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Chapter 214 The collapse of the fraud group

In the lecture hall, the long-bearded master in civilian clothes was instilling all kinds of anti-intellectual chicken soup to the people below.

But the audience below was deeply affected by it.

"And our 'Jinhuang Security' is one of the three largest security groups in the world!"

"You may not know that a foreign treasure appraisal conference came to our Nankang some time ago, and our group was chosen to be responsible for security."

"It's a treasure appraisal conference! Everything there starts with tens of millions, and they are also worried about where to find powerful security guards. Where should they find it, everyone?"

The master paused here for a moment, raised his hands, and asked the people below to answer his words:

"Jinhuang Security!"

"Yes, it's our Jinhuang Security!"

The master showed a smile on his face. He didn't even bother to support the crutches. He took two steps to the side and shouted excitedly:

"You are all our family members and core customers, so you are invited to participate in today's event."

"We have just developed a new product that allows ordinary security personnel to have super abilities, with strength and speed far beyond that of ordinary people."

"We have a treat next..."

The master opened his right arm and wanted to invite the players who hired them with high salaries to demonstrate the so-called "personal enhanced security equipment" to the stage.

But at this time, his assistant was in the blind spot of the audience, shaking his head in confusion.

What's going on? You spent so much money to invite "experts" and they still don't come now?

Damn, I have to scold them after a while... No, those people do seem to be a bit powerful.

Just scold the assistant.

The master on the stage was thinking, but he kept talking:

"Hey, let's introduce our super security equipment first."

"Our group spent ten years and tens of billions to develop this product before it was finally completed."

"Now that our security personnel are all dressed up, ordinary thugs and our members of Jinhuang Security will be beaten ten by one!"

Hearing these exaggerated words, the audience cheered again, and no one questioned it at all.

But just as they were cheering, the door of the lecture hall was slammed open.

A security guard wearing "personal enhanced security equipment" just broke open the door and flew in. He fell on his back and kept wailing.

Amid a burst of exclamations, an old man with silver hair on his back slowly walked in with a cane, straightened his blue suit with his left hand, and then walked towards the stage.

Ignoring this uninvited guest and looking towards the corridor outside the gate, I could see a dozen security personnel lying on the ground groaning, all wearing so-called "personal enhanced security equipment."

Everyone in the audience held their breath and concentrated. Many old men and women had already taken out their mobile phones and turned on the video and live broadcast to film this weird scene.

And when the silver-haired old man suddenly appeared and slowly walked onto the podium, the master still refused to give in and stood still on the stage with a blushing face:

"Who are you? How dare you interrupt my 'Master Jin Huang's' speech!"

The silver-haired old man did not reply, but continued to move forward until he stood one meter in front of the "master".

The reaction of the Tsing Yi "master" was somewhat unexpected.

He suddenly burst out laughing, grabbed the microphone, and shouted to the audience:

"Everyone, what a great opportunity. In fact, I am wearing a super version of the 'Personal Enhanced Security Equipment', and my combat power is far beyond that of ordinary people. I will demonstrate it to you now!"

So that’s it, is this the so-called “smart liar must first deceive himself”? This "master" seems to really believe in the so-called "security equipment".

The audience below was encouraged by this and cheered again.

Gao Yi also lost his patience, put the crutch aside, stepped sideways slightly, and gave the opponent an uppercut in the abdomen before he made a move.

And the strength this time is not the level of joking last time...


Xishan community, gate.

An executive from "Jinhuang Security" who heard the noise downstairs and escaped from the small building in advance was waiting anxiously on the side of the road.

With great difficulty, I heard the alarm bell getting closer and closer.

A dozen or so cars lined up in a row, slowing down and parking on the road outside the small building.

Before the vehicle at the front had stopped, the executive rushed to the police car at the front and knocked on the window:

"Damn it, hurry up, there's a fierce old man here and he's making a big fuss inside."

But unlike what he expected, the passenger window slowly opened, and what appeared was not his familiar face, but a square-faced man with an upright look:

"Comrade, please step back and don't block the car door."

"Are you...? Where is Officer Zhang?"

Seeing that the person coming was not a familiar police officer, the executive of "Jinhuang Security" had a look of horror on his face and was at a loss for what to do.

"Officer Zhang has something to do. Besides, dispatching personnel shouldn't have anything to do with you, right?"

Wang Wuzhou showed a professional smile, ignored the other party's reaction, and pushed the car door open.

"This...this won't work. We can only ask Officer Zhang to come."

The executive tried to resist, but he could no longer understand the situation.

Wang Wuzhou, on the other hand, stood on the side of the road and used the intercom to signal the team behind him to get out of the car and then spoke to the panicked bald man again:

"Don't worry, we will search your place carefully and try our best to catch that... old man?"

At this time, the executive realized belatedly that there were too many people in the convoy.

In addition to the police car, some members in black suits, who were obviously civilian staff, got off the car and took out various cameras and large file boxes.

Rather than arresting the suspects who made trouble, it was more like... coming to seal up this "Jinhuang Security".

The executive who collapsed on the ground also saw that on the other side of the road, a group of reporters and photographers had taken their positions at some point and began to film and explain the scene of their end.

The female host wore a red hairpin and looked a little immature and inexperienced, but she was articulate and very contagious in front of the camera.

Many members of the "Jinhuang Security" in this small building didn't know what happened and were still panicking about the silver-haired old man who suddenly appeared and disappeared.

When Officer Wang "accidentally" found a piece of paper filled with the storage location and executive information of "Jinhuang Security", this arrogant, deceptive, and at-large fraud group that had been at large for more than a year finally came to an end.

No one noticed that a few streets away, a young man with an unfamiliar face ordered a bowl of noodles with soybean paste and began to browse strange forums he had never seen before on his mobile phone.


By the way, it seems that the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination are coming soon, and I don’t know if any of the readers will have to face it.......

I remember when I took the college entrance examination, I walked in the corridor of the examination room, and my mind was full of four words-"sharp blade out of the sheath".

Now think about it, maybe it was influenced by that movie?

I just intuitively thought that I spent so much time and energy studying, and I would definitely be able to "sharp blade out of the sheath".

In the end... I got a score that was basically the same as my estimate, no surprise, and not that good.

Forget it, anyway, I will talk to the goddess of luck, and all readers who are going to take the exam recently will send their blessings.

I wish you all "sharp blade out of the sheath".


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