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Chapter 217 Stage Management and Director

January 3, 2025, afternoon.

Nankang City, Xishan District, "Kite Film and Television City".

As a mountain city with beautiful night views and unique characteristics, Nankang has always been a popular filming location for many film and television works.

The entry of a large number of crews and performing arts teams has also driven the rapid development of the local film and television industry.

And this "Kite Film and Television City" covering an area of ​​60 square kilometers is also the result of the development of the industry.

More than a dozen film and television shooting bases of different styles, hundreds of fully equipped indoor studios.

From ancient times to modern times, from spy wars to court politics, as long as you want to shoot, "Kite Film and Television City" can satisfy you.

If your movie lacks actors? There is no need to worry.

The members of the Nankang Actors Union are close to 100,000, not to mention temporary extras who have not joined the union.

After so many years of development, "Kite Film and Television City" has become the largest film and television base in the southern region.

Remember, when Gao Yi was unemployed before, he used to run a small role for the crew to make money.

At that time, his workplace was this "Kite Film and Television City".

However, since he was caught by Pan Tian and became a reporter again, he has never come here again, otherwise he might really change his career to become an actor.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, Gao Yi actually came to this familiar yet unfamiliar film and television base again.

And the purpose of coming this time is naturally not to reminisce or appreciate the old scenery.

But to meet someone - the [director's] favorite, [stage attendant].

Gao Yi was once asked by her to come to her house after the [Western City Strange Stories] copy ended.

That time, the other party was quite friendly, mainly providing a film and treating Gao Yi to a box lunch.

But this time he wanted to see the [director], and the other party he contacted just now might not receive such a warm reception.

Squeezing through several groups of extras dressed as ancient soldiers and Republic of China gangsters, he passed through the rest hall filled with sweat and crowded people.

Gao Yi followed the instructions and came to a huge indoor studio.

At the door staff, according to the previous agreement, he said that he was a reporter, and the other party led Gao Yi to a beautifully decorated dressing room.

After the crew member left respectfully, Gao Yi also began to observe the dressing room.

He also needed to put on makeup when he was an extra before, but ordinary extras were not qualified to enter the dressing room. Most of them just sat in the open space and let the makeup artist apply two layers of foundation on each person.

Even when he was selected to play a role with lines twice, the dressing room he was in was definitely not so high-end.

But then again, why was that [stage attendant] here?

Could it be that she was not only the favored one of the [director], but also a stage attendant in reality?

In the dressing room, Gao Yi also found a few pages of the script and some related costumes and props, which should be used for the project being filmed in this indoor studio.

From this point of view, it should be a costume drama adapted from a novel. It is not difficult to see from the vocabulary in the script that it also has some fairy elements.

Just as Gao Yi was sitting on the sofa, thinking about whether he had heard of that novel somewhere, noisy conversations and footsteps gradually approached, and the door of the dressing room was pushed open.

"Director, don't worry, I will definitely perform it again in a while, and I promise it will be more perfect than last time. Don't blame those people too much... I understand, I will take a break and have a meal and then come back."

The actress at the door was still talking to the director. After repeated assurances and persuasion, she walked into the house and closed the door.

The actress was wearing a light pink and blue brocade with gold double dragons playing with pearls, and a sapphire blue cloak with wide sleeves embroidered with cranes.

She wore burnt blue amber nail buckles on her fair hands, a pink double-ring four-way Ruyi corset around her waist, a purse embroidered with white cranes spreading their wings, and a pair of sheepskin boots embroidered with gold thread.

In general, the costume was luxurious and bloated, complicated but coordinated.

Although she didn't wear a mask like the last time they met, Gao Yi still recognized the visitor. It was the [Stage Staff] who had met him once before.

After the other party took a bottle of mineral water from the dressing table, sat down and drank half of it, and then let out a long sigh of relief, Gao Yi officially spoke:

"Aren't you a [stage attendant]? Why are you an actor?"

On the other side, the [stage attendant] who put down the mineral water waved his hand:

"It's different. One is my title as a follower, and the other is my real job."

"So, you are an actor?"

Gao Yi said, recalling the first time he met the other party, he felt that this [stage attendant] looked familiar and took good care of his appearance.

"Yeah, have you seen the TV series I acted in?"

The [stage attendant] took out her huge blue box from somewhere, took out a bottle of sugar-free cola from it, and asked:

"Would you like one?"

Shaking his hand slightly, Gao Yi had no intention of lying to flatter:

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen it... By the way, you have a 'director' here, wouldn't the [director] mind?"

"That's right, what actor only acts for one director in his life? Of course, you should get in touch with different directors."

The [stage attendant] ignored Gao Yi's temptation and took out a box lunch from the blue box:

"Would you like one?"

Gao Yi shook his head, watched the other party open the plastic lid, and started eating.

The [stage attendant] couldn't make him feel the inner throbbing of facing the player, but the blue box was obviously not an ordinary thing.

This made Gao Yi think of Ye Chenjie, the man from Nankang Experimental Middle School who became a [wishing machine].

Perhaps the two of them are the same existence?

Gao Yi pondered, and then inquired about the other party's situation:

"When you came in just now, were you chatting with the director? Did something happen?"

"Oh, it's not a big deal."

Putting down the chicken leg in his hand, the [stage attendant] wiped his mouth with a tissue and said:

"It seems that the photographer didn't bring a memory card, resulting in a scene that the director was particularly satisfied with not being recorded. As a result, the two photographers denied it and now put the blame on the producer."

Listening carefully, the director's loud voice can indeed be heard outside the door:

"Why don't you say goodbye! Do you know how long I have been waiting for this shot? I have been waiting for this shot for a lifetime! Who will be responsible now that it's gone!! Why don't you say goodbye!!!"

"It's so chaotic..."

"This is the crew, it's scary, right?"

It has to be said that the [stage attendant]'s eating manners are really bad, while chewing the chicken leg while saying this.

It formed a very sharp contrast with her luxurious ancient costume.

In such a short time, half a bowl of lunch box has been eaten.

The current [stage attendant] is eating braised meat with rice.

Looking at the information that appeared in the search bar of the mobile phone, Gao Yi finally knew the real name of this stage attendant - Qi Ying.

Silently waiting for the other party to finish the meal, put down the lunch box, Gao Yi decided to get to the point:

"So, how can I meet my [director]?"


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