It has to be said that this small building used as the headquarters of "Jinhuang Security" is indeed well built.

Xishan District is the "rich area" of Nankang City. If you drive along the nearby highway, you can see countless luxurious villas and single-family townhouses on the hillsides in the suburbs.

And this building used as a facade can be described as magnificent.

Chinese-style exterior walls and reliefs, combined with Western-style service etiquette and interior decoration, supplemented by various "old-fashioned" music.

Everything is to please their target group - the middle-aged and elderly.

In this regard, it has to be admitted that these people from "Jinhuang Security" did a good job.

There is a reason why so many elderly people are willing to be deceived.

Following the smiling and meticulous service staff, Gao Yi and a group of elderly people came to the familiar lecture hall.

This is also where Gao Yi has been before.

The lights in the lecture hall were soft and warm, and the walls on both sides were covered with various certificates of honor and letters of thanks, proving the reliability of "Jinhuang Security".

Some of them must be real, but most of them are fake content produced in batches. Anyway, no one will look at them carefully.

Gao Yi sat down in the back row with a cane, and his eyes swept over the elderly people who had already taken their seats. Their faces were all filled with smiles.

It can be seen that those service staff who were asking about their well-being everywhere were very good at pleasing them, not to mention the free prizes and promised travel opportunities.

When people reach old age, many things become inconvenient.

The original circle of interpersonal communication will gradually disappear, and the news from old friends is likely to be death news. The children at home have their own careers and families, and the contacts become less.

The body function begins to decline seriously, going out to buy groceries becomes very tiring, and wanting to take a plane will be blocked because of age issues.

In this case, the "children" in "Jinhuang Security" who will show their meticulous care for them and listen carefully to their every word will naturally be easily pleased.

The promise of this fraud group is like a sweet anesthetic, which makes many lonely old people forget the bitterness of reality.

Are they really so stupid that they can't see through such an obvious scam?

Not really, it's just that they are more willing to believe their "children" than those doubts.

Gao Yi looked around, and more and more elderly people were in the lecture hall, and they were sitting down under the guidance of the staff.

And on the podium in the front, an old man with a long beard in a green cloth was being supported and preparing. It seemed that he was the speaker today.

And Gao Yi really knew this person.

It was the "master" of "Jinhuang Security" that he met when he participated in the treasure appraisal conference with Xiaohong some time ago.

If I remember correctly, Gao Yi also punched him when he showed the "Jinhuang self-defense underwear" to him.

I didn't use my full strength, but it shouldn't be easy.

I didn't expect that it's only been ten days, and I can be supported to go out and cheat again... Did I use less strength at that time?

Shaking his head, Gao Yi left his seat and walked towards the corridor.

Although he came here with confidence in his fighting ability, this is not an occasion for fighting.

The key is how to ruin this event and find enough evidence to convict them.

While thinking about the next course of action and adapting to the body of this old man, Gao Yi walked into the corridor that was also luxuriously decorated.

I have to say that the environment here is really good.

The corridor extending from the lobby is covered with thick red carpet, and the half-open window on the side reveals a faint light. The shadows of the sycamore trees outside the window are mottled and swaying in the wind.

The landscape paintings on the wall are surrounded by ink and smoke, and the mahogany furniture around is luxurious, not to mention the jade statues placed at the corner of the corridor, which are worth a lot at first glance.

When the old people strolled around in such places, they would naturally believe that "Jinhuang Security" was financially strong and omnipotent.

"It's a bit troublesome..."

Gao Yi murmured as he walked to the other end of the corridor, but suddenly heard a debate coming from a room.

As the distance got closer, the debate became louder and louder, and Gao Yi could not help but speed up his pace, but considering his character with a cane, the speed after speeding up was not very fast.

Approaching the room, he looked through the slightly opened door.

A group of old men stood around a desk, their voices full of anger and anxiety.

There was some confusion in the words, and there was a lack of coherent logic.

But after a moment of listening, Gao Yi still understood the general situation.

It seems that "Jinhuang Security" has long been dissatisfied with selling the "security products" that make a lot of money, and has turned to illegal fundraising and selling so-called "financial products".

Gao Yi also discovered this in his previous investigation, but there were too few relevant evidence and clues.

The elderly who bought those "financial products" kept silent about this matter, fearing that others would know.

It has always been "Jinhuang Security" that said something like "the more people know, the more people will come to share the money" and "some people are jealous and want to destroy the money-making plan."

Gao Yi's investigation process has not been smooth.

But now, the problem still arises?

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that Gao Yi has been trying to attack the so-called "Jinhuang Security" since half a year ago.

Although the idea of ​​directly reporting the fraudulent behavior has been suppressed by editor-in-chief Pan Tian.

But the anti-fraud propaganda among the elderly and the persistent writing of various reports to various relevant departments have never stopped.

After getting to know Officer Wang Wuzhou, he mentioned the "Jinhuang Security" many times during the chat.

That police officer with a strong sense of justice would exert some pressure even if the relevant incidents were not under his jurisdiction.

In any case, the various "financial products" that were originally scams have now appeared to have huge deficits.

From the fact that a group of elderly people chased here and loudly accused and asked, it can be seen that it has reached the point where it can no longer be concealed.

This is good news. Maybe it is not so complicated to defeat this fraud group.

Gao Yi stood by the door and touched his silver-white hair.

At this time, several men dressed in black suits and security personnel came from the other end of the corridor.

They rudely pushed Gao Yi away from the door and rushed into this office-like room.

Gao Yi did not stop him and smoothly made way.

Just now, he felt it.

Among these people, there is a player.


500,000 words!

Worth celebrating.


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