In the bedroom of a certain apartment, Gan Yejia suddenly woke up from her sleep.

Her hands were numb and she subconsciously wanted to move, but suddenly found that she was handcuffed to a radiator, and the chain collided with the metal bracket, making a crisp sound.


She looked around subconsciously and found that she was in an unfamiliar bedroom at this time. The air was filled with the smell of blood, rust and some kind of rotten smell.

On the right, on the wide bed, sat a familiar man.

Needless to say, it was Gao Yi who was involved in the inexplicable incident again.

Gao Yi's condition was not good. After confirming that Ye Chenjie was dead, although he was a little sad, he still reluctantly searched his body.

On him, a golden twenty-sided dice was found. No use was found for the time being, so he had to carry it with him.

The "high-level animal" on the side did not stop him, but it seemed that he could not understand the situation there.

In the end, Gao Yi made a video call to "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" and briefly reported the commission status.

Tang Chao roughly understood the situation and expressed that he was very satisfied with the action. He made an appointment to communicate in detail and pay the reward.

The "high-level animal" on the other side saw that Sister Tang seemed quite embarrassed and kept his head down without speaking.

Of course, it could also be because Tang Chao was only wearing a loose bathrobe at this time, and the picture was a bit too stimulating for the underage boy.

However, it is worth mentioning that even though the clothes were so simple, "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty" still wore the paper fox mask, and it is not ruled out that it was put on before answering the phone...

The boss of the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" seemed to be living in a luxuriously decorated hotel... It was a double room.

Although the field of vision was somewhat limited, Gao Yi could vaguely perceive that there was a sobbing Zhao Qian on the other side of the room.

Do not look at it, do not listen to it...

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yi also knew that he could not stay in the school for a long time.

The "high-level animal" on the other side said that he could teleport away, but he could not bring anyone with him.

Gao Yi had to find a way to leave Nankang Experimental Middle School by himself.

Although the situation was not optimistic, fortunately the [Mist Mask] was still there.

Gao Yi transformed into a young woman and found an opportunity to blend into the crowd of guards on the side.

The special effect of [Mist Mask] to isolate the player's senses was very helpful, so that he was not caught.

But when he left, the creepy "feeling of being watched" appeared again.

As expected, it should be seen by Captain Ouyang.

Gao Yi thought he was going to be caught and was thinking about whether Tan Zhi could get him out.

But in the end, he successfully left the scene.

Gao Yi found the information collection form in their class group on Ye Chenjie's mobile phone, and found the apartment he rented.

In fact, Gao Yi seriously thought about coming back tomorrow to deal with the matter here, after all, his physical and mental conditions were very poor.

But considering that leaving such a girl tied up in the room alone for a night, it was a bit dangerous, so he dragged his tired body here.

Next, it was the scene in front of Gan Yejia.

"You...what are you going to do?!"

The girl pulled the handcuffs again to try to break free, but it was clear that her strength was not strong enough to break the steel support.

Her expression at this moment was exactly the same as when they first met in [Western City Weirdness].

For some reason, every time the two met, Gao Yi would scare the other party...

"Alright, alright, if I really want to catch you, do I need to make it so complicated? Think carefully about what happened before."

Gao Yi waved his hand. He was exhausted physically and mentally and didn't have much interest in comforting the other party.

The girl on the other side calmed down much faster after being scared by Gao Yi so many times. She frowned and recalled:

"Today, school was suddenly dismissed early. I remember when I was about to take the bus home, a classmate stopped me... It was Ye Chenjie you met in the afternoon."

After a slight pause, the girl seemed to be struggling with her chaotic thoughts. It took a long time before she continued:

"By the way, he said he wanted to show me something, and pulled me into a small alley, and then... then what happened?"

"Then he knocked you out and carried you back, handcuffed you here."

Gao Yi shook his head, stopped talking nonsense, and walked forward to help the girl open the handcuffs - the key was actually placed in the living room outside.

Rubbing her sore arm, the girl was a little surprised at first, and then turned angry:

"That kid? Why? Where is he?"

Gan Yejia asked three questions in a row, but Gao Yi did not answer directly.

From this point of view, the boy did not kidnap for the "show". Gan Yejia's clothes were intact, and there was a cup with a straw next to her.

Was he just worried that she would be involved in the "show"? It's hard to say...

Sighing slightly in his heart, Gao Yi looked up at the bedroom.

The one-bedroom apartment was very tidy. As expected, only Ye Chenjie lived there.

On his mobile phone, Gao Yi also got a general understanding of his personal situation.

His parents were doing business in other places, so he came to a good school in Nankang to study alone.

He lived in the school for a while in the first year of high school, but later it seemed that he had a conflict with his roommate, so he rented a house alone.

Although his parents could not provide any emotional care, they still provided financial support.

They also allowed him to rent a small house here and travel back and forth every day.

Nankang Experimental Middle School did not seem to have strict control over students' mobile phones. There were many photos in the boy's album, many of which were pretending to take pictures of a group of people, but in fact the focus was all on Gan Yejia...

Of course, none of this mattered now.

This high school boy had died in this dangerous supernatural world, at the hands of that "K".

Was he innocent?

Not really. Although many of the players in the "program" were greedy people who wanted to compete for the "wishing opportunity", there were also ordinary players who were involved.

Many people were injured or even died because of this "program" that encouraged fighting each other in its rules. .

Those who were directly "eliminated" might still have a life, but those who died at the hands of other players really lost their lives.

However, this was not entirely his responsibility. The so-called [Wishing Machine] controlled everything and induced the killings and disasters.

As the user, or host, the teenager was also one of the victims involved.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yi handed a glass of water to Gan Yejia, who was still talking about letting "that kid know how powerful he is", and walked to the living room on the pretext of something.

He took out his mobile phone, found the number he had reserved before, and called the [Stage Manager] who had been to Gao Yi's home.

The other party answered quickly, as if he had expected someone to call.

And Gao Yi didn't waste any words, he spoke directly and stated his purpose:

"I want to meet the [Director]."


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