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Chapter 220 [Seven Days of Return] Opening

Gao Yi, who entered the dungeon for the fourth time, already had experience.

Half-lying down with his eyes closed and his neck raised, he enjoyed the call of [Seven Days to Return] in a sleep-like state.

A dark green halo flashed before his eyes, and the blurry images flashed before Gao Yi's eyes frame by frame, as if played by a stuck movie projector.

Purple talisman paper, a patio full of corpses, twin girls holding hands covered in blood...

As if foreshadowing the weirdness and danger of this dungeon, hoarse and low wails echoed in his ears.

With a childish male voice shouting "action!", the dungeon finally officially began.

After leaving the blurry illusion, when he opened his eyes again, Gao Yi was already in the living room of an old rental house.

The good news is that, just like in the real world, Gao Yi was sitting on a sofa at the moment.

The bad news is that the environment of this rental house is really bad.

Why is it called a "rental house"?

On the one hand, the movie takes place in a public housing estate; on the other hand, the whole living room gives Gao Yi the feeling that there is no "life".

The lame dining table is covered with layers of greasy stains, the old TV screen is broken without being plugged in, and a New Year calendar that has been torn but not replaced is hung on the wall.

All this looks particularly strange under the flickering light of the chandelier.

Not to mention the gray and peeling walls around, the broken mirrors, and a family portrait with the portraits all painted black.

The environment in the whole house is not at all tolerable for someone who has any expectations for the future.

There is no breath of "life" here, only helpless and desperate "survival".

Looking at the window, it is clearly daytime, but there is not a trace of sunlight in the room.

Looking out, the whole sky is covered by thick dark clouds, and no light can penetrate.

But this is a copy of a horror movie after all, and sunlight is a luxury that cannot be obtained, so it is not surprising.

Gao Yi stood up, walked to the window, touched the vines that were growing towards the house, and his fingers suddenly felt a sharp pain, and blood beads flowed out - there were even barbs on the vines.

"It's really a completely unsuitable place to live. People in European and American horror movies are all mountain village villas and lakeside cottages, how come this is a small rental house..."

Complaining, Gao Yi opened the window to allow the turbid air to circulate.

Compared with here, the "Youth Apartment" where Gao Yi is located is basically a paradise.

Looking out the window, this rental house seems to be located on the 20th floor, and there is a busy road below.

The street is full of various shops and restaurants full of fireworks, and it is quite lively at this afternoon time.

Unfortunately, in this gloomy weather, everything in front of you looks like it is covered with a layer of gray filter, which makes people feel a little depressed.

In the shadow of the corner, a cockroach hurriedly passed through. The musty and smoke smell in the air is still strong and cannot be removed by simple ventilation.

Looking back, the worn-out sofa in the house seemed to be the only place that could provide some comfort.

Falling back on the sofa, Gao Yi flipped his wrist and summoned the light curtain.

As expected, the main quest has appeared.

[Player: Gao Yi]

[Instance name: Seven Days Back]

[Game type: Holy Grail 3 (multiplayer)]

[Main quest has been triggered]

[Ⅰ: Survive in "Heiping Village" for 24 hours (23:57:32)]

[Ⅱ: Eliminate an evil spirit]

[Ⅲ: ? ? ? ]

"This mission... why does it look a bit simple?"

Gao Yi frowned slightly, rubbing his chin and muttering.

You know, this instance is not like [Heart Strange Mist], which is framed in a small space and surrounded by dangers.

In fact, according to the plot of the original movie "Zombie", as long as Gao Yi leaves the building now and runs away, he should not encounter any monsters in theory.

After all, the plot of the entire movie takes place in such a building - from the observation just now, Gao Yi can basically determine that he is now in the residential building in the movie.

Of course, it is too idealistic to think that the problem can be solved by simply running away.

Based on previous experience, the content of the copy is just based on the movie plot as a basic world view, and the specific content and characters will be very different.

The relationship between [Heart Strange Mist] and "The Mist" is basically only the fog, and the relationship between [West Side Story] and "It" is only the general city buildings and similar copy bosses.

Considering that this is a copy of "Holy Grail 3", it should be difficult to really expect it to be easy and less dangerous.

Stretching, Gao Yi replaced the label, took out the [Lucky Necklace], and hung it around his neck.

This four-leaf clover-shaped necklace now has only one leaf shining green, and the remaining three are extremely dim.

In other words, this is the only "luck" that can burst out when attacked.

There was nothing he could do about it. The battle in Nankang Experimental Middle School had used up all of Gao Yi's accumulated luck.

The fact that he was able to accumulate so much luck again in the past two days was already the result of his bad luck.

Taking advantage of the time before various accidents occurred, Gao Yi used the super observation ability brought by [Armchair Detective] and began to search the entire house at the fastest speed.

In the bedroom, in addition to some basic daily necessities, there were also several stacks of newspapers, an old-fashioned camera that had never been seen before, and a pile of scraps of various articles.

I don’t know if it was a simple coincidence or a deliberate arrangement by the [director].

The tenant that Gao Yi played in this copy seemed to be a newspaper employee.

This is a good thing. There should often be various worldview information in newspapers, which would be an excellent clue.

But for some reason, most of the text on these newspapers was covered with dark brown stains and could not be recognized.

The content that could be barely recognized was just some local trivial matters in Longgang City, and well-known international news in the 10s, and there was nothing worth paying attention to.

It can be seen that the copy or the [director] did not want to get intelligence from this.

"In the end, you still have to go out, right..."

Gao Yi, who returned to the living room, turned his head and looked at the rusty iron door leading to the corridor.

Starting from a middle-aged man's cry for help a few minutes ago, the footsteps and voices in the corridor gradually moved closer to this side and became more and more dense.

Gao Yi, who possessed the [Armchair Detective], naturally heard all of this.

And from the fragmented words, he easily confirmed what happened outside:

The owner of the fried glutinous rice shop downstairs accidentally discovered when he went upstairs to deliver food that the man who lived next door to Gao Yi had hanged himself.


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