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Chapter 221 [Seven Days Back] Protagonist and Supporting Character

Gao Yi is no longer the rookie he was before.

Now that he has confirmed the movie that "Seven Days Back" corresponds to, he will naturally not give up this ready-made source of information.

He has watched "Zombie" over and over again.

As a zombie movie shot in 2013, it naturally inherits the zombie theme that emerged in the last century.

The "zombie" in China has similarities with the zombie and vampire themes in the West, but there are also many differences.

From the first "Midnight Zombie" in 1936, to the gradual improvement after exploration in the 1970s, to the golden age represented by "Mr. Zombie" in the 1980s.

Stiff limbs, jumping movements, looking for living people to hunt by breathing, wearing Qing Dynasty official uniforms, and infinite strength...

The image of "zombie" has also been deeply engraved in the minds of domestic audiences.

When watching zombie movies in childhood, who would not hold their breath nervously with the characters in the movie to avoid being chased by zombies?

But like everything in the world, after the golden age, decline is inevitable.

By the 21st century, the vitality of the zombie theme has been exhausted.

And with the retirement and death of those filmmakers at that time, the style of supernatural, kung fu and comedy has completely declined.

This "Zombie" produced in 2013 invited a group of actors who had participated in many zombie movies to shoot a final elegy for this theme.

Many people also call it "the last zombie movie".

The plot of the movie is not complicated. The male protagonist, as an outdated martial arts star, failed in his career and his family fell apart.

In despair, he came to this residential building and wanted to hang himself.

Unexpectedly, there were dead souls in that house, and the male protagonist was haunted by the evil ghosts in the house when he hanged himself.

A Taoist priest who was unkempt and wearing slippers and a vest came to help and saved the male protagonist.

And this is just the beginning of the movie. After regaining his desire for life, the male protagonist and the Taoist priest discovered various abnormalities in this residential building.

In the end, there was a classic and wonderful battle with the "zombies".

"If I'm not mistaken, the guy hanging next door is the male protagonist, but..."

Gao Yi sorted out his thoughts, but the communication outside was different from what he expected.

No longer hesitating, he opened the rusty door and pulled open the rusty iron gate on the outside.

The narrow corridor was now full of residents.

Most of them were in their fifties or sixties, and there were very few young people.

On the one hand, there were more elderly people living in this old building, and on the other hand, many young people had not yet gotten off work at this time.

The entire residential building was in the shape of a "U". Looking out, you could see the low walls and railings on the other side of the corridor, which also had no original colors.

When the view passed over the central patio, the opposite side was exactly the same scenery. The densely packed and identical doors and corridors under the dark clouds made people breathless.

Gao Yi's going out did not attract any special attention, and the nearby residents had been attracted out.

In fact, he was a little late when he went out. Now the residents of No. 20 or 30 have completely blocked the small area outside the next door.

Gao Yi's first reaction was to turn around and check the number of his door.

As expected, he was in room "2443", which was only separated from the protagonist's room "2442" by a wall.

"2442" is a homophone of "easy to die, easy to die" in Cantonese, which is naturally not a good sign.

Of course, this is the treatment the protagonist deserves.

Horror movies tell us that rooms 237, 1408, and 1303 are all rooms that you know you shouldn't live in at a glance.

As the protagonist of a horror movie, you naturally have to experience all kinds of bad signs, strange events and horror anomalies.

In this way, the room number is not a big deal.

A few days ago, after communicating with the [stage attendant] Qi Ying in the "Kite Cinema", Gao Yi has been thinking about a question.

The other party said that the [director] wanted him to play a "supporting role". What does this mean?

Obviously, he was still a "protagonist" in "Heart-stirring Mist".

Don't get me wrong, Gao Yi is not complaining about his lower status, but thinking about the difference.

In any case, a movie always needs a "protagonist".

Who will be the protagonist of this "Seven Days Back"?

Either it is a certain player, or it is the protagonist of the prototype movie - that is, Gao Yi's new neighbor next door.

Whether considering the development of the plot or the responsibility as a "supporting role", he should have a good relationship with this neighbor.

According to the plot, the "protagonist" should have just been possessed by an evil ghost and then rescued by a Taoist priest.

But....... The conversations around him told Gao Yi that things did not seem to develop as he expected.

"Oh, how could a young boy commit suicide..."

"Oh, I heard that he used to be a movie star, how could this happen?"

"You believe what he says? It's all just bragging, how could you know..."

Gao Yi frowned slightly, squeezed through the crowd, and walked towards the door of room 2442.

Relying on the physical strength of a C-level player, Gao Yi smoothly came to the door and looked into the room.

At this moment, amid the calls and inquiries of the crowd of onlookers "Auntie Mei", a woman in her fifties or sixties wearing a light pink shirt and wearing reading glasses hung on her chest with a thin rope came out of the house shaking her head.

She looked quite kind, but at this moment her face was full of sorrow.

Auntie Mei sighed deeply and waved to the residents around her in Cantonese:

"Okay, okay, the dead are the greatest. Brother You has called the police, everyone go back to the house to cook, don't block people."

Although her appearance is different from that in the movie, Gao Yi recognized instantly that this "Auntie Mei" is an important character in the movie.

If I remember correctly, at the beginning of the movie, she did come here and disperse the onlookers.

But there is no line of "the dead are the greatest" in the movie.

It can be seen that Aunt Mei does have some reputation among these neighbors. As she called, the onlookers muttered some gossips and slowly dispersed.

Fortunately, Gao Yi lived next door, which made it convenient for him to find out the news.

As the crowd dispersed, a middle-aged man wearing slippers and small brown round-frame glasses also walked out of 2442.

He opened a plaid black and blue long gown, revealing a white sweatshirt with a few greasy stains and loose shorts.

From the smell on his body and the size of the greasy stains on his chest, it is not difficult to judge that he is a cook.

But in the movie, this uncle You is actually a descendant of the last Taoist priest, but he has no place to use in this era without zombies.

In the plot, it was he who saved the "male protagonist".

But in this [Seven Days Back to the Soul], everything seems to have changed.

Gao Yi tiptoed and looked past him.

A thick hemp rope hangs on the fan in room 2442.

And on the floor, the "male protagonist" of the movie is lying there.

There is an obvious bloodstain on his neck, and he is already dead.


Additional tips.

The city in the dungeon and the main production area of ​​this zombie theme are all referred to as "Longgang City".

In addition, the author does not speak Cantonese, so I wrote the Cantonese of the dungeon characters according to my feelings.

Not to mention taking care of readers who do not understand Cantonese like me, so there will definitely be many mistakes, and it will be half Mandarin and half Cantonese, mainly to let you see the feeling, don't take it seriously.


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