The moonlight remained, and the evening breeze blew into the room along with the pierced glass.

Following the previous movement, the two had already arrived at a small open area outside the stairwell.

Looking at Gao Yi's gymnast-like evasive action, "K", who was ten meters away, smiled even more.

On the other side, Gao Yi, who had taken another sip of [D-level physical healing potion], panted and smiled:

"So that's how it is, it seems that I guessed right."

I have to say that this smile was quite forced, because the [Scarlet Raven Coat] had only been worn for a few minutes and was attacked twice.

The accumulation of its negative effects has become extremely serious, and the analgesic effect of this healing potion is minimal.

I think the reason may be that some characteristics of "K's" attack make it have extremely high damage.

Reflected on the coat, two attacks caused its negative effects to be greatly superimposed.

The resulting reduction in immunity is also fatal, but Gao Yi is now facing a more serious problem.

"K" did not move any more, just thought a little, and spoke again:

"To be honest, you are stronger than I thought. Few people can dodge it the third time. Good reaction."

This is not a reaction...

After adjusting his breathing, Gao Yi stood up again and patted the dust on his sleeves.

At this moment, he no longer had the extra leisure to answer the other party's questions.

Besides, verbal attacks obviously had little effect on this "K", so Gao Yi stopped talking nonsense.

After dodging just now, he basically understood the other party's attack methods.

The biggest doubt about the attack mode of the black stick is how "K" launched the attack.

In the second attack, when the right calf was injured, Gao Yi kept observing "K" the whole time before being hit.

He was very sure that the other party did not make any physical, verbal or even facial movements, but just smiled and talked with Gao Yi.

So how did she attack?

Gao Yi's first reaction was that the attack was controlled by the other party's mind and could be driven by thoughts.

This does explain why "K" did not need to perform any physical or verbal actions when launching the attack.

But... if it was controlled by the mind, it cannot explain its strange attack mode. Why must it shoot from outside the building and drill out from the other side?

If it can be controlled at will and shoot directly in a straight line, Gao Yi will most likely not be able to avoid it.

In the end, it was "K's" words that provided the clue.

[Ah, "this time" you have to be careful, I still want to talk to you for a few words...]

The guess is more specific, maybe this attack is some kind of "remote automatic" attack that is not controlled by the person himself?

If it is not directly controlled by the other party, why can "K" confirm the time of the attack and remind Gao Yi?

Maybe she can sense it in some way, but the more likely source of information is-time.

Gao Yi, who turned on the active effect of [Armchair Detective], quickly confirmed it.

The interval between the first and second appearances of the black stick is exactly the same as the interval between the second and third appearances.

Eighty-eight seconds.

Every eighty-eight seconds, the black stick would fly from outside the administrative building, pass through all barriers, and fly to the other side.

The second question is, how does this stick search for enemies? How big is the attack range?

If you want to launch an effective counterattack, these are all things that must be confirmed.

The key to this problem lies in distance.

When "K" first appeared in the corridor, he kept a distance of about fifteen meters from Gao Yi.

In the subsequent conversation, no matter what Gao Yi did, the other party did not get even one step closer.

At first, Gao Yi thought that "K" was just guarding against his sudden attack or turning around to escape, so he chose to stand at a moderate distance.

But when Gao Yi tried to distance himself from the other party, "K" decisively followed him and kept the distance between the two at about fifteen meters.

When avoiding the third attack, all doubts were answered.

With the summary of a lot of information, Gao Yi was finally able to roughly confirm the true appearance of this attack.

The black stick did attack automatically, and the same stick appeared every time.

The principle is to circle around "K" in a circular space with a radius of 15 meters in a clockwise direction.

Considering that the other party pays so much attention to distance control, the error should not be too large.

This also explains why the flying angle of the black stick in the first round of attacks in the studio is different from the two attacks encountered in the corridor.

The answer is that during the first attack, "K" was downstairs from Gao Yi and locked the target, so the direction of the stick flying was downward.

If these guesses are not wrong, then it seems that he has a chance to survive...

It is definitely not possible to escape directly. The other party dares to keep a distance and slowly play with the prey. Naturally, they are confident that Gao Yi will not escape.

If you want to leave the administrative building and find the investigation bureau personnel who are still outside the school to help, you must let the other party reveal some flaws.

Based on this, a plan slowly formed in Gao Yi's mind.

"It seems that you seem to have some new ideas?"

Looking at Gao Yi who was standing there and keeping alert, "K" licked his index finger playfully and smiled again.

On the other side, Gao Yi, who was calculating all the possible possibilities under the simulation of [Armchair Detective], also took the time to ask back:

"Yes, I was wondering what your attack method is called."


Hearing Gao Yi's question, "K" smiled and then shook his head:

"For players, the specific names of equipment and features are extremely private... But I like you very much, so I'll let you know. This is what I researched myself, a combination of features and equipment, I named it 'Shadow Bug'."

"Shadow Bug?..."

Gao Yi lowered his head and pretended to think, while using [Armchair Detective] to make a comprehensive layout.

There are eight seconds left, and the "Shadow Bug" will complete another rotation, and another round of attacks will come.

In the corner of his eyes, "K"'s eyes revealed a hint of expectation, as if he wanted to see if Gao Yi could react to this attack.

This is not a reaction.

Just when the sound of breaking wind was faintly audible and the attack was less than three seconds away,

The glass on the side of "K" suddenly exploded, making a loud noise in the dark night, and the faint screams of ravens were also mixed in.

At the same time, a large amount of broken glass stained with dark green liquid splashed towards his face.

And at the moment when "K" was attracted, he activated the active effect of [Christmas Cloak] and started a sprint.

This may be the last chance to fight.


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