Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 205: The new gentleman's tea restaurant and Xian'er

The "Gentleman's Tea Restaurant" has become an important place for Gao Yi to talk with other players, and it was no surprise that he chose this place this time.

Don't get me wrong, Gao Yi has no intention of complaining. After all, this store is not far from his downstairs, which saves a lot of commuting time.

This is really friendly to myself who doesn’t have transportation on hand.

But tonight, as he approached this familiar "gentleman's tea restaurant", Gao Yi was keenly aware of some changes.

The most obvious difference is the sound. Some music was also played in the previous tea restaurants, but most of them were melodious and beautiful Cantonese love songs or accompaniments.

But this time when Gao Yi pushed the door open, the song playing in the store was "Zhi Hu Zhe Ye" from the 1980s.

I won’t mention whether it sounds good or not, but at least it has a good rhythm...

Not only that, even the decoration of the store has undergone extremely obvious changes.

The restaurant, which was originally mainly green, was now decorated with a large number of bright red stickers, and a huge display cabinet was installed on the wall next to the counter, filled with various guitars.

Well, it seems that "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" was not joking, she really bought this store...

Although it can be guessed that the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" who sells game coins and equipment medicines everywhere is very rich, but did they really buy a restaurant...

Well, at least Zhao Qian shouldn't need to go around trying to steal people's money.

Walking into the store, there were actually several tables of customers at this time, and it seemed that business had indeed improved a lot.

The young female store manager came forward to receive them. Judging from the smile on her face, it seemed that she no longer had to worry about her livelihood.

But then again, she seemed a little uncomfortable with her current work attire of wearing sunglasses and a bright red cheongsam.

Seeing Gao Yi walk in, she instantly showed a bright smile:

"Ah, you are Sister Tang's friend. Please come in. Just go to the private room at the end."

After pointing the way to Gao Yi, the store manager fell into busyness again amid the calls of the customers around him.

Without any intention of embarrassing the other party, Gao Yi stepped forward and walked into the private room amidst the singing of "Here he goes, hehehehehehehe".

But what I didn't expect was that the person sitting in the private room was not the familiar "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty".

Sitting on the main seat is a brown-haired woman. Judging from her hairstyle, she looks very similar to the Ye Lin she met last night.

No, the color seems a little different. Maybe this one should be called brown?

In any case, she doesn't have Ye Lin's cold temperament. On the contrary, she is extremely gentle and lazy, making people want to get close to her unconsciously.

It was the player who was the host at the auction at that time.

If I remember's called "Xian'er"?

A black and white striped sweatshirt paired with a dark blue overalls skirt.

The difference from the last time we met is that he is wearing a round-framed flat mirror on his face... I can't rule out the possibility that it is a piece of equipment.

Gao Yi chose a seat opposite him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked the question he was most concerned about:

"Where's Sister Tang? I thought I was going to meet her."

On the other side, Xian'er, who was asked this, sighed deeply, waved her hand and said:

"Don't mention it, that boy Zhao Qian ran away again and is chasing him."

"Running away again?" Gao Yi sighed sincerely:

"That's unfortunate. Do you need my help?"

"It's nothing, this is their daily activity. When I was in Jiujiang, that kid Zhao Qian could run four or five times a month."

"Xian'er" in the seat rolled her eyes and leaned back, looking quite leisurely.

"Then why did you come to Nankang before? Did you have a conflict?"

Although he felt that this was not an issue he should pay attention to, driven by curiosity, Gao Yi still asked.

"Who knows? Jack said that maybe Sister Tang was too harsh and scared that boy Zhao Qian."

The "Jack" in Xian'er's mouth is, not surprisingly, the "Goodbye Jack".

Based on what he saw yesterday, Gao Yi could roughly guess what "too cruel" meant.

Forget it, it’s better not to ask again.

After clearing his throat, Gao Yi started talking about business:

"Then, should I report the entrustment status to you directly?"

"I will convey it to Sister Tang. To be honest, no one will really believe this [wishing machine] thing..."

Xian'er on the other side yawned, took out a laptop from somewhere, and was ready to record.

Seeing this, Gao Yi stopped talking nonsense and began to talk about what he saw yesterday.

There was no big secret in itself, Gao Yi just slightly covered up Ye Chenjie's suspicious words and deeds, and briefly described some aspects involving his abilities.

In twenty minutes, the story has come to an end.

"Hey, you actually met that 'K'. A person with such a bad taste really deserves to join in the fun... I wonder if she will write you in her diary."

Listening to Gao Yi's story about the deadly battle with "K", Xian'er on the other side seemed quite relaxed.


Gao Yi was interrupted and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, 'K' will record every action and post it on the forum. It is very popular and people reprint it everywhere... Hey, it really does happen."

Xian'er said, turning the phone screen to Gao Yi. A post titled "Recording the Handsome Guys I Met on New Year's Eve" was currently at the top of the hot list of the "Jinghai City Players Forum".

And the poster is undoubtedly "K".

"Can you send me a copy......."

Gao Yi resisted his strong curiosity and desire to complain, and just quietly added "Xian'er" as a friend, and got the other party's guarantee that he would send him a copy.

Then, he started again and finished the story.

But unexpectedly, "Xian'er" interrupted the narration again:

"Did you see Xiaowu?"

"Xiaowu?" Gao Yi was slightly stunned, "Are you talking about the 'high-level animal'? I thought he told you, after all, we are all members of the same organization."

"Ah, people in an organization don't necessarily communicate every day, and Xiaowu's way of speaking makes it too tiring to chat with him."

Xian'er still looked leisurely, and waved her hand indifferently.

Taking this opportunity, Gao Yi also began to ask about the things he was interested in:

"Xiaowu...what's the matter with his clothes? Where did his exaggerated abilities come from?"

"How do I know where his abilities come from? No one will tell others about their own trump cards casually, although Xiaowu looks stupid."

Xian'er answered quite happily, thinking for a while, and added:

"But the clothes seem to be made by Sister Tang for him, as if to suppress some power, and also covered his eyes...I heard Sister Tang say that even in such a restricted state, Xiaowu's combat power is the best in our organization."

Recalling what he saw last night and the corridor of the administrative building that was brutally attacked, Gao Yi agreed deeply.

"Okay, it's okay to get it over with. There's no need to go into too much detail."

After typing a few more times on the notebook, Xian'er shook her head, as if she wanted to get rid of this story from her mind.

Then, she picked up a suitcase from the side that Gao Yi had been paying close attention to since he entered the door.

If nothing unexpected happened, it contained the reward for this commission.


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