A few days ago, Gao Yi did some special exercises during the few days of rest when he didn't go to dungeons or accept commissions.

One of them was how to put on the equipment as quickly as possible and disguise himself.

This is a very realistic thing, because all equipment has negative effects of varying sizes, some of which are very eye-catching.

Most players, including Gao Yi, cannot equip them at all times.

But if you encounter a sneak attack, how to put on these equipment as quickly as possible is a very important topic.

This is not the kind of online game where you open your backpack and click "one-click wear" and the equipment will automatically appear on your body.

Belts, cloaks, coats, necklaces, each of which has a different way of wearing, and the order of equipment also needs to be planned.

It can only be said that Gao Yi is such a person who will inexplicably entangled in trivial matters.

But in any case, his rigor played a role at this moment.

After confirming that he was attacked, in just a few seconds after a roll, [Scarlet Raven Coat], [Christmas Cloak], [Lucky Necklace] and [Gentleman's Cane] were all successfully equipped.

When Gao Yi rushed into the corridor, he was already fully armed.

When he looked at the blurry figure slowly walking towards the other end of the corridor in the moonlight, he couldn't help but smile and shook his head:

"To be honest, you foreign players really broadened my horizons. All kinds of abilities that I haven't seen before have appeared."

This is not a random remark. The enemies Gao Yi encountered in Nankang have quite straightforward abilities.

A few robbers, nails, Zhang Tu...

Of course, this is also because Nankang as a late-developing city, the overall level of players is not high.

But these players from other places still taught Gao Yi several lessons.

"Dream back to the Tang Dynasty" and Zhao Qian's unclear origami props, the obviously wrong eyes of Captain Ouyang, and the unreasonable attack at the moment.

As the distance got closer, the figure had completely walked out of the smoke and showed Gao Yi his true face.

She smiled, her eyes still narrowed into a slit, it was Tao Xuanyu who said goodbye on the playground.

Ten meters away from Gao Yi, she stopped and tilted her head slightly:

"You don't seem very surprised?"

"Fortunately, I just revealed the identity of a mysterious person, and you are not a big deal...ah, he has been 'penetrated' by you now."

Gao Yi shook his head slightly, stabilized his somewhat disordered breathing, and observed the other party at a very fast speed.

The female player was completely free of the previous panic and forced calmness, replaced by absolute confidence.

Were the reactions at that time all acting?

On the other side, Tao Xuanyu still had that kind smile and did not get closer:

"That's bad news, I was actually aiming at you."

Although he didn't know why the other party was not in a hurry to attack, Gao Yi was also happy to have more time to observe and think:

"It's not that there is no good news. For example, I don't need to help you find 'K', right?"

Listening to Gao Yi's words, the person on the other side smiled even more:

"I'm curious, when did you find it?"

Neither of them said it clearly, but the implication was very obvious.

Obviously, the "Tao Xuanyu" in front of him was the legendary "K" from the "Alphabet" organization.

The heavy breathing and groaning of the young man could still be heard in the "broadcasting studio", and the opponent did not seem to plan to use the same attack again.

Gao Yi held the [Gentleman's Cane] in his hand, remained alert, and spoke slowly:

"To be honest, I am quite confident in my ability to observe others, but I have to admit that you completely deceived me and made me believe the story of 'Tao Xuanyu'."

After a pause, Gao Yi resisted the urge to turn around and check the boy's condition, and then added:

"But I put myself in his shoes. If I were 'K', I would definitely not disguise myself as an inconspicuous supporting role, hiding outside the spotlight, waiting for others to find me."

"Hahahaha... Interesting, to be honest, I fell in love with you at first sight in that classroom, and it was you who brought me to the end of this show."

"K" smiled brighter and brighter, with his hands behind his back, and no aggression in his body, as if he really came to chat:

"You don't have to worry too much about being deceived. The story of Xiao Tao is true, and I just borrowed it."

"So... is there really a person named Tao Xuanyu?"

Gao Yi frowned slightly. He rarely could not read enough information from the other party's body movements and language.

"Yes, she is indeed from Nankang and is studying in the north. She became a player by chance. Her boyfriend, who is also a player, was trapped in the dungeon. Xiao Tao wanted to save him with the [Wishing Machine]. "

"Of course, that was just what she thought. Her boyfriend had actually died a long time ago - I killed him."

The moonlight shone through the window and sprinkled on the floor of the corridor, forming long shadows.

Whenever the clouds passed over the waning moon, the light swayed, making the already unsettling corridor even more eerie.

The story of "K" is not over.

"I pretended to meet Xiao Tao on the plane, accidentally showing the tattoo on my wrist, and we chatted. We soon became friends and stayed in a hotel together to save money."

"We talked a lot. She told me about her romantic date with her boyfriend, and I told her the story of 'K'..."

"Do you know what her reaction was when she walked back to the room after taking a shower and saw me sitting on the sofa, looking like her boyfriend?"

"K" took a step back and pointed at Gao Yi with her trembling right index finger, with extreme grief and horror on her face:


In a second, she returned to that friendly smile, as if the performance just now was just Gao Yi's illusion:

"Of course, Xiao Tao was not very cute, so I accepted her, turned into her, and came here."

"K" sighed and spread his hands, looking helpless.

Gao Yi, on the other side, had already begun to consider the possibility of escape.

This "K" was a heinous lunatic and pervert,

More importantly, he was a terrifyingly strong lunatic and pervert.

Gao Yi still remembered that Sister Tang mentioned that this "K" had conquered a copy of "Scepter 2" before.

Even if we are optimistic, he must be a B-level player with a small success.

Even if they are not specialized in frontal combat, the gap between them is still unimaginable.

You know, Gao Yi jumped more than half a level to kill Zhang Tu, which required a careful plan, cooperation, and the use of the dungeon boss; while the opponent had used up all his trump cards in advance, underestimated him, and was seriously injured.

At that time, he won with difficulty.

Now he has to jump two levels to kill a B-level player?

Are you kidding me? Even if he is the strongest D-level player, it is not good enough, let alone not yet...

Just when Gao Yi remained silent and thought about possible countermeasures at a very fast speed.

"K", who had not taken any action, tilted his head slightly and suddenly said:

"Ah, you have to be careful now, I still want to talk to you for a few words..."


Gao Yi quickly shifted his attention from estimating the situation to observing the surroundings.

However, this time he was obviously a beat late in dodging.

Gao Yi just raised his leg, and a thin black shadow pierced through the wall at the lower end of the corridor without any hindrance, hitting the calf of his right leg that he was about to take a step forward.

Blood gushed out.


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