Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 209 Activity day after the evolution rate is improved

January 2, 2025, sunny.

Nankang City, Xishan District, early morning.

The sky is clear.

Under the scorching sun in the afternoon, at the entrance of a magnificent four-story building.

Several smiling salesmen in black suits are distributing introduction flyers and ushering the elderly into the building.

Above the entrance hangs a conspicuous banner, which clearly reads "'Entering 2025, Safety You and I Guard the Year' Special Event Day".

This is the event just launched by "Jinhuang Security". The slogan on the surface is to give rebates to family and friends at the beginning of the new year.

But in fact, even this fraud group needs to rush to improve performance at this point, make more money, and have a good new year.

Of course, whether the elderly who bought their expensive but useless security products can have a good new year is not within their consideration.

It is also because of the need to increase performance that a lot of middle-aged and elderly people were invited to participate in the event this time.

Not only that, "Jinhuang Security" also generously prepared a lot of daily necessities as prizes, which brought the number of participants to a new level.

This can be seen from the buses that drove in one after another and the overwhelmed receptionists.

I can play the clichéd narrative trick here again, describing a lot of old men and women getting off the bus and going to the luxurious venue.

Then the liar on the stage boasted and the ignorant people nearby cheered.

At the critical moment, one of the old men stood up and showed extraordinary abilities.

Then tell you, ah, this is Gao Yi.

Maybe some readers will give face and say something like "I can't believe it", but it is more likely that they will turn the page without caring.

Instead of this, it is better to tell the story directly.

Yes, Gao Yi took advantage of the active effect of [Mist Mask] and his newly acquired [Faceless Man] label.

Now he has become an old man with silver hair, wrinkles on his face, and a cane.

If the staff of "Jinhuang Security" were more careful, they might have noticed something wrong with the old man.

For example, the meticulous blue suit and white shirt, or the eyes that were almost never opened.

But unfortunately, these staff who had to face thousands of old men and women and were already thinking about how to enjoy the Spring Festival were obviously not interested in caring about a slightly weird old man.

Anyway, they were all committing fraud, so who was the target and what kind of target was it, what difference did it make?

The key question is, why did Gao Yi appear here?

The answer is actually not complicated. Last night, he spent time reviewing his recent actions and made a list of future goals.

The two things he needs to do now are to add some credibility and popularity to his vest, and to write a few news reports to get by.

Combining the two goals, Gao Yi made a decision to use a vest to create a piece of news.

And which goal can allow him to write a wonderful report and show his skills?

"Jinhuang Security", which Gao Yi has been staring at, stood out without any surprise.

There is no way. A target that is not threatening but worth targeting does not have many choices.

Considering that one of today's daily tasks is "destroy an evil organization with more than 100 people".

This squeezed Gao Yi's original rest time and forced him to act quickly.

In short, Gao Yi just became a silver-haired old man and mixed into this "Entering 2025, Safety You and I Protect the Year' Special Event Day".

And the change is also due to the evolution of [Mist Mask].

As previously speculated, equipment and features will gradually become stronger with the increase of player level and evolution rate, as well as the increase of usage times and time.

At the beginning, [Mist Mask] can only randomly change the face for one hour.

After becoming a D-level player and training for a period of time, not only the duration becomes longer, but the general direction of the change can also be vaguely confirmed.

Gender, age, general appearance, etc. are all within the control range.

And now, Gao Yi's evolution rate has increased significantly after the battle with [Mechanical God Casting] and Nankang Experimental Middle School.

In addition to the rewards from the Investigation Bureau and the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society", as well as the large number of evolutionary potions he bought and collected, he is now very close to becoming a C-level player.

Not to mention the existence of the [Seeker] label. Although he is only a D-level player now, his physical fitness and various related abilities are comparable to C-level players.

With the blessing of many aspects, [Mist Mask], the earliest meritorious equipment obtained, is already very powerful.

Now Gao Yi can largely determine the appearance of the character, and the duration has become extremely long, and the negative effects are not so fast.

And this has also become the confidence for Gao Yi to sneak into the main venue of "Jinhuang Security" today.

Yes, his current combat power has surpassed ordinary people. It is not impossible for him to play the real version of John Wick and kill the whole place.

But the pursuit and search triggered by that may not only involve the police.

Considering that he has seen someone in the Investigation Bureau with eyes so strong that he can see that he is in disguise.

It would be better to control the intensity to the level of "Hulong Mall" and display force in a limited manner.

With this idea in mind, Gao Yi called to sign up for the offline event of "Jinhuang Security" and came to this activity building in Xishan District.

And this is where Gao Yi's gamer career began.

It was one night in December when Gao Yi sneaked into the event site of "Jinhuang Security", but was discovered as a reporter and thrown into the rainstorm.

It was also on that night that he met a player on the verge of collapse on the light rail and snatched the ticket from his hand.

Finally, he entered [Heart Strange Mist] and started a series of stories.

By the way, Gao Yi later checked specifically and found that the player whose ticket he had snatched seemed to have been arrested by the Investigation Bureau.

Although Tan Zhi said that he had no right to inquire about the specific situation, it seemed that the player was still alive.

Considering his mental state at the time, entering the [Heart Strange Mist] copy of "Holy Grail 5" should be a sure death, and he could be regarded as saving that person's life... right?

Shaking his head, Gao Yi stopped thinking about these questions and shifted his attention to the current action.

After taking an introduction document from the receptionist at the door, he followed the crowd and walked into the familiar luxurious building.

And this time, no one could stop him.


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