Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 199 Shadow Bugs and Black Tentacles

Gao Yi's plan is simple and direct.

To sum it up in one sentence - use everything you can use and fight to the death.

Facing an enemy whose strength far exceeded his own and who clearly had murderous intentions, Gao Yi knew that he could no longer hold back even a little bit.

Although the idea of ​​"K" seems to be not to kill himself directly here, but the meaning revealed between the lines is that if it falls into her hands, it may be better to die directly.

It’s not that there’s no possibility of betraying your lust and trying a honey trap when the time comes, but that’s the last and helpless option…

All Gao Yi can do now is try his best.

In terms of labels, in the face of a crazy perverted murderer, his behavior was directly identified as "acting bravely for justice."

The further improvement of physical fitness has given Gao Yi a certain degree of confidence.

When he was attacked by the "Shadow Bug" for the third time, Gao Yi was actually on guard and able to dodge.

But he still deliberately retreated to the stairwell on the other side of the corridor and made a rather exaggerated rolling motion.

All this is to hide his other little moves.

Relying on the vision cover of [Scarlet Raven Coat], Gao Yi activated the active effect and summoned a black raven.

At the same time, he took out the tube of [Class B Damage Potion] that had been kept for a long time with his right hand, put it into the raven's beak, and asked it to bite it.

Thanks to the upgrade of the [Gambler] label, Gao Yi possesses "a thousand superb skills".

Although this set of actions is closer to magic techniques, in any case, Gao Yi's performance is very beautiful and deceptive.

At the very least, it did not attract the attention of "K" on the other side, making him think that he was just being attacked and fell to the ground.

At that moment, the raven with the potion in its mouth flew down from the stairwell and left the room.

Just before the fourth attack of the "Shadow Bug" was about to strike, the window that "K" was close to was knocked open from the outside.

Thanks to "K" always controlling the distance, Gao Yi can easily control the opponent's position and bring him close to a window.

Next, is the scene that just happened.

The raven flew at full speed and smashed the glass with its body without hesitation. At the same time, it also broke the tube of [Class B Damage Potion].

The dark green venom enchanted the flying glass fragments and the raven corpse, and rushed straight towards "K"'s face.

Gao Yi on the other side did not choose to escape directly.

When the "Shadow Bug" was about to attack, he sprinted in the direction of "K" at high speed and raised the [Gentleman's Cane].

As expected, the "Shadow Bug"'s attack failed as the distance between Gao Yi and "K" approached, and it re-entered its circular orbit.

Gao Yi already had a body with multiple bonuses, but it was further enhanced by the active effect of [Christmas Cloak].

The short distance of fifteen meters was only an instant.

But even though the other party's attention had been attracted and he was extremely fast, Gao Yi still remained calm and did not strike directly with his cane.

In any case, this "K" is a B-level player with rich combat experience.

Judging from her story, she often has to come into close contact with the enemy. It is too optimistic to expect that she will have few means of survival and counterattack against close attacks.

On the other hand, [Super Kills Three Thousand Lives], which is also highly different, is a bit difficult to use.

Gao Yi has never understood how to use this overly complicated weapon.

I could barely control it before because of the label of [Weapon Master].

And this tag, because it had to make way for [D-class personnel], was replaced by Gao Yi's cache gold bar at this moment, and it is temporarily unusable.

Although the [Gentleman's Cane] has a very good special effect, it is ultimately a blunt weapon with very limited attack power.

If you can't guarantee enough damage, it's best to err on the side of caution.

The highly different attack options are the active effects of [Gentleman's Cane].

It can be confirmed in previous tests that when its active effect is activated, the closer the enemy will be, the more severe mental damage and madness will be suffered.

Although it was uncertain whether the enemy had abilities and equipment related to mental resistance, Gao Yi obviously had no choice.

When "K" was attracted by the glass fragments wrapped in the damage potion, Gao Yi had already shortened the distance between the two to about seven meters. The [Gentleman's Cane] hit the ground heavily, and the active effect was successfully activated.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Yi did not stop moving.

Two bottles of [C-level damage potion] were thrown at the same time, targeting "K"'s upper body and lower body respectively.

With the super high agility bonus, a whole set of attacks can be said to be smooth and smooth, and Gao Yi did not leave himself any time to rest and quickly made the next move.

On the other side, "K" didn't seem to be frightened by the sudden explosion of the glass beside him. He just tilted his head slightly and raised his right hand.

The next second Gao Yi completed his action, a thick smoke emerged from the floor in the corridor area where "K" was standing, mixed with the sound of a large amount of reinforced concrete being torn apart.

Ten seconds later, the thick smoke was dispersed by the night breeze. A large part of the corridor where "K" was just now collapsed, and what was in the attacked area was a ball held up by a large number of black tentacles... Egg?

Yes, a large black oval egg. The blackness is completely different from what you see in daily life. It seems that no light can be reflected on its surface, forming a complete, death-like darkness.

As the smoke dissipated, the dome slowly shattered, and "K" walked gracefully from it.

It can be seen that although she responded with some ability, she still did not completely avoid the attack.

The left side of his face was hit by [Class B Damage Potion], and the skin was completely corroded, exposing his white cheekbones.

But what was even more frightening was that she seemed to be completely unable to feel the pain, and still showed that frightening smile to Gao Yi:

"I quite like this skin, you have to be responsible..."

The next second, a huge black tentacle rushed out from downstairs, smashed the floor, and pierced Gao Yi, who had a stupid expression in front of him.

But unlike what was expected, the "Gao Yi" figure turned into a puddle of water and disappeared.

"Is it a hallucination? Or a clone?"

Waving his hand nonchalantly, "K" was not fooled by Gao Yi [D-class personnel]'s active effect for too long, and quickly found Gao Yi at the other end of the corridor from behind the smoke.

This is too outrageous, is this a B-level player...

Gao Yi had already distanced himself, but was still shocked by this exaggerated attack method.

While he was still slashing people with a knife, the enemy could already control huge tentacles to attack and defend. seems that the attack mode is not too complicated. At least I already know the rules of the "shadow bug". I just need to avoid a fixed distance...

"You seem to have misunderstood something."

Just when Gao Yi was breathing heavily and thinking quickly.

The "K" on the other side raised his right hand again.

At the same time, a dozen identical "shadow bugs" appeared beside her, moving at different speeds around an area with a radius of about half a meter around her:

"Don't be discouraged, let me see what else you can do... Three more first? Isn't it a bit much?"

Is it so outrageous?

What flashed through Gao Yi's mind was the yellow team's notes.

It is said above that Zhang Tu's attack mode is relatively simple and does not look like a high-level player.

At that time, Gao Yi still didn't understand how Zhang Tu could control areas, cut people's phantoms, and have a coat with super defense, so how could he be so simple?

Now it seems that B-level players and D-level players are completely incomparable.

Gotta run.

Gao Yi instantly lost all thoughts of continuing the fight, and began to think about how to use the [Director's Whistle], the last trump card, to gain room for escape.

And just when "K" was about to take action.

The sound of heavy footsteps, accompanied by incomprehensible murmurs, came from downstairs.

At this time, someone is coming?


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