around him.

It was this behavior that saved his life.

Almost subconsciously, Gao Yi threw himself sideways and fell into a corner where various cardboard boxes were piled up.

The sound of breaking wind was so fast that it was unimaginable, and the sound of glass shattering, flesh tearing, and electronic failure after mechanical damage sounded at the same time.

Ye Chenjie's scream was realized later. When Gao Yi had time to observe, the boy lying on the ground had been hit by an attack from nowhere.

No matter what means of attack the enemy used, the result was that a huge bloody wound had appeared on the boy's side abdomen, and it was a complete penetrating wound.

Blood loss, shock, and death seemed to be an inevitable trilogy.

While Gao Yi was rolling, he had already filled up all his equipment at the fastest speed.

Covering his body with the Scarlet Raven Coat, he took out a bottle of healing potion and threw it to the boy:

"Drink it and hide."

Without time to waste words, Gao Yi had already leaned over and rushed out of the narrow studio and stepped into the corridor bathed in moonlight.

And the enemy who attacked him was standing at the other end of the corridor.


The real plot should have four to six chapters, and then enter the next copy.

I haven't thought of a name yet, but it should be "Holy Grail 3", a modern Hong Kong horror, with many folk elements.

The main plot should come from the movie "Zombie".

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