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Chapter 222 [Seven Days to Return] 2442

Frowning slightly, the male protagonist died immediately, which is not good news.

This means that almost all the information Gao Yi had about the movie "Zombie" will be invalid.

After all, the premise on which the entire movie was founded is gone, and the story will definitely change dramatically.

But yes, this is a copy of "Holy Grail 3" after all, how can players understand the plot development so easily.

After understanding this, Gao Yi no longer struggled.

He put on the [Friends of Elderly Women], took a step forward, and approached Aunt Mei who was sighing:

"Aunt Mei, what's going on?"

Gao Yi pointed to room 2442 with his thumb, acting as if he was in trouble.

Aunt Mei, who was thinking about something, was called by Gao Yi. She raised her head and showed a tired smile:

"Ah, isn't this Xiao Gao? It's so hard to see you once."

After a pause, she sighed again and told Gao Yi what happened to the "protagonist":

"This little money just came to rent a house today, but he hanged himself immediately... I can't worry about anything anymore. Fortunately, my friend is here to help."

Aunt Mei gave way to the side, and the "brother friend" he called was naturally this middle-aged cook who looked rather unkempt.

Although this friend's uncle looks unremarkable, in the movie, he is actually a real Taoist priest - the kind who can kill zombies.

After hearing Aunt Mei's words, he just wiped his forehead, shook his head and said:

"I met him downstairs before, and I was asking if I could help him, but when I came up he was confused."

"Nothing else happened in the room, no evil spirits or anything like that?"

Gao Yi could tell from the clean environment in the house and the absence of any trace of a fight that the fight in the movie did not happen.

But just in case, he still asked.

"Ha, all the evil spirits are here, young people have quite a lot of imagination."

Uncle You seemed amused by Gao Yi's words. He stretched out his right hand to scratch his back and turned to look at Aunt Mei:

"Well, I'll go first, and leave the rest to the policeman. Someone has to fry the glutinous rice."

After finishing speaking, this uncle friend ignored Gao Yi, turned around and walked towards the elevator in a cool manner.

Seeing the other person's back in slippers and long gown walking away, Gao Yi did not stop him.

This friend's uncle's reaction didn't seem to be hiding anything. He scorned the "evil ghost" Gao Yi said in a literal sense.

What's going on?

In the original plot of the movie, the male protagonist would be possessed by twin evil spirits stranded in 2442 when he hanged himself, and would be rescued by the Taoist priest Uncle Yu.

But here, nothing happened, and the male protagonist committed suicide smoothly.

Looking inside the house, in addition to the body of the male protagonist wearing sunglasses, there are also old costumes he wore when shooting movies, a pile of old yellowed photos taken in the theater, and a tape recorder on the ground.

There's nothing much to say about the costumes and old photos. As expected, the recorder should have stored the voices of his children singing nursery rhymes just like in the movie.

Of course, this is questionable considering how drastically the plot has changed.

Seeing Gao Yi thinking about something, Aunt Mei on the other side looked a little nervous.

She rubbed her hands and then smiled at Gao Yi:

"Xiao Gao, thank you for your hard work. I encountered this kind of thing not long after I arrived...I told you that this was unlucky, but no one believed it."

As mentioned before, 2442 obviously has an ominous connotation. It seems that at least the "unlucky" aspect has not changed.

"It doesn't matter, we are all poor people... Do you want to wait here? Do you want to come to my house and sit down?"

The secrets of this copy have not yet been revealed, and standing in the corridor chatting really makes Gao Yi feel uneasy.

Not to mention that this is a multiplayer dungeon, and it’s hard to say whether the other players are friends or foes.

But the Aunt Mei in front of her should be the main character anyway, and Gao Yi still wanted to communicate with her a few more words.

But Aunt Mei on the other side shook her head and hurriedly refused:

"No, no, no, that's too much trouble for you. We have a forensic doctor in our building who will come right away. It'll be fine."

Aunt Mei still had the same reserved smile, but she seemed to be troubled again, and looked up at Gao Yi again:

"Xiao Gao, I remember you are a reporter?"

"Ah...yes, what's wrong?"

This question also confused Gao Yiwen for a moment, and then he remembered that he was indeed a reporter in the copy.

"These are all neighbors. The deceased is the most important. Don't be too hasty in your report. It's better to wait for the police to complete the formalities first."

"Of course, of course, they are all neighbors."

After being in trouble for a long time, is this Aunt Mei just struggling with this kind of thing?

The reporter in this copy was just an identity. Gao Yi didn't have the pressure of being urged to publish, so he naturally agreed.

While the two were chatting, the sound of an elevator arriving in the distance sounded. Two young men in police uniforms and a middle-aged man in a black tunic suit walked towards this side.

Apparently, these were the police called and the forensic doctor who lived in the building.

These three people all looked quite normal, and Gao Yi didn't think of the corresponding characters in the movie.

He originally wanted to stay here for a while to see what would happen next in 2442.

But at this moment, Gao Yi suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that a figure appeared at the other end of the corridor, waving to him.

The figure flashed by, and even though he had a strong observation ability, he was unable to fully grasp the full picture of the figure.

Could it be a player? Or something that came with the dungeon?

In any case, this could be an important clue.

Gao Yi no longer hesitated, held the [Gentleman's Cane] in his hand, said goodbye to Aunt Mei, and walked towards the direction of the figure.

Unexpectedly, the other party was very fast, and Gao Yi had to follow the footsteps.

Not long after, he walked into the stairwell of this residential building.

The building was already lacking in light, and it was even darker in this stairwell. Only the pale light from the ceiling provided a better illumination than nothing.

In the spiral staircase, the figure finally stopped.

At this distance, I didn't feel the throbbing in my heart, at least I could rule out the possibility that the other party was a player.

Gao Yi was already on high alert, and he naturally knew the danger of entering such an area.

Looking at the light, it turned out to be a girl who called him closer.

Red and green sunglasses, black short hair, and a black collar with a gossip pattern on her neck.

The large dark green baseball jacket is open, with a black V-neck short-sleeved shirt underneath, and a black leather skirt on the lower body.

If these outfits are just a little strange, then the horn-shaped device in her hand is a little weird.

Not to mention that there is a spring-like wire behind the "horn", which leads to the transparent jar on her back.

This image... looks so familiar.

Just when Gao Yi was thinking about where the other party came from, the girl spoke first:

"Friend, can you see the evil spirit system?"


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