This "Jinhuang Security" may be related to some player organizations, which is not too unexpected.

The extraordinary abilities possessed by the players can indeed solve Gao Yi's doubts in some preliminary investigations.

But what Gao Yi didn't expect was that so many players would be directly absorbed by this fraud company.

If I guess correctly, the five people here are all players.

There were no acquaintances Gao Yi knew among them, but he could still roughly confirm the identities of these people.

On the arm of the strong man in the lead, a familiar scorpion tattoo appeared before his eyes.

Yes, these are "bug" people - or people who were bugs.

This makes sense...

In the [Wishing Machine] incident at Nankang Experimental Middle School the day before yesterday, the local player organization "Chongzi" in Nankang suffered heavy losses.

Judging from the information on the forum, their main players were taken to participate in that fight, and were arrested and killed.

By now, the "bugs", which had chaotic management and no unified organization, were leaderless and on the verge of collapse.

Many outer members have begun to find their own way out.

It is not difficult to understand that this kind of organization without sufficient organizational structure and historical depth often relies on the ability and personal charm of one or two people to gather people's hearts.

When this "leader" disappears, the organization naturally falls apart.

Under the premise that talents are flowing to the market, sudden battles bring excitement, and more and more players appear.

Nankang also took the opportunity and several inexplicable player organizations appeared and began to recruit people everywhere.

Judging from the situation on the "Nankang City Players Forum" - mainly the intelligence collected by Athens, many large organizations have begun to develop.

Athens also asked Gao Yi if he wanted to create his own organization and start recruiting talents.

However, this idea was rejected by Gao Yi, at least now is not the time.

Of course, this move was criticized by Athens as "unmotivated" and complained a lot.

Gao Yi had to emphasize to her again the importance of the vest and the priority of tasks.

Then again, in just the past two days, the two accounts [Investigator-Snake] and [Investigator-Pig] have received a lot of mass recruitment private messages.

It is worth noting that the people who come to recruit are not only players, but also people who claim to be big companies.

This can be regarded as a "spring duck prophet" to a certain extent. As a reporter and a player, Gao Yi gradually felt that with the increase in the number of "players".

The existence of "games" and "dungeons" cannot be concealed.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand. Just look at the corpses all over the ground and the battered administrative building of Nankang Experimental Middle School.

Since such things can happen in "later-developing cities" like Nankang, there must be similar or even larger-scale disasters in other cities.

The disappearance of a person will definitely arouse the vigilance and investigation of those around him. Even if a fight or disaster is controlled by the Internet, it will still be spread by word of mouth.

Various excuses can be used to explain it once or twice, but when a large number of obviously abnormal situations occur, well-informed people and big shots with more resources can often draw a rough conclusion:

This ordinary world we are familiar with has undergone some changes.

The current situation seems to be that several "bugs" will be recruited by "Jinhuang Security" in a very short period of time and become internal security personnel.

Although I don’t know the specific situation, these people obviously received a lot of salary.

However, from the gangster group in the player gang to the illegal organization of MLM fraud, it can only be said that the career choice of this group of people is also somewhat problematic.

Several security players opened the door and walked into the house.

Gao Yi, who was standing in the corridor, no longer needed to peek through the crack in the door. He could look directly inward to observe the situation.

In the similarly luxuriously decorated office, a dozen old men surrounding the desk were pushed to the back by the security personnel, separated from the salespeople inside who were scolded and scolded by them.

As his field of vision expanded, Gao Yi instantly recognized the salesman.

Gao Yi had seen this man sitting behind his desk with a fierce look on his name tag and the four characters "Golden Ticket Sales" written on his chest.

More than half a month ago, he was the one who led people to catch Gao Yi, who was undercover, from the building and threw him into the dark night with heavy rain.

In the end, he trampled the recorder he bought with a lot of money to pieces.

Look at the look of this room... This guy seems to have been promoted?

Damn, I have never had an independent office even after being a reporter for so long.

Not to mention that this office is huge and decorated with luxury.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Gao Yi was indeed a little envious.

In the lecture hall at the other end of the corridor, bursts of cheers could be heard, and it seemed that the so-called "activities" had begun.

In the office here, a more intense quarrel started again.

Seeing that the reinforcements had arrived, the "gold medal salesman" who had been trying to persuade him with a pleasant face also changed his expression.

He stood up and looked at the old men with expressions no longer friendly:

"I have explained to several customers over and over again that the problem is not with us, but with the fund transmission on the project side. It will be solved after a while."

Naturally, this obvious quibble and shirk was not understood.

More than a dozen excited old men and women started making noise again, each saying his own thing.

"You said the same thing last month, and the month before that! Do you think we will still believe you?!"

Some pointed out the other party's verbal loopholes and urged them.

"If you do this again, I will call the police! My nephew has a classmate who works in the judicial department!"

Some dragged out relatives and made verbal threats.

"Please be kind, that's the money I left for my grandson to go to college. I can't live without it."

Some cried and started to play the emotional card.

But needless to say, this level of pressure could not shake the "gold medal salesman" at all.

He stood up, his eyes no longer on the old people, but on the security guards who had just come in:

"Send a few customers out for me, be quiet, and don't affect the activities in the venue."

The security players who had just put their hands behind their backs heard the order and started to act.

And the strong man in the lead showed an obvious unhappy expression on his face.

In his opinion, being hired to deal with some old men and women was really a waste of talent.

But there was nothing we could do. We were under someone else's roof, and the money they gave was indeed high.

A few people pushed and shoved, and began to drive the old people out of the door.

How could the old men and women squeeze past these players whose bodies had "evolved"? Amidst the shouting and cursing, the front line quickly retreated several steps.

The leading strong man took two more steps forward, but saw that his companions beside him had obviously paused, leaving a gap in their front line.

"What's going on..."

Before he could ask, the accomplice who had stopped had already fallen backwards and fell on the carpet with gold edges.


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