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Chapter 224 [Seven Days of Resurrection] Alan

A chill ran down his spine and rushed straight to his brain. Gao Yi didn't even have time to recall who the owner of the familiar voice was.

Subconsciously, he had already put on the [Scarlet Raven Coat] and [Christmas Cape].

After becoming a C-level player, the reconnaissance ability of the [Armchair Detective] has reached a new level.

For Gao Yi now, it is almost impossible for someone to approach him nearby without him noticing.

But this call, which sounded only a few meters away, came so abruptly and without any signs. No wonder he reacted violently.

Holding the [Gentleman's Cane], Gao Yi looked in the direction of the voice. The person who came was neither upstairs nor downstairs.

In a corner of the stairwell, a blue zipper suddenly appeared on the gray wall, and a girl wearing a baseball cap stretched out her head:

"Calm down, calm down, it's me."

The large black baseball cap, the scar across half of her face, and the ability to open the zipper from the wall, Gao Yi naturally reacted:

"Alan!? Why are you here?"

This girl, who had conquered the main quest together in [Mechanical God], exchanged contact information with Gao Yi before the end of the dungeon.

Unfortunately, Gao Yi has been busy these days and has not had any contact with the other party in reality.

Unexpectedly, they met again in this [Seven Days Back to the Soul].

Watching the other party unzip and get out of the wall, Gao Yi asked first:

"Why are you here? Did you get the ticket for this dungeon too?"

Although he was quite surprised when he saw the other party, Gao Yi, who had recovered, still had doubts in his heart.

According to "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty", the tickets for "Seven Days to Return" are very expensive and hard to come by in every sense.

As for Alan's story, if I remember correctly, there is a missing sister.

She is just missing, so she doesn't need to think about how to revive now.

As for extending her life? This Alan is only about 18 or 19 years old, and it is impossible for her to do this.

Then why did she come here?

The induction between players is working normally, and it doesn't seem to be a disguise... unless it is at the level of "K".

Gao Yi's thoughts drifted to the sky in these few seconds, but Alan's answer was quite simple:

"Someone paid me to accompany her into the dungeon to investigate whether the legendary 'resurrection' is true."

"Commission?" Gao Yi remembered that the other party was indeed a mercenary-like character who was paid to do things. "Could it be Zhao Qian again?"

"How is it possible? I will never work for that bastard again in my life."

Hearing the word "Zhao Qian", Alan's face obviously sank, and there was a strong resentment in his voice:

"You clearly said you would help me find someone, but as soon as you left the dungeon, you disappeared and I couldn't contact you no matter what!" seems that it is not all Zhao Qian's responsibility...

Gao Yi couldn't help but recall the charlatan who sat next to Sister Tang in the "Gentleman Tea Restaurant" with a look of despair.

Speaking of which, he hasn't found the person he's looking for yet........

"By the way, isn't he also going to help you find someone? Has he contacted you?"

Alan stamped his feet angrily, and looked up at Gao Yi as if he remembered something.

"No, he didn't find the person I was looking for for me either."

Gao Yi didn't have even a trace of the idea of ​​defending Zhao Qian's reputation.

Listening to Alan scolding Zhao Qian for several minutes, and the scolding was getting more and more dirty, Gao Yi quickly turned the topic back to the dungeon and asked why the other party appeared in the wall.

"Looking for someone, I'll go up one floor at a time to see if there are other players."

Alan's reply was still so straightforward and simple.

"This... Aren't you worried about encountering hostile players, or some 'evil spirits' in the dungeon?"

"It's okay. No matter what I encounter, at least I can escape... Otherwise, how could I dare to accept this 'level 3' commission."

Patting his chest, Alan was obviously very confident in his ability to escape:

"Don't look at me like this. Now I am also a C-level player with an evolution rate close to 50%. I won't be much worse than you."

Hearing this... Alan seemed to have always thought that Gao Yi was already C-level or even higher when he was in [Mechanical Godcasting].

But in fact, Gao Yi had just become C-level not long before entering the dungeon.

Of course, considering the existence of his [Seeker] label, the difficulty of this D-level to C-level is ten times that of ordinary players-the basic attributes provided are also ten times.

But Alan actually has such a high evolution rate, so her mastery of the [Steel Chain Stapler] has obviously improved.

In [Mechanical God], Gao Yi also borrowed this equipment that can zip up objects, but it was not so useful at that time.

"So, what kind of person is the one who commissioned you this time? He won't be as unreliable as Zhao Qian, right?"

Gao Yi asked as he thought.

"No, this time the employer is very generous. He paid the money first before starting the task."

Alan nodded, and it can be seen that she is indeed very satisfied with the employer this time.

But after a pause, she added with a strange expression:

"It's just that the person is a little... strange."

"The person is a little strange? How strange?"

This description of the other party aroused Gao Yi's interest,

"Well... first of all, she is very rich, and secondly..."

Alan looked up at Gao Yi, his hands turning in the air for a few circles, looking very entangled, and finally spoke:

"I really don't know how to describe it, you will know when you meet her."

I always feel that there is a story here, is she a weird person who can't even be described?

Gao Yi's heart sounded the alarm, but he still calmly asked Alan:

"Then do you plan to go upstairs to find someone next? Do you want to go together?"

Hearing Gao Yi's question, Alan shook his head:

"Not for the time being, plus there are already five players in your copy, and the agreed time is almost up, so let's meet first."

There are already five...

This [Seven Days Back to the Soul] is a multiplayer copy anyway, so it's not surprising to have five people.

Alan in front of him began to introduce Gao Yi to several other players she met, and said that the place they agreed to meet was in the fried glutinous rice shop downstairs.

Needless to say, it was the shop where the Taoist uncle You was.

It seems that Gao Yi is not the only one who knows that he needs to look for information from the movie first.

"Okay, let's go down together."

Gao Yi thought about it and decided to go and see the other players in this dungeon first, whether they are enemies or friends.


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