Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 204: Harvest and World Domination (1/2)

"I feel dizzy..."

Climbing up from the bed, Gao Yi rubbed his hair.

He walked to the bathroom with a weak step.

It has to be said that even after ten hours of sleep, Gao Yi was still exhausted in various senses.

The main reason was that he was too tired yesterday.....

Just after leaving the complicated and troublesome copy of [Mechanical Godcasting], he had not rested well, but was commissioned by Tan Zhi and Tang Chao to go to Nankang Experimental Middle School.

I have been making various preparations until the evening, and then the next thing is that I am exhausted when I recall it.

Last night, Gan Yejia was sent home after being rescued. It was already three o'clock in the morning when Gao Yi staggered back to the apartment.

If there is any good news, it is that Li Zhaozhao had already fallen asleep at this time, and he was not seen in this miserable state again, which led to unnecessary misunderstandings.

But to be honest, this injury is not serious. After the effect of [Scarlet Raven Coat] prohibiting any potion appeared, Gao Yi was not injured much.

Only the back of the hand was hit by the "shadow bug" once, and it was okay to bandage it with a bandage. It was not a big problem.

The main reason was that the enemy's combat power was too strong this time. If he was hit twice, he would be dead, not to mention whether he was seriously injured.

Although the physical injury was not serious, the negative effects of various equipment and characteristics were really full.

The headache caused by the significant consumption of mental power, the fatigue and various complications caused by the reduction of immunity, and the confusion of personality made Gao Yi need to think about "Is I really me?"

Of course, the most troublesome thing is the negative effect of the new equipment [Christmas Cloak].

It was not tested before, resulting in the first use in actual combat.

As a purple equipment, its negative effects are also extremely troublesome.

In short, as the use time increases, the [Christmas Cloak] will slowly increase the gravity borne by the wearer.

This is also one of the reasons why Gao Yi had a hard time walking when he returned home.

But fortunately, he finally returned to the warm bed and had a good rest.

When he woke up, it was already afternoon.

Gao Yi washed up and didn't want to go out, so he ordered a takeaway and lay on the sofa to review yesterday's events.

Although he was beaten for no reason, he actually gained a lot.

First of all, it was the acquisition of information.

After yesterday's "program", Gao Yi had a deeper understanding of the different player groups in Nankang.

He also had a better understanding of the "alphabet" and "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" in other places.

On the other hand, although Gao Yi did not find the so-called videotape from Ye Chenjie's house.

But the planner or guide behind the so-called [wishing machine] was obviously the [director].

Gao Yi had already made an appointment to meet with the [field staff]. He had a hunch that the information in it was related to the truth of a series of events such as the entire "copy" world and the appearance of "players".

In this regard, it was meaningless to ask ordinary players. He must find the [director] and ask in person.

Apart from these hidden benefits, there were also many real rewards.

The most conspicuous thing is that Gao Yi got a twenty-sided dice from Ye Chenjie.

This dice, which is shining with gold and has different numbers written in red, is very light and can be easily held in the hand.

But its specific use is still unknown.

The first guess is to throw it, and maybe different points will have different effects.

But considering Gao Yi's pitiful luck value, it is better not to do such a thing that relies on luck.

After all, at most, just ask the [Director], he must know what it is.

With this idea, Gao Yi temporarily accepted it and did not touch it.

Another reward, a special task from the tag system.

[Special task completed: witness "miracle\

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