Using the remaining active effect of [Armchair Detective] cautiously, he observed the surroundings during the remaining duration, and summoned another raven out of concern.

After finally confirming that "K" had completely disappeared, Gao Yi relaxed and sat down on the ground along the relatively intact wall beside him.

Beside him, the surviving Sir Newton seemed to be grateful for his escape from death this time, but Einstein at the other end of the corridor was not so lucky.

In fact, when "K" said "Jiujiang's mad dog", Gao Yi realized that the visitor was likely to be from the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society".

And "Advanced Animals", a rock music single published in the last century, was quickly matched by Gao Yi.

It must be said that after Gao Yi became a "player", he had also seen many people with very strange costumes.

But the strangeness of this "advanced animal" in front of him was still beyond imagination.

After all, who would wander around in the restraints of a mental hospital for no reason?

After a little thought, Gao Yi asked the question he was most curious about:

"Why are you here, and how did you find this place?"

On the other side, the "high-level animal" who had left the combat state looked a little dazed.

After a long time, he tilted his head slightly and answered:

"Sister Tang, order, nearby, finish up."

For some reason, he insisted on speaking in two words, first answering the first half of the question, and then answering the second half:

"Fox, origami, sensing, positioning."

As he said, he slightly turned sideways, jumped on the spot, and showed Gao Yi the paper fox hanging on an iron ring on the side of his pants.

It is worth mentioning that because the scene was too chaotic before, Gao Yi only noticed now that the pants of this "high-level animal" actually had a certain restraining effect, and a chain was tied to the thigh, so that each step could not be too big.

That being said, he was not pretending to be cool when he walked up the stairs so slowly, but he really couldn't walk fast...

After carefully looking at the paper fox hanging on his pants for a while, Gao Yi suddenly remembered that Tang Chao did ask him to hold a small paper fox after the commission.

At that time, Sister Tang didn't say what it was used for, but just said to take it to witness the "miracle". Unexpectedly, the thing also had a positioning function.

Recalling, Gao Yi took out the cute little paper fox from his arms for a moment.

But at some point, the surface of this fox folded from white paper was covered with a layer of dense black and red fine lines, like diseased blood vessels.

"What's going on?"

Gao Yi frowned slightly, raised it and looked at the "advanced animal" on the other side.

And the boy stared blankly for a few seconds - although his eyes were blindfolded, the action should be "looking", then he thought and slowly spoke:

"Sister Tang, things, I don't, know."

Well, it is indeed difficult to communicate with this person.

Shaking his head, Gao Yi held the little fox in his hand, thinking about asking again later.

Although the "high-level animal" in front of him suddenly descended from the sky, objectively it helped a lot.

But thinking carefully, this kid was obviously arranged by Tang Chao in advance near Nankang Experimental Middle School, and he was also asked to bring a prop with a positioning effect.

To believe that he was completely kind and came to support himself was too wishful thinking.

Obviously, if the so-called [Wishing Machine] is a real legendary equipment and appears in the school, then this "high-level animal" will be responsible for the fight.

Although this person's outfit is very strange, his combat effectiveness is unquestionable.

Just from that performance just now, it feels like he can already fight with a regular modern army.

There may be a reason why he is called a "mad dog".

Speaking of [Wishing Machine].......

Gao Yi struggled to stand up from the ground, and the "high-level animal" on the other side took a step forward and seemed to want to help, but he really couldn't help with his hands tied.

Waving his hand and declining the other party's kindness, Gao Yi walked along the corridor that had been destroyed beyond recognition towards the previous "broadcasting studio".

The previous situation was too critical, and it was not until he calmed down that he had the opportunity to check on the previous Ye Chenjie.

If I remember correctly, he was hit by a shadow bug from "K", but Gao Yi gave him a bottle of healing potion before leaving, so it shouldn't be a big problem... right.

I can only hope that the previous inexplicable AOE did not affect him.

The attack of the "high-level animals" flattened the entire corridor, but did not harm the classrooms and rooms beside the corridor.

Stepping on the incomplete ground, Gao Yi still successfully returned to the previous "broadcasting studio".

This broadcasting studio has also been beaten into a hornet's nest and looks chaotic.

But when he saw Ye Chenjie lying on the ground in the moonlight, he realized that the other party was in a very bad condition.

The exposed skin all over his body was covered with dense black and red lines, just like the situation on the paper fox.

Now that I think about it, this might be some kind of effect of "K's" attack, and the paper fox helped Gao Yi block it, which is why "K" was a little surprised at the time.

Gao Yi was protected, but Ye Chenjie, who fell to the ground, was not so lucky.

He was not a player in the first place, and his physical fitness was just that of an ordinary person. This incomprehensible attack had already put him in a state of death. The TV hood on his head disappeared, and his breathing had gradually weakened.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't die, you haven't fulfilled my wish yet."

Gao Yi squatted down hurriedly, took out a bottle of [C-level physical healing potion] and poured it into his mouth. After thinking for a while, he took out a bottle of antidote.

But before he could pour it into the other party again, the boy on the ground coughed violently a few times and opened his eyes with great difficulty.

Gao Yi then found that his eyes were also covered with black and red thin lines, and he obviously couldn't see anything.

Without the cover of the TV hood, he slowly spoke in his somewhat childish voice:

"What is your wish...?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, Gao Yi noticed that there were several penetrating wounds in his lower body that were bleeding uncontrollably, and it was obviously attacked by the "shadow bug" later.

This boy was only left with his last breath.

Biting his lip, Gao Yi asked the most crucial question:

"Where does your ability come from, and why do you create these 'programs'?"

After another violent cough, the boy used up his last bit of strength to turn his head and forced out a smile:

"I can create fields and shoot programs... Based on audience satisfaction, I can exchange rewards........ This is my... golden finger......."

"Who? Who do I exchange rewards with? Do you know him?"

The premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger, but Gao Yi still asked this question.

"I don't know him... But he sent me a videotape... It's a..."

There was another groan, and it seemed that the pain-relieving effect of the treatment potion was not enough.

But even so, the boy who fell to the ground still struggled to speak and said the last words, fulfilling Gao Yi's wish:

"Little boy, the one who told me everything in the video was a very young boy."


After half a month, it finally reached 8.3 points! ! !

The score seems to be approaching 1000, which is all good.

By the way, I suddenly thought of something.

There are more than a thousand people following the update every day, but there are only about 20 to 30 people who post comments and give gifts.

That means there are at least a thousand silent readers who I have never met.

Are there any comments that have never spoken that I would like to meet?


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