At that moment, time seemed to freeze.

Gao Yi only felt a sharp pain on the outside of his right leg, as if countless cold needles pierced his skin, or as if he was scratched by a protrusion on a speeding train.

Looking down, he saw a horrible gap on his calf, with irregular edges, as if a piece of flesh was roughly torn off by a pair of big hands.

The sudden pain made Gao Yi stagger and kneel on one knee to avoid falling.

Gao Yi could feel that this was not just an ordinary skin injury, and the tendons and nerves were probably also damaged.

"Good reaction, I thought I would break one of your legs directly."

About ten meters outside the corridor, "K" still had the same unchanged smile on his face, looking at the struggling Gao Yi, and applauded.

Enduring the severe pain, Gao Yi stood up on one leg, took out a bottle of [C-level physical healing potion] from his wrist, and poured it into his mouth.

The intense pain stopped abruptly, but the wound on the calf obviously could not be healed in a short time.

Fortunately, Gao Yi got a bunch of potions at the Investigation Bureau in the morning, otherwise he would have to use low-level healing potions to bear it.

But then again, what on earth was that just now?

It was so fast that even Gao Yi, who had a strong observation ability, only caught a moment of its afterimage.

What attacked him seemed to be a black cylinder with a radius of about five centimeters.

Obviously, it was the same thing that hit Ye Chenjie in the "broadcasting studio" before.

I was careless...

Because I was chatting with the other party all the time, and this "K" had no killing intention or attacking movements at all, Gao Yi was slightly lax in his observation of the surroundings.

This extremely concealed attack avoided the protection range of the [Scarlet Raven Coat] and hit Gao Yi's leg.

If this time it was aimed at the head... Gao Yi swallowed his saliva and dared not relax at all.

On the other side, seeing Gao Yi drink the potion and slowly recover, "K" showed a hint of surprise on his face.

What was she surprised about?

No, she couldn't be affected. The information conveyed by this person's appearance could be a deception.

Gao Yi pursed his lips. It would take time to complete the treatment. He couldn't let the other party attack again.

Thinking of this, he asked directly:

"What is that?"

"Well... guess? Use your previous reasoning in the pseudo-human game."

But "K" obviously didn't have the idea of ​​answering Gao Yi's question. He still leisurely kept a distance of ten meters, and didn't seem to worry about Gao Yi's escape or sudden attack.

For Gao Yi, there was no exit for both escape and attack.

As for escape, the wound on his leg had not healed completely, and before he knew the principle of the other party's attack, he would die inexplicably if he escaped rashly.

With the slight heat in his chest just now, Gao Yi had already felt the activation of the [Lucky Necklace].

The dodge just now actually used up all the "luck" stored in it in one breath.

It seems that the prediction that the opponent would "break a leg" was not an exaggeration. Without the blessing of equipment and characteristics, Gao Yi might really have to say goodbye to his right leg.

What about attacking the opponent directly?

Unfortunately, in this situation, Gao Yi's weakness of not having long-range attack methods is undoubtedly exposed.

This "K" is still playing like a cat and mouse. If he really attacks with all his strength, he will probably not last more than ten seconds.

No, at least he has to figure out how the opponent launched that kind of attack.

Standing in the middle of the corridor, Gao Yi kept as much distance from the walls on both sides as possible to leave more reaction time.

While feeling his right leg slowly recovering, he once again resorted to communication, which he was best at:

"There is such a big gap between our strengths, it would be too boring to fight. Why don't you go and talk to the [Wishing Machine] in the room, and I won't bother you for now?"

"Hey, don't look down on yourself so much..."

"K" waved his hand artificially, with a hint of blame in his tone:

"I didn't believe in [Wishing Machine] anyway, I just wanted to travel to Nankang, I was bored, who knew... you showed up."

When he said the last sentence, "K" licked his lips very obviously, and the look he gave Gao Yi became a little strange, revealing his undisguised desire.

"Should I feel honored?"

Gao Yi pretended to stretch his calves and took a few steps back without making a sound, but "K" on the other side also took a few steps forward, keeping the distance between the two:

"No, no, no, just keep it like this."

She paused, her eyes seemed to be looking at a helpless prey, or a turkey on a plate:

"I like people like you who don't give up when they are in trouble, and then make the trouble more difficult and desperate step by step, and then appreciate the collapse after the struggle."

"You should watch more movies, many villains die like this..."

Waving his hand, Gao Yi complained and took two steps back.

And "K" followed with a rather elegant cat step:

"It's decided, I will take you back, tear off your beautiful skin, and study your heart carefully. At that time, we should understand each other better..."

"Let me confirm first, your original form should be female, let me see your original form, maybe we can solve this problem in a peaceful way..."

Gao Yi's retreat speed obviously became faster, while "K" on the other side was still pressing forward.

But he seemed to be in a state of madness, and no longer paid attention to Gao Yi's chatter:

"Let's play a question-and-answer game. If you answer a question for me, I will tear off a piece of your skin... Don't worry, I have a skillful hand and will not damage your young skin."

"Your game is not even as good as that buddy's... Why should I answer questions if I have to have my skin torn off..."

No longer suppressing his desire to complain, Gao Yi stopped his steps as soon as he finished speaking.

On the other side, "K", who also stopped, raised his eyebrows slightly, and seemed a little surprised by Gao Yi's action.

At this time, Gao Yi was controlling his body with all his heart and soul.

If I'm not's coming again! .

As expected, a slight sound of breaking wind came from outside the window, and this time Gao Yi chose to act in advance.

He lowered his body and rolled sideways, allowing the [Scarlet Raven Coat] to resist the attack.

There was a crisp sound like steel hitting, and the attacking object brushed past his sleeves, and in the end only the back of his left hand was slightly scratched by the terrifying UFO.

Very good, just as I guessed.

Gao Yi stood up again and looked at the "K" who was still smiling in the corridor, and he had a bottom line in his heart.


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