Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 206: Howling Ring and Monkey Show

"Gentleman's Tea Restaurant", in the innermost private room.

"Let me confirm, there is a cache gold bar and a specific piece of equipment, right?"

Under another vague new song outside, Xian'er stretched, opened his suitcase, and asked Gao Yi questions.

"Yes, and I will pay the corresponding game currency."

Although the "cache gold bars" were no longer needed, Gao Yi didn't say anything and was still prepared to pay.

"What do you mean, you look down on us, right?"

Xian'er, who was opposite, suddenly raised his head and curled his lips with an unhappy expression:

"Do you know how much money we can make from an auction? Can I ask for this money from you?"

Gao Yi originally wanted to evade it, but considering that the complexity and danger of this [Wishing Machine] incident were far greater than expected, he was worthy of this reward.

Under the dissuasion of the other party to "stop talking nonsense", I still put the game coins back.

There is no need to go into details after opening the box and caching the gold bars. What Xianer introduced to Gao Yi was a strange-looking ring:

"There are so few medical equipment. I've basically never seen them before. The few pieces we have are all expensive, and they already have owners, so I can't get them for you."

After finishing the preparation, Xian'er on the other side picked up the ring and slowly introduced:

"I found this ring specifically for you from the warehouse. It's called [Wailing Ring]. It's purple level. Its effect allows you to freely block your senses and various feelings. You can try the specific effect slowly. Anyway, it can block it. pain."

"This name... doesn't seem very auspicious?"

Looking at the ring on the opponent's palm, Gao Yi couldn't help but complain.

"I didn't pick it up. This ring has been stored in the warehouse for a long time. The main reason is that it contains physical healing potions. Blocking pain is not really a very important ability. Moreover, I heard that the negative effects of this equipment are a bit troublesome... .... You have to experiment on your own.”

Xian'er smoothed her hair around her ears. This way of introduction and lazy posture made it impossible to identify her with the eye-catching host at the auction.

Gao Yi took the ring and looked at it carefully.

I have to say, it's still pretty good-looking.

The silver ring was engraved with a scale-like pattern, with an unknown flower blooming in the center.

Holding it in his hand, the problem Gao Yi faces now is that the equipment slot is full.

Flicking his wrist, there are many changes in his personal attributes.

[Player Nickname: Gao Yi]

[Player level: D]

[Evolution rate: 52%]

【Game currency: 2323】

[Features (4/4): ① Easy chair detective (purple): greatly improves perception and observation; active use can greatly improve information collection and processing capabilities in a short period of time;

②Serial Killer (Purple): Master various killing techniques and gain stronger anti-tracking capabilities; creating serial cases with the same elements will provide a higher evolution rate bonus

③D-class personnel (purple): allows the wearer to have strong resistance to all "surreal" phenomena; when used actively, it can summon experimental subjects identical to itself to perform activities;

④Seeker (Blue): The wearer's evolution rate acquisition speed is reduced by 90%, but the enhanced attributes and abilities are increased to 1,000%. 】

[Props (7/7): ① Director’s whistle (orange): Blow the whistle once to declare the shooting invalid and rewind to the previous scene fifteen seconds ago;

②Mist Mask (Purple): Changes the user's appearance, body shape, and voice within a certain period of time;

③Scarlet Raven Coat (Purple): Within a certain period of time, summon a raven that can share vision and hearing for use;

④Gentleman's Cane (Purple): Hit the ground to cause all living creatures within a certain range to be spiritually attacked;

⑤Christmas Cloak (Purple): Within a certain period of time, the wearer's movement speed will be greatly increased and his jumping ability will be greatly enhanced;

⑥Disaster Gloves (blue): "Take out" an object within range;

⑦Lucky Necklace (Blue): Accumulate misfortune and burst into luck when you are about to receive damage.

[Medicine (25/25): ①C-level physical healing agent*3: Stops bleeding, relieves pain, and quickly restores physical damage, but has limited effect on large missing limbs and severe flesh tears;

②D-level physical healing agent*5: Stops bleeding, relieves pain, and slowly restores physical damage, but is powerless against large missing limbs and severe physical tears;

③D-level antidote*2: Alleviates the effects of poisoning, and also helps with various types of sustained damage effects;

④D-level evolution potion*10: Moderately improves player evolution, can be used for players up to C level;

⑤E-level physical healing agent*4: Stops bleeding, relieves pain, and slowly restores physical damage, but is powerless against missing limbs, severe physical tears, and large wounds;

⑥E-level damage agent*1: It can be used externally or internally. It is a must for home travel and killing. 】

After thinking about it, I put on the [Lucky Necklace] and put the [Wailing Ring] in my backpack.

Just when Gao Yi was about to take away the [Cache Gold Bar], he was interrupted by Xian'er on the other side:

"Hey, take the whole box away, how troublesome it is."

"Just these two things, as for..."

Before Gao Yi could finish speaking, Xian'er had already opened the upper panel of the suitcase, revealing a large pile of game coins and potions underneath.

"Thank you Sister Tang for me."

Gao Yi didn't refuse. At first glance, it seemed that he would not be short of medicine for a long time.

"Why thank you, Sister Tang? I packed it for you."

Xian'er on the other side curled her lips, a little dissatisfied.

"Thank you then." Gao Yi followed suit.

I have to say that this "Jiujiang Rock Music" is really generous.

They are not stingy with rewards for such a commission. It's really good to have money...

"By the way, there is one more thing... What is your favorite domestic rock music?"

Just as Gao Yi was happily stroking the suitcase, Xian'er suddenly asked.

"Uh... "Xian'er"?

Gao Yi was slightly stunned and said without thinking.

"Don't try to be so, I'm serious."

Xian'er on the other side of the table was obviously amused by Gao Yi and shook her hand.

"Are you planning to recruit me?" Gao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's not impossible. Even if you don't come, I can reserve a name for you first, so that it won't be snatched away by others."

Xian'er tilted her head slightly, as if she just remembered this.

"Then...why don't you choose one for me?"

Gao Yi said, considering that he didn't have much knowledge in this area and didn't know which of the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" had been occupied.

"I choose?" Xian'er frowned slightly and thought, knocked on the table, and suddenly clapped his hands and said:

"How about you call it 'Allow some artists to get rich first'?"

"Will it be...a bit too long?"

Gao Yi's expression became a little complicated.

"'Showing monkeys', how about you call it 'Showing monkeys'?!"

Xian'er seemed a little excited, as if she had thought of some wonderful ideas.

"I'd better think about it myself..."


Thanks for the top 10 rewards in May

Thanks to Guaji Gujiji, This is just an ordinary nickname, Jingqi Mengdie, Get up at ten o'clock, Heichou, Crucible Knight, Jun Jinnian, Atomic Terminal, It's Zhou Ye, and Sanwei Lie for the gifts!

Happy Children's Day! I wish you all "shake your hands every day and be energetic".


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