Nankang City, Beijiang District.

Not far from Nankang Experimental Middle School, next to a milk tea shop.

As the evacuation with the cooperation of relevant departments was very successful, all shops within a few kilometers of the area were closed.

A man and a woman were sitting in a small pavilion outside a milk tea shop. There were two cups of milk tea on the table that didn't look very good.

The man was dressed in casual clothes, his yellow hair was tied into a not-so- neat bun, and he was picking his teeth with a toothpick at the moment.

The woman was dressed quite dignifiedly, wearing a black skirt, and her hands were quickly recording something in a memo on her mobile phone.

Needless to say, they are Captain Ouyang and Ye Lin, members of the special team of the Investigation Bureau headquarters.

After reluctantly taking a sip of the milk tea in front of her, Ye Lin turned her head and looked at Ouyang aside:

"Captain, I still don't quite understand why we have to come out directly. Even if we know that the [Wish Machine] cannot be collected, we should still control the situation."

On the other side, Captain Ouyang, who heard this question, put down his toothpick and recovered from the posture of slumped on the back of the chair:

"Didn't I say it? Although I couldn't see it clearly, the situation at that time was very dangerous. There were several dangerous and dangerous people mixed in on the playground. I don't care about it myself, but I have to ensure your safety... ....”

After a pause, as if he was worried about being questioned, he knocked on the table again and added:

"Of course I don't care much about the safety of the team members. Even if there are casualties, I have to write many reports and be scolded by the superiors..."

"Come on, when did you write a report? You didn't just throw it all to me."

Ye Lin, who was speechless about her captain, shook her head and turned her attention to Nankang Experimental Middle School across the road again.

She took out her mobile phone and took photos and records of other team members in action, so that she could compile them later.

A large number of players who had just come out of the barrier of the [Wishing Machine] were arrested on the spot and taken into a black van.

If nothing else, they will be sent to the local Bureau of Investigation branch for further review.

Judging from the situation in the school, there are not many innocents among these living players.

A large amount of information was sent from all over the place and summarized on Ye Lin's mobile phone, for further command by her.

"Captain, twenty-one people were arrested at the scene, and the search is still ongoing. Can you confirm that no one escaped?"

While recording the required information and thinking about how to explain it to the relevant local departments, Ye Lin diverted her energy and confirmed to Ouyang on the side.

She obviously also knew that the captain's eyes had some extraordinary characteristics.

"Ah, well, several of them should have escaped already... Many of these players are quite good at escaping."

Under the small pavilion, the air suddenly solidified, and an unsettling silence suddenly appeared.

Ye Lin stopped what she was doing, turned her head stiffly, looked at the indifferent-looking young man with yellow hair, and said word by word:

"What did you say?"

Ouyang, who seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing, straightened up and did not dare to meet the murderous gaze on the side:

"Oh, there are some very strong ones there. If we try to stop them, something will happen. It will be difficult for nearby residents to witness some strange things..."

"How can there be so many strong people who can be stronger than you? Do you want to say that you can't beat those you let go??"

Ye Lin was obviously very dissatisfied with the captain's bad attitude, and she directly raised her foot and stepped on the shoe that the captain stretched out under her.

"It hurts, it hurts... Don't be like this, not every player is better to be supervised, some are just more suitable for freeing..."

As he said that, Captain Ouyang's eyes moved and he looked at a strange woman who had sneaked into the security personnel from the side, and couldn't help but smile:

"If you let it go, it might even bring us unexpected surprises."

"You mean that Gao Yi?"

Ye Lin frowned slightly and followed the other person's thoughts.

"Is that his name? I think he is quite interesting. Maybe he will bring some surprises in the future..."

Captain Ouyang waved his hand and pushed the cup of milk tea in front of him to Ye Lin opposite:

"I'm pretty good at my craft, drink more."

Looking at the unknown liquid with brown foam, Ye Lin sighed deeply:

"If you can't do it, just fight more and don't do anything else."

"Damn, I'm the Almighty God of War. I can carry the entire team by myself. Isn't it easy to make milk tea?"

Captain Ouyang slammed the table and drank the milk tea in front of him - if that could be called milk tea.

"Okay." Ye Lin on the other side was a little confused and put down the pen in her hand unhappily:

"Then you write the report on this operation, and let me see how you explain that we mobilized so many manpower and material resources, blocked the entire school and several blocks, and finally got nothing."

"No, no, no, I was wrong, let me treat you to hotpot tomorrow..."

"Isn't it your turn to treat me this time?"

"Ah, wasn't it the person I invited last time we had wonton noodles?"

"That was last time. Did you forget about the roasted whole lamb last month?"

The two of them were talking wordlessly, and the action near the entrance of Nankang Experimental Middle School was coming to an end.

Ye Lin returned her gaze to the campus and her thoughts began to wander.

Most of the players who could be caught have been arrested. The large amount of blood and corpses in the school have to wait for local professionals to come and clean up.

The administrative building collapsed extremely tragically, and the school gate was half collapsed.

If nothing unexpected happens, the students of Nankang Experimental Middle School can have a few days off.

As for the principal, he would probably be a little sad when he saw this scene.

Captain Ouyang can't be asked to explain, otherwise he will say something like "this is a byproduct of fire inspection", which will probably really make the principal collapse.

Overall, this operation basically achieved the goal, without letting a Class B disaster erupt completely, and without exposing too much supernatural phenomena to the eyes of ordinary people.

Although the [Wishing Machine] was finally confirmed not to exist in the form of "collectible", it at least guarantees that it will not cause trouble again.

As for other hidden changes, leave it to the local investigation bureau to deal with.........

Looking at the clear night sky, enjoying the beautiful night view of Nankang under the moonlight.

Ye Lin seemed to have a sudden inspiration. She opened the memo on her phone and gave this operation a summary code at the beginning.

"Star Catching"


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