Seeing this, a dozen old men hurriedly backed away.

The one who stayed there was a silver-haired old man wearing a dark blue suit and holding a cane.

"What's going on, Tongs? What's wrong with you?"

On the other side, a security player squatted down and tried to wake up the "pliers" who fell to the ground, but found that the other party's eyes were empty and there was an unknown smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

The leader of the group, a strong man with a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up and a scorpion tattoo on his arm, became serious.

He looked at the silver-haired old man standing there with his eyes closed.

Although he didn't see it clearly, this man was obviously the culprit who caused "Pliers" to fall to the ground.

The question is, how did he do it?

As the "pliers" fell, the remaining four security players also retreated, forming a loose semicircle with Gao Yi as the center.

They stared at the silver-haired old man in a blue suit with vigilance, waiting for their boss to give orders.

At the back, the "Gold Medal Sales" who still didn't understand the reason lost his patience and shouted for several people to take action:

"What are you doing standing here! Get them out of here!"

Several players still didn't move. Only one person turned his head and looked at their boss:

"Brother Hammer?"

Although these people all obeyed the orders of the so-called "Brother Hammer," they obviously did not feel any threat from the old man who was motionless and sleeping.

But there is a reason why the leader becomes the leader.

Although this former "Bug" member named "Hammer" is not a very smart or powerful person - this can be seen from the fact that he was not taken to Nankang Experimental Middle School.

But he still smelled danger from the "pliers" who fell to the ground and kept grinning.

After thinking for a moment, he said to the old man who was standing there, leaning on his crutch as if he was asleep:

"Old man, if you go out now, we can pretend that nothing happened, but if you still pretend to be asleep here, we won't be polite."

The sound of the hammer echoed in the office, but the silver-haired old man seemed not to hear it and still stood quietly with his eyes slightly closed.

On the other side, a younger brother who was unhappy seeing his boss being ignored came forward and held the old man's shoulders:

"Brother Zhui is talking to you, are you pretending to be deaf?"

The next second, before anyone could react, the provocative man screamed like crazy and backed away.

After rolling on the ground a few more times, he rushed out the door, screaming and missing.

Most of the people present and the elderly people watching and taking pictures behind were unaware of what was happening.

Only the "Hammer" faintly saw that the silver-haired old man's crutch swung rapidly and hit the escaping man's calf.

But...that blow didn't seem to be very forceful, so why did it have such an effect?

"Hammer" even suspected that the old man was a player, but he obviously did not sense the kind of throbbing when meeting a player from the other party.

So how did he do it?

"Hammer" was puzzled, and from a God's perspective, Gao Yi's behavior was actually not complicated.

The inability to be perceived is naturally due to the effect of [Mist Mask], which makes Gao Yi become another person.

And the crutch that seems casual but can cause mental harm is naturally the [gentleman's cane].

However, it is worth mentioning that this originally elegant cane was now tied with tinfoil and dyed by Gao Yi.

The main purpose is to prevent witnesses from seeing this equipment, and to match it with the [Gentleman's Cane] that I will use when I show my true identity in the future.

This is one of the reasons why the image of an old man is used, so that the use of a pestle and crutch becomes natural.

In any case, the passive effect of [Gentleman's Cane] was not hindered by one or two layers of tinfoil. Two swings directly drove the two security players into varying degrees of madness.

The first one who fell to the ground seemed to be suffering from some kind of hysteria, and the second one who ran out was probably due to simple sensory stimulation and fear.

In any case, he is already halfway to C-level, and he already has a very obvious combat advantage against these low-level players.

After all, if you can't defeat the "K" from outside, can you also defeat the local "bugs"?

But the current goal is not only to defeat the enemies in front of us, but also to maintain the character of [Investigator-Niu].

Seeing that "Hammer" had already reacted and was attacking at the same time with his two remaining brothers, Gao Yi also started to fight back.

"Hammer" took the lead in throwing a punch, with heavy force, coming straight to the face.

But just when his fist was about to come into contact with his face, Gao Yi's figure flashed lightly and avoided this powerful blow.

The strong man's fist hit the air, and his movements were excessively expanded due to inertia, revealing inevitable flaws.

Gao Yi did not miss this opportunity. With a slight lift of his cane, he hit the "Hammer"'s knee, causing him to kneel on one knee.

When the two boys on both sides saw this, they no longer hesitated and took out their weapons and rushed towards Gao Yi.

"On the left is an axe, which is ordinary; on the right is a knife, which is also ordinary. After a long time, your gang is not even equipped with weapons and equipment, right..."

Gao Yi complained silently in his heart, but his hand movements did not stop at all.

In fact, he could be simpler and just use the active effect of [Gentleman's Cane] to smash the ground and easily kill a few people.

But that would also cause more unnecessary trouble. After all, the range of the active effect of [Gentleman's Cane] seems to have been expanded.

On the one hand, the onlookers outside the door will definitely be affected, and on the other hand, the "gold medal salesman" on the inside will probably collapse to the ground and suffer a nervous breakdown.

That's not possible. Gao Yi still has something to ask him.

Facing the enemies coming from a flanking attack, Gao Yi sighed slightly and shook his head slightly.

The super-high speed brought by the strengthened body of the "player" is obviously beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

The "gold salesman" was trembling in his office chair. The last second he was watching two of his "own men" rushing up to fuck the guy.

The next second, the scene in the field of vision was that the two people flew out from different directions.

Seeing that all the guards in front of him had finished their fight, the call for support was delayed, and the silver-haired old man with a cane was getting closer and closer, "Gold Medal Sales" really panicked:

"Brother, you...don't worry, tell me which project you don't have enough money for, and I'll have someone replenish it for you right away...double the amount!"

These words triggered unanimous curses from the elderly people watching outside, but the silver-haired old man in a suit had no intention of being moved by "double money".

He just silently walked to the desk, raised his crutch, hit it on the side of the pen holder, let a black pen fly accurately to the white paper in front of the "gold medal sales", and spoke slowly in an old voice :



I've been feeling dizzy these past few days, and I don't know what's going on.

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