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Chapter 223 [Seven Days of Return] New Science Exorcism Agency

After patting his head, Gao Yi finally remembered where he had seen this girl's clothes.

The earliest fame of this outfit probably stems from the appearance of the heroine in the classic movie "The Killer Isn't Too Cold".

And combined with the current situation, it can point to another spoof movie that pays tribute to it-"The Night of the Soul".

So it turns out that [Resurrection in Seven Days] refers to not only "Zombie" with the subtitle "Rebirth in Seven Days", but also "Night of Rebirth"?

No, this is [Director]'s copy of "Holy Grail 3". Now that a second movie has appeared, maybe there will be more...

This seems to also explain the previous plot changes in 2442-because there are more different characters and ghosts mixed into this residential building.

Gao Yi was lost in thought in the stairwell, but the girl on the other side lost his patience:

"Friend, if you say you saw an evil ghost, is that true?"

This girl looked really young. Under this eye-catching outfit, Gao Yi couldn't even tell whether she was an adult.

But no matter how you look at it, it is an important copy role and must be communicated with.

"I didn't see it, but I felt a hint of evil spirit in room 2442."

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yi pretended to be vigilant and looked around, then moved closer to the other party and answered.

This is of course complete nonsense. Although [Easy Chair Detective] can provide strong observation skills, "seeing ghosts" is obviously a matter in another field.

In fact, many detective novels are quite taboo about the kind of strange power and chaos.

Gao Yi said such words, naturally to suit his liking.

From the other party's words, attitude towards "evil ghosts", and the equipment on his hands and back that resemble "Ghostbusters", you can easily judge his enthusiasm for "ghosts".

"Oh! You are all of the same kind. Good luck will bring good luck." After hearing Gao Yi's words, the girl obviously became more energetic and stretched out her left hand without the speaker:

"I'm a professional ghost hunter from the New Science Ghost Exorcism Agency. You can call me An'an."

He shook his hand awkwardly, but Gao Yi didn't talk nonsense:

"My name is Gao Yi, and I am a reporter."

I have to say, this kind of self-introduction is quite skillful.

"Are you a paranormal reporter? I heard that someone uses a camera to capture the existence of ghosts... Do you want to eat chocolate?"

The girl who called herself "An An" pulled out an old brown toolbox from the shadows and rummaged through it.

During the rummaging, a large number of grenades, kitchen knives, chainsaws and... durians were thrown out.

Finally, he took out a pack of chocolate beans and handed a handful to Gao Yi.

"Thank you...thank you."

Gao Yi was really confused for a moment. He looked at the chainsaw and grenade that were thrown to the ground casually by the other party, and he still took the chocolate beans from the other party's hand.

Seeing Gao Yi eat a chocolate bean, An An also smiled and gave himself a handful:

"This is the advantage of chocolate. It can be used to fight ghosts and can also be used as snacks."

This statement sounds ridiculous, but in the world view of "Return to Soul Night", it is true.

Looking at the completely non-hostile girl opposite, Gao Yi was a little nervous in every sense of the word.

If I understand correctly, the image of An An should be a fusion of the two protagonists of "Return to the Soul Night".

And you must know that "The Night of Return" is a comedy, and the characters in it also have some "funny character attributes".

What are "funny character attributes"?

To them, any degree of harm can be just a "joke" when needed.

For example, being hit by a refrigerator falling from the sky, being continuously attacked by a group of people with various sharp weapons or even firearms, or being directly hit by an electric current of tens of thousands of volts...

These attack methods are completely enough to kill any normal human being, and they are indifferent to "funny characters".

If you still don’t understand, just think of poor Tom in "Tom and Jerry"...

An An, who claims to be from the "New Science Ghost Exorcism Agency", is such a "funny character".

Based on experience in movies, this kind of character often strikes lightly.

A high-voltage electric current is emitted when shaking hands, a bomb is buried under the handed birthday cake, or a mouse trap is touched when helping the other party to pick up something.

Although Gao Yi is now a C-level player, in the final analysis, he is still a mortal body and cannot withstand such a condition.

Although I’m not sure whether [the director]’s copy—or in his movie—would allow such a funny scene to appear.

But at the very least, the old toolbox that An An just picked up has already shown extraordinary characteristics.

That box is not big enough to hold a chainsaw...

Hey, putting it this way, does [Field Manager] Qi Ying’s ability also have something to do with this? After all, they are all [directors].

After thinking about it, at least An An didn't show any hostility and was willing to communicate. Gao Yi decided to inquire more.

He finished eating the chocolate, then raised his cane and made a curious expression:

"You said you work for a 'ghost exorcism agency', so you're here to catch ghosts too?"

"It's the 'New Science Ghost Exorcism Agency'." An An corrected, "Of course, I was hired by a boss to exorcise ghosts in Heiping Village."

"Then how do you know where the ghost is?" Gao Yi asked.

"Wow, of course it's all thanks to my 'Lily'."

An An still spoke in a tone that was self-evident and full of confidence, and took out a pot of lilies from the shadow of the stairwell.

At this moment, Gao Yi watched the pot of lilies begin to rotate without any external force.

After a moment of hesitation, he pointed upstairs.

"Wow, it's upstairs!"

An An quickly threw the pile of weapons she had taken out back into the box, and took out a roll of plastic wrap.

In a moment, she rushed up half a floor with a loudspeaker, a potted "Lily", and a toolbox.

At this time, she remembered something and turned to look at Gao Yi below:

"Hey, handsome boy, do you want to go with me? Let's get rich together."

"This... I'll make an appointment with someone later, let's talk about it later."

Although he realized that the other party might have many clues about the copy, Gao Yi still refused very decisively.

We just entered the dungeon, so it is more important to understand the general situation of [Seven Days of Returning] first.

As for the possible side quests, let's talk about it later.

Anyway, if the other party is really a "funny character" as he expected, he will definitely not die for a while.

On the other side, the rejected girl was not discouraged at all, but turned around and rushed upstairs following the guidance of the pot of lilies.

While rushing, she shouted with full energy:

"Chocolate check! Cling film check! Ghost hunting expert An An is here!"

Silently watching the other party go away, Gao Yi sighed and put away the [Gentleman's Cane] again.

Staying around such a person, I feel that my dark soul is being burned.

This dungeon always feels that the style is different from what he imagined...

Just when Gao Yi was about to go back to the corridor and take another look at room 2442.

A familiar voice suddenly appeared in the spiral stairwell, bringing waves of echoes:

"Gao Yi?"


Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you all a happy and healthy Dragon Boat Festival

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