"Write, what to write? Brother, I will definitely do what you say!"

The "gold medal salesman" squeezed out an ugly smile on his face, and his left hand hidden under the table kept pressing the help button.

He also wanted to pin his hopes on the "talented people" who were hired at high prices.

But the "hammer" lying on the ground saw the look from the "gold medal salesman" and just turned his head silently and turned over.

He was already cursing wildly in his heart, but the "gold medal salesman" had to smile.

And the silver-haired old man with his eyes closed still just knocked on the table with his cane and spoke again:


"Write... I'll write it right away. You take this note to the finance department, and he will definitely double the money back to you!"

The "gold medal salesman" grabbed the black pen that flew in front of him and quickly wrote a notice on the white paper, asking the finance department to pay.

He tentatively stopped writing, looked at the silver-haired old man across the table, and asked again tremblingly:

"Uncle, do you think this is okay?"


The old man's voice remained unchanged, and the force of the cane hitting the table suddenly increased, and the solid wood table was directly hit by this small knock and a dent was made.

"Write it, I will write it right away. This is the bank account number and password I manage. The cards are all in the finance department... You can take as many as you want."

The "gold medal sales" trembled, and hurriedly picked up the pen again, rethinking what the old man wanted to write.

After writing the bank card number and password he managed, he looked up at the silver-haired old man across the table again:

"Uncle, this way..."


The cane hit the table again, and the old man's voice remained unchanged.

Even the old men and women watching at the door were a little confused. Of course, this did not prevent them from being excited and showing this scene to their brothers and sisters through video chat and live broadcast.

"Well... I'm just an employee. Can I write you the names and addresses of our management? Let me check..."


"How about I give you the contact information of our boss and you contact him directly?"


"Information! All our archives are in the basement. I'll write you the location... and draw a picture for you!"


This "gold medal salesman" has collapsed a little. A deep pit has been smashed in the solid wood table in front of him.

The silver-haired old man in a blue suit still has no ups and downs in his tone, repeating the word "write".

What's more annoying is that this old man always says that he doesn't want this content at the beginning, and he must wait until it is finished before saying "write" again.

Now the white paper in front of this "gold medal salesman" is already densely packed with various confidential information of "Jinhuang Security".

He is already thinking about whether he should confess the color of his underwear today.

But the good news is that after he wrote down the storage location of the relevant archives, the old man finally stopped saying the terrifying word "write".

Is he satisfied?

The "gold medal salesman" smiled heartily and handed over a whole sheet of paper.

Okay, some of the content on it may be a little important, but who cares?

Anyway, the old man will either go to the finance department or to the senior executives.

And he has delayed enough time. The supporting security personnel will definitely arrive soon. If nothing goes wrong, they will have called the police. Why should he be afraid of an old man?

But what he didn't expect was that the silver-haired old man took the paper, folded it and put it in the inner pocket of his suit, but he didn't mean to leave.


The "gold medal salesman" was about to ask another question, but he saw the old man in front of him raised the uneven cane again and pretended to swing it.

He was so scared that he hurriedly raised his hand to block it and curled up.

But what he didn't expect was that this cane, which was so scary, didn't exert much force on the security players.

To describe it, it was like a slap on the left arm. Although it hurt, it was not unacceptable.

"What do you mean, sir?"

The "gold medal salesman" was frightened by the strange movements of the mysterious old man in front of him. He dared not move at all, for fear of angering the other party.

Unexpectedly, the old man just raised his cane and hit his left arm again.

The force seemed to be about the same, but it was hit in the same place twice, which doubled the pain.

He couldn't stand it.

The "gold medal salesman" hurriedly begged for mercy and leaned to the other side of the office chair, trying to avoid it:

"Uncle, if you are not satisfied with anything, please tell me, I will write to you again... Don't hit me."

But this begging for mercy was completely useless. The old man just changed the way he held the cane at a very fast speed, allowing the dark cane to hit the enemy's arm faithfully.

And just when the crowd of onlookers outside cheered, the "gold medal salesman" on the office chair wailed and slid off the seat.

He collapsed to the ground with a terrified and dull expression. He tried to escape with his hands and feet, but the cane pressed his chest tightly.

Until he was unable to struggle and gasped on the ground, the cane would fall down again and again in a leisurely state, causing pain but not enough to cause wounds.

If you peel off the suit of this "gold medal salesman", you should be able to see the blue and purple skin.

Listening to the wailing in the office, even the old men and women at the door who had suffered large-scale fraud felt that it was a bit cruel.

The players who fell to the ground silently crawled away, and the "hammer" had already run away.

And Gao Yi in the room, or the silver-haired old man he played, was repeating the work of hitting, pressing, waiting for the struggle, and hitting again.

Like a stubborn and diligent old cow, the mental attack contained in the [Gentleman's Cane] was poured into the mind of this "gold medal sales" again and again.

Do you think there is any idea of ​​revenge?

Of course there is.

But if you ask Gao Yi now why he did this. He will only stubbornly claim that this is role-playing, to establish a distinct personality for the vest [Investigator-Niu].

But in any case, with countless blows, this "gold medal sales" has completely fainted.

From the stench in the air, it can also be judged that he is incontinent.

When more uniformed "Jinhuang Security" employees poured into the office, they could only see a silver-haired old man with his head down and a "gold medal salesman" lying on the ground twitching.

The old man slowly raised his dented cane as his horrified eyes converged on the center of the room.

He was going to give these "Jinhuang Security" employees a career planning lesson.


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