"Well..." After taking another sip of sugar-free cola, Qi Ying, who was dressed in ancient costume, slowly spoke:

"You naturally can't see the [director] in our world, you can only find him in the dungeon."

"You mean, I want to enter another 'Holy Grail' dungeon?"

Gao Yi understood what the other party meant, which was similar to his guess.

"Yes, but not every 'Holy Grail' dungeon will do." Qi Ying seemed to remember something, fumbled in the blue box beside her, took out a ticket, and handed it to Gao Yi:

"I told the [director] about you, and he said he could answer your doubts, but......you have to help him act in another movie."

Gao Yi didn't say much, just took the ticket from the other party.

The overall color of this ticket is green, with an open sandalwood coffin painted in the center, and inside the coffin, a slightly fat old man with a copper coin mask on his face lies.

From the gap between the copper coins, it is not difficult to see that the old man is wearing a set of clothes similar to the official uniform of the Qing Dynasty.

Its mouth was completely torn, and then forcibly stitched with iron wire, and covered with a copper coin mask.

Looking around the coffin, there were broken talismans, broken limbs and black blood all over the ground.

What frightened Gao Yi the most was not these scenes, but the two lines of small words on the ticket.

[Dungeon Ticket: Seven Days of Resurrection (Holy Grail 3)]

[Mode: Multiplayer]

"Sister..." Gao Yi took a deep breath and put down the ticket, "Tell me the truth, is it that the [director] wants to shut me up and deliberately gave me this ticket."

"How could it be." Qi Ying, who was drinking her third bottle of sugar-free cola on the opposite side, waved her hand:

"The [director] still cherishes the actors he appreciates. This time he really wants you to act in a movie. He said that as long as you perform well, he will agree to meet you and answer your doubts."

Recalling the face of the little boy [director] and his obsession with horror movies.

It seems that he really wants himself to "act in a movie"...

But... this is a copy of "Holy Grail 3".

It's not that the "Holy Grail" is so special, but the level "3" represents a higher difficulty.

Based on the intelligence Gao Yi has collected from various places during this period, he has a deeper understanding of the various mechanisms of the dungeon.

One point that many people have mentioned is that there is a qualitative difference in difficulty between the "level 4" and "level 3" dungeons.

If the "level 4" dungeon is full of dangers, then the "level 3" dungeon is basically a life-or-death situation.

At least, for Gao Yi, a half-step C-level player, it is an absolute life-or-death situation.

Gao Yi also asked relevant people for information in this regard. The highest record known to players is "level 2".

In China, there have been a total of three successful "level 2" dungeon conquers.

One of them seems to have been participated by the person I met before, "K" of the "alphabet".

The name of the dungeon she conquered is unknown, and the type is "Scepter 2".

As for the "level 3" dungeon, there are not too many records of conquering it.

Do I really want to enter this dungeon...

Gao Yi looked at the [Seven Days Back] dungeon in his hand again, and looked up at Qi Ying who took out a bowl of lunch and started eating:

"Didn't the [director] prepare some props and equipment for me? He can't let his protagonist die in the movie."

"First of all, there are actually quite a few horror movies where the protagonist dies." Qi Ying took a bite of the chicken leg and didn't pause:

"Secondly, who said you are the protagonist?"

It is worth mentioning that the lunch box in Qi Ying's hand has changed. It was a braised chicken leg before, and it was a fried chicken leg this time.

"I... am not the protagonist, so what am I?"

Gao Yi frowned slightly and couldn't react.

Qi Ying on the other side took it for granted:

"You are a supporting role. According to the [director], you are an important supporting role."

"Supporting role..."

"Don't underestimate supporting roles. In a good movie, it is far from enough for the main character to perform well. If the supporting role is not good, it will also drag down the main character's performance. This is the case with my current crew..."

At the end, Qi Ying's voice obviously lowered, and she looked at the door of the dressing room with a guilty conscience.

But in fact, she misunderstood. Gao Yi didn't think there was anything wrong with being a supporting role.

What he was worried about, after all, was this dungeon.

Looking at the ticket again, there were more than two days left in the countdown. If he bought some evolution potions, it should be enough for him to upgrade to C level in theory.

As for equipment, you can ask people from the "Investigation Bureau" and the "Jiujiang Rock Music" Society, and it would be better to get another one.

At this point, Gao Yi actually didn't think about giving up the option of entering this dungeon.

The previous [Wishing Machine], the strange golden twenty-sided dice in his hand, and the truth about his "label system" all need to be explored.

And the only one who can solve Gao Yi's doubts is the [Director].

Holy Grail 3...

Seeing Gao Yi lowering his head in thought, Qi Ying, who had just finished a bowl of lunch opposite him, wiped her mouth and comforted him:

"Don't worry too much, the [Director] is pursuing dramatic conflict, and you don't necessarily need to fight for your life... Besides, didn't he give you the whistle, you can also use it to save your life."

"You can only go back a few seconds, I'm afraid you can't save me in a dangerous situation."

Gao Yi sighed and looked very embarrassed.

"Huh? How did you use it?"

Unexpectedly, the [field staff] on the other side showed an extremely surprised expression.

"Just... blow it." Gao Yi was slightly stunned.

"Have you ever thought that such an orange equipment may have other effects?"

Tan Ying finally finished eating the chicken leg in her hand and shook her head at Gao Yi.

"Is there any other way to blow it?"

Gao Yi actually thought about this possibility, but considering that a finger will be broken if he blows once, who knows what will happen if he blows continuously or for a long time.

By then, it may not just be the fingers that are broken.

"How do I know? You have to study it yourself, but it must be more than just going back a few seconds."

Unfortunately, Tan Ying on the other side just spread his hands.

Taking this opportunity, Gao Yi also wanted to ask what the golden twenty-sided dice found in Ye Chenjie's hand was for.

But just at this moment, someone knocked on the door:

"Sister Qi, the director is talking, saying that he has invited a Taoist priest to come and consecrate the camera, so everything should be fine."

Hearing this, Qi Ying agreed while sweeping away the remaining lunch box, stood up and wiped her mouth:

"Okay, I'm leaving... Want a lunch box?"

"Give me one bowl..."

Gao Yi was indeed a little hungry.


I'm about to enter the dungeon, and I'm still a little nervous.

After all, this is the first time I've written a Chinese horror scene, I hope it can be written well!

I feel that many students are about to have summer vacation, and I can't let them come back and see that I wrote a bad dungeon.


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