Gao Yi finished eating the lunch box handed over by Qi Ying from [Field Manager], and visited the "Kite Film and Television City" for a while.

Finally, I returned home and started making final preparations before entering the dungeon.

In the last two days or so, Gao Yi still did a lot of things.

The most important thing is, of course, to waste time and drink evolution potions.

Not only [D-level evolution potion], but also [C-level evolution potion] I drank several bottles.

On the last day, Gao Yi was finally promoted and became a solid C-level player.

The most obvious change after the upgrade is naturally the increase in equipment slots and portable features.

This is definitely a good thing, as it allows Gao Yi to re-equip the [Weapon Master] feature and no longer have to worry about equipment choices.

The physical strength and mental strength have undoubtedly improved significantly and step by step.

Nowadays, ordinary fitness equipment is completely unable to meet the high-level exercise needs. In most cases, you can only rely on your own body for exercise.

Have you seen "Blade Tooth"? Gao Yi can even do the outrageous exercise postures that are exclusive to comic characters.

As for whether there are more changes to equipment and features, it can only be said that they have yet to be tested.

At least [Easy Chair Detective]'s simulation ability and sensory enhancement have become more obvious, and Gao Yi's control power has also become stronger.

It is worth mentioning that with the enhancement of his senses, Gao Yi feels that his body has become more sensitive. He can clearly feel slight changes in the environment and small changes in temperature.

For this [Seven Days Soul Resurrection], Gao Yi originally wanted to buy another piece of folk equipment, such as a mahogany sword.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find satisfactory equipment on the forum.

The people from the "Jiujiang Rock Music Association" had already left Nankang to go to the next location, and they could no longer ask them to help find it.

This is not unexpected. They came to Nankang just for business. Do you remember that auction? That's the main purpose.

The only surprise was that "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty" caught Zhao Qian, so we could play for a few more days, otherwise we should have gone to the next city long ago.

Gao Yi didn't ask in detail, but he just heard that the "Jiujiang Rock Music Association" planned to expand overseas business and go to Southeast Asia.

All I can say is, wish them good luck.

As for Nankang, the "Gentleman's Tea Restaurant" downstairs from Gao Yi has been completely converted into their stronghold. It is said that some external members will be kept here in case of emergencies.

Judging from what Sister Tang meant, she regarded Gao Yi as one of the "external members".

Regarding the ticket in his hand, Gao Yi also consulted "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty", but he didn't expect that he really gained something.

According to the boss of the "Jiujiang Rock Music Association", there are a large number of different tickets for the four types of copies, from level 9 to level 4.

Within a specific category, the same copy may have several different levels, and the same level may represent different copies.

But once the level enters "Level 3", the situation is different.

Taking "Holy Grail" as an example, there is only one copy of "Holy Grail 3", which is the [Seven-Day Soul Recovery] in Gao Yi's hand.

Regarding this ticket, Sister Tang’s words are also quite thought-provoking:

"You actually got that ticket? [Seven Days of Resurrection] should be the most popular among all tickets. Almost every day, people come to ask us if we have this ticket."

When asked why, Gao Yi got an unexpected answer.

There are rumors that there is an ability in the [Seven Days of Resurrection] copy that allows players to resurrect the dead or extend their lifespan.

"But so far, I haven't heard of anyone successfully resurrecting a person or extending his life." Sister Tang concluded.

Combined with the [Wish-Making Machine] thing, maybe this is [the director]'s way of attracting players to participate in his movie.

When [Field Manager] Tan Ying handed the tickets to Gao Yi, she never mentioned this matter.

However, when Gao Yi heard the news of "resurrecting relatives", he didn't have much reaction.

On the one hand, he has already experienced the [Wishing Machine] incident and knows that the [Director]'s "wishes" are not very reliable.

On the other hand, Gao Yi has also watched the movie "Return to Soul in Seven Days".

As Zhao Qian said before, almost every copy of the "Holy Grail" is based on a horror movie.

I think it’s also because the manager is a [director] and he likes horror movies very much.

Gao Yi, whose viewing volume has increased significantly, easily found the prototype of "Return to the Soul in Seven Days" through keywords and patterns on the tickets, a movie called "Zombie".

The "zombie" among them was created by an old woman who wanted to resurrect her husband.

To say "resurrection" may not refer to what is resurrected.

As for the person who wanted to extend his life in the movie, he also died in the hands of the evil spirit he created.

For Gao Yi, the death of his parents happened more than ten years ago.

No matter how sad he was at the time, he has "accepted" it now.

Naturally, one would not step into a trap of this magnitude.

In fact, Gao Yi could roughly guess that the past of losing his loved ones was probably the reason why [the director] wanted him to "participate" in this copy.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, I lay back on the sofa in the living room.

There are only ten minutes left before the start of the [Seven Days of Resurrection] instance.

All preparations are in place, and I will not tell anyone else this time that I want to download the copy.

If something happens to you, just ask Athens to help deal with it.

Taking advantage of the last moment, Gao Yi also checked his attribute list again.

[Player Nickname: Gao Yi]

[Player level: C]

[Evolution rate: 1%]

【Game currency: 30】

[Features (5/5): ① Easy chair detective (purple): greatly improves perception and observation; active use can greatly improve information collection and processing capabilities in a short period of time;

②Serial Killer (Purple): Master various killing techniques and gain stronger anti-tracking capabilities; creating serial cases with the same elements will provide a higher evolution rate bonus;

③D-class personnel (purple): allows the wearer to have strong resistance to all "surreal" phenomena; when used actively, it can summon experimental subjects identical to itself to perform activities;

④Seeker (Blue): The wearer’s evolution rate acquisition speed is reduced by 90%, but the enhanced attributes and abilities are increased to 1,000%;

⑤Weapon Master (Blue): Proficient in using various simple individual weapons; use it actively, enchant any weapon in your hand, and give it a random special effect. 】

[Props (9/9): ① Director’s whistle (orange): Blow the whistle once to declare the shooting invalid and rewind to the previous scene fifteen seconds ago;

②Running group dice (orange): unknown;

③Gentleman's Cane (Purple): Hit the ground to cause all living creatures within a certain range to be mentally attacked;

④Scarlet Raven Coat (Purple): Within a certain period of time, summon a raven that can share vision and hearing for use;

⑤Christmas Cloak (Purple): Within a certain period of time, the wearer's movement speed will be greatly increased and his jumping ability will be greatly enhanced;

⑥Wailing Ring (Purple): Shields the senses and ignores pain;

⑦Mist Mask (Purple): Changes the user's appearance, body shape, and voice within a certain period of time;

⑧Disaster Gloves (blue): "Take out" an object within range;

⑨Lucky Necklace (Blue): Accumulate misfortune and burst into luck when you are about to receive damage.

[Medicine (17/30): ①C-level physical healing agent*5: Stops bleeding, relieves pain, and quickly restores physical damage, but has limited effect on large missing limbs and severe flesh tears;

②D-level physical healing agent*5: Stops bleeding, relieves pain, and slowly restores physical damage, but is powerless against large missing limbs and severe physical tears;

③D-level antidote*2: Alleviates the effects of poisoning, and also helps with various types of sustained damage effects;

④D-level injury agent*1: It can be used externally or internally. It is a must for home travel and killing. 】

[Ticket folder: The Fog of Heart (already conquered), The Strange Things in West City (already conquered), The Mechanical God (already conquered)

Seven Days of Resurrection (Three of Cups), Toy War (Eight of Swords), Black Island Prison (Seven of Wands), A Quiet Place (Five of Swords)]

First of all, all the game coins have been used up, and there is almost no cash on hand. Even potions and tickets have been sold that are temporarily unused.

Now Gao Yi has once again returned to his original state of poverty.

And everything is to become a C-level player.

Of course, it's worth it.

Not only is the selection of features more abundant, but you can also bring all the equipment.

It is worth mentioning that the twenty-sided die obtained from Ye Chenjie was also successfully installed in the equipment slot and had its own name - [Team Running Dice].

The only problem is that the effect is still unknown.

Gao Yi originally wanted to go to Tan Zhi again and borrow the equipment for identification.

Unfortunately, in the past few days, there seemed to be some turmoil within the Investigation Bureau, and the captain could not be contacted at all, so he had to give up.

As for the "tag system", no daily tasks have been completed in the past two days, and the various upgrades have not brought any new skills worth mentioning.

It's just that for today's Gao Yi, the capabilities brought by the "tag system" are no longer so important.

On the one hand, after becoming a "player", the various abilities you possess have already met most of your needs.

On the other hand, he now has some concerns about his "labeling system", fearing that he will be led into a ditch by a certain task.

[Name: Gao Yi]

[Equipped tags (3/3): Investigator lv1 (epic), Enthusiastic Citizen lv6 (rare), Gambler lv2 (rare)]

[Tag ability: ① Mist: Unexpected and strange things will be attracted to you and come closer to you, but at the same time, you will receive additional rewards and rewards every time you complete the exploration;

②Zootopia: People unconsciously feel close and reliable, and it is easier to gain trust and praise;

③Super Marines: When acting bravely, the combat effectiveness will be improved;

④Toy Story: When you are enthusiastic about helping others, the toys and objects around you may "come alive" to help you;

⑤ Gambling Apocalypse: When you make a desperate move, it will be more intimidating, and your lies and disguises will be more confusing;

⑥Trickster: You will have superb cheating skills]

[Unequipped tags: Faceless Man lv1 (epic), Changer lv1 (epic), Bounty Hunter lv1 (epic), Old Woman's Friend lv3 (rare), Heartless lv3 (rare)]

[Backpack: "Detoxification Cup (80%)", "Super Chopsticks (80%)", "Truth Doll (20%)", "Gambler's Drink (80%)", "Super Three Thousand Lives (80%)", "Shining Flint (75%)", "Super Glue (75%)\

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