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Chapter 215 Investigation Bureau Inquiry

Nankang City, Zhongyu District.

"Nankang City Meteorological Monitoring and Land Management Bureau", also known as the "Investigation Bureau" Nankang headquarters.

Gao Yi stood by the window of a corridor and called his editor-in-chief Pan Tian:

"I see that your news materials are well shot, so I don't need to write a press release, right?"


"What do you mean I don't work? Didn't I provide the first-hand information about the swindler group this time?"


"How can that be? This is professional ethics, and you can't reveal the intelligence of informants... Okay, okay, I have something to do, let's talk later."

Seeing that the former [graduate student], now an intern Zhong Ming, came out of the office next to him.

Gao Yi didn't say any more nonsense, said goodbye to the editor-in-chief, and hung up the phone.

Putting the phone away, Gao Yi greeted the new intern and walked into this "captain's office".

Unexpectedly, there were two familiar faces sitting on the sofa in the room.

One of them was naturally the owner of this office, Tan Zhi, who had just been promoted to captain.

Short black hair, slightly sunken eye sockets and a tired face, nothing has changed in the past few days.

But it is worth mentioning that she is wearing a colorful watch with cartoon patterns on her wrist - maybe it is an equipment?

And the other familiar face in the room is Ye Lin, who I met in Nankang Experimental Middle School.

She still looks like a stranger, with brown hair tied in a side ponytail, sitting on the sofa on the other side.

It is worth mentioning that the two of them look very formal, which is in sharp contrast to Gao Yi's casually selected jacket and gray cotton pants.

Gao Yi really didn't expect to see these two people at the same time, so he had to sit down slowly opposite them and took the water handed by Xiao Zhong.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Tan Zhi on the left and smiled:

"Captain Tan, I was going to come to you, but I didn't expect you to come to me for something. Isn't this a coincidence?"

"It's quite a coincidence."

Tan Zhi also smiled faintly, took out a document, turned around, and pushed it to Gao Yi from the coffee table:

"Take advantage of this coincidence to explain to me what happened the day before yesterday."

With just a slight glance, Gao Yi recognized that this was the "Jinhuang Security Incident" that happened yesterday.

To put it simply, a silver-haired old man appeared from nowhere and rushed into the activity site of a fraud group, killing everyone.

The police and investigation bureau members who came to support "accidentally" discovered a lot of criminal evidence of this so-called security group and destroyed the criminal den.

"Isn't this a great thing? I heard that the police officer in charge of this case was also commended, and maybe he will be promoted."

Gao Yi put down the document and nodded in appreciation.

"But the problem is..." Tan Zhi did not give Gao Yi face and interrupted bluntly, "Why did you know in advance and send a message to me to lead the team to arrest 'a large number of criminal players'."

"The information provided by the informant is very effective, right?"

Gao Yi raised his chin, as if he was being praised.

"As a result, I led dozens of people to go out and caught four low-level gangsters?"

Tan Zhi supported his chin with both hands, still maintaining that smile, but there was no smile in his tone.

"Don't let small kindnesses go unrewarded... At least you helped to destroy a fraud group, didn't you? You can't say that there was no gain."

Gao Yi looked away with a guilty conscience. He could only say that in order to ensure the destruction of "Jinhuang Security", he did use the resources of the Investigation Bureau.

And in order to get the people from the Investigation Bureau to go out, he did slightly exaggerate the situation at the time.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now..." Tan Zhi didn't get tangled up, but just threw another troublesome question to Gao Yi:

"What about the old man who appeared at that time?"

"You said that the particularly powerful old man in a suit, I only heard about it later, maybe he is a player?"

He touched his chin and asked in a questioning manner.

On the other side, Ye Lin, who had not spoken, interrupted at this time:

"I saw that your player forum was in a commotion, saying that it was [Investigator-Niu], and he also accepted a commission or something."

"Really? I've been a little busy these days and haven't had time to pay attention." Gao Yi's face was normal.

"Is that so... Then by the way, where were you yesterday morning?"

Ye Lin also propped up her chin, posed the same pose as Tan Zhi, and asked casually.

It's a bit targeted...

But fortunately, it should be just from her identity as [Investigator-Pig] and the fact that she provided intelligence in this operation that she judged that she had something to do with this matter.

It doesn't matter, as long as it's not discovered that the multiple aliases are the same person.

As for the alibi, Gao Yi was naturally prepared:

"I was writing a press release at home, and I didn't see anyone, but I ordered takeout and played a few games later."

Gao Yi answered indifferently, as if he was really reminiscing.

He dared to say this, so he was naturally prepared.

As an existence that is completely unknown to the outside world, Athens can help Gao Yi do a lot of things.

For example, create an anonymous user to post a bounty, requesting an attack on "Jinhuang Security", and then ask [Investigator-Niu] to take it.

For example, disseminate relevant videos in the "Nankang Players Forum".

Another example is ordering a takeaway, or helping Gao Yi play a few games...

It is worth mentioning that the game level of Athens is much better than that of Gaoyi.

However, letting an artificial intelligence help play the game seemed to be suspected of "cheating". Gao Yi was still a little concerned about this, so he only let Athens play in entertainment mode.

In any case, if the "Investigation Bureau" really investigates his alibi, it will have no choice but to admit that Gao Yi is indeed at home.

Gao Yi also knew that he could not let Ye Lin, who was opposite him, ask too many questions, so he quickly changed the topic:

"Hey, what about Captain Ouyang? Isn't he with you?"

"This..." For some reason, Tan Zhi suddenly took over the conversation and explained first:

"Vice Captain Ye Lin is staying to provide guidance to our Nankang branch, while Captain Ouyang has his own tasks."

"That's right..." Gao Yi nodded and turned his gaze to Ye Lin on the other side:

"It's a pity that I can't see Captain Ouyang's handsome face anymore."

Gao Yi obviously caught the word "finished" from Tan Zhi's expression, while Ye Lin on the other side nodded with deep understanding:

"Yes, captain, he finally changed his shampoo. His hair is so handsome now. He was so handsome when he was eating hot pot and paying the bill. He was also handsome when he went to Hongshan Temple. Unfortunately, his photography skills are really bad. Take a picture for me. The photos are completely useless.”

"Well, how about we stop asking about things related to 'Jinhuang Security'?"

Tan Zhi still wanted to resist, but Ye Lin on the other side had already entered the state:

“I looked really handsome when I went to the zoo to see the giant pandas, I looked really handsome when I donated money to charity organizations, and I looked really handsome when I went to the barber shop to wash my hair. But I applied for a card as soon as I was deceived, and I obviously have no chance to use it in the future. ....."

As Tan Zhi on the other side lowered his head and covered his face, Gao Yi knew that he had successfully solved the inquiry.


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