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Chapter 225 [Seven Days of Resurrection] Strange Employer

Alan used her [Steel Chain Stapler] to search the floors, and it was naturally more convenient to take the stairs.

And when they went downstairs, the two must have taken the elevator.

When they passed room 2442, the door was closed, and Aunt Mei and the police had left.

It seemed that this clear suicide case did not require any additional investigation, and it was over after collecting the male protagonist's body.

When going downstairs in the elevator, Alan also shared her experiences during this period with Gao Yi.

Because the [Mechanical Casting God] copy, a level 4 copy, was finally completed by Gao Yi as the main task of level III, Alan also received a good reward.

From a certain perspective, this is also the reason why she dared to take on the commission of the [Seven Days Return] copy.

However, from the words between the lines, Gao Yi could sense that Alan was not too worried about this dungeon:

"There are many people participating in the [Seven Days Back to the Soul] dungeon. Judging from past records, there is no need for players to compete with each other, and the mortality rate is not high... Of course, there seems to be no clue to the so-called resurrection."

It is worth mentioning that Alan is no longer wary of Gao Yi as he was when they first met.

You know, when they first met in [Mechanical Godcasting], even though they had confirmed that their goals were the same, Alan still looked cold and didn't even want to raise his head when he spoke.

Of course, this may also be because of the hideous scar on her face, which made her reluctant to be seen by others.

The physical healing potion can treat various injuries, but it seems to be powerless for scars that have already formed.

But now, although Alan is still wearing that big-brimmed cap, at least he doesn't resist Gao Yi seeing the scar.

And this also gave Gao Yi more time to observe.

This scar doesn't look like it was cut by a sharp weapon, nor does it look like some kind of symbol or ritual pattern.

How could a scar that spans half of the face be so regular?

Combined with his missing sister, this Alan should also have a past that he can't bear to look back on.

Of course, Gao Yi would definitely not ask questions at this time.

Even if the other party is willing to believe him, he shouldn't inquire about the past that others don't want to mention.

This girl is so young, but she has such a conspicuous scar on her face. I guess she has received a lot of unpleasant attention in her life...

Of course, Alan on the other side didn't realize that Gao Yi's thoughts had drifted to an unknown place in such a short time.

She was still introducing Gao Yi to the other three players she had met.

As the elevator arrived at the second underground floor, Gao Yi followed Alan and walked into an underground shopping mall.

There is no such scene in the movie "Zombie", but there is such an underground shopping mall in "The Soul Returns at Night".

It is just dinner time now, which is the time when the flow of people is the most dense. At this moment, the whole atrium is filled with grandpas and aunts who are rushing to buy some discounted clothes.

Various shops around are also open, attracting customers with various exaggerated slogans and shouts.

To be honest, this atmosphere is not "horror movie" at all.

Based on Gao Yi's previous observation from room 2443 downstairs, the area around this residential building is not too prosperous.

Considering the reality of a large elderly population, the consumption power is estimated to be not strong.

I didn't expect that there would be such a large underground shopping mall, and it is directly connected to residential buildings by elevators.

Avoiding the dense flow of people, turning a few corners at the end of a certain passage, away from the bustling crowd, the two entered a restaurant with simple decoration of fried glutinous rice.

Looking inside, six or seven tables and a stove that is called "open kitchen" in a nice way or "no money to repair the wall" in a bad way are placed in the corner.

The uncle You, who had met once before, was frying glutinous rice there.

There was only one table in the whole store, and it must have been prepared for them.

The three people leaning against the square table were undoubtedly players.

Gao Yi scanned them calmly and quickly matched them with Alan's introduction.

The thin young man leaning against the wall, wearing a pair of black half-frame glasses, looked quite gentle.

If nothing unexpected happened, it was the doctor named Li Yuxing - said to be a surgeon.

According to Alan, this doctor Li was the most taciturn, and his self-introduction was only his name and occupation.

The slightly fat middle-aged man on the inside always had a smiling expression and wore a brown sweater with long sleeves.

His name was Dong Facai, which was inconsistent with the name. He was a teacher.

Well, there is indeed no strong correlation between the name and occupation, personality, etc.

Think about Zhao Qian...

In the fried glutinous rice shop, the one on the outermost side should be the employer who Alan didn't know how to describe, but was very rich and had a weird personality.

This girl named Zheng Qiyu looks the same age as Alan, but has a completely different style.

Long hair dyed pink, light blue sailor suit, black short skirt, white knee-high socks.

The first impression she gave Gao Yi was that she looked like she jumped out of an animation.

Even if there are some players who like to be unique in appearance, they will restrain themselves when entering the dungeon in most cases.

After all, in these weird dungeons, it is not a good thing to be too conspicuous.

And this girl named Zheng Qiyu seems to not care about these at all. She is dressed in a gloomy horror movie world.

Even if it appears in reality, others will involuntarily take a few more glances.

Is this a requirement for some kind of equipment or feature?

Or... is it simply because they are rich and willful?

If nothing unexpected happens, these three people all took the initiative to join this [Seven Days to Return] copy.

Considering the scarcity of tickets, it is unlikely that they just randomly chose a copy to avoid the countdown.

If they came in intentionally, there must be one of "resurrection" and "extending life", right?

Although the main quest does not mean to let the players fight each other, now several people are sitting together.

But if the so-called "resurrection" opportunity is in front of them, what will happen then is uncertain...

Considering the bad taste of the [director], this is not impossible.

Just when Gao Yi was thinking about how to start the topic, smoothly integrate into the few people, and inquire about information.

The pink-haired girl near the door stood up suddenly, covered her mouth with both hands, and lowered her head to scream:

"Ahhhhhh, this is a handsome black curly-haired guy who usually has a cold expression, but is very warm and reliable in his heart. He is definitely my No. 7 of "favorite boy type"!!!"

Seeing this scene, Gao Yi's brain, which had been running at high speed, stopped for a few seconds before pointing to himself:

"Me, me?"

"Ahhhhhhh, the voice is also the type I like!!!" The girl named Zheng Qiyu had no intention of answering the question at all. She looked directly at Alan next to Gao Yi and gave a thumbs up:

"Well done Alan! You are really the most capable!! I knew it was right to hire you!!!"

Well, at least now I know what the weird employer Alan mentioned is like.


Yes, yes, there is one more thing.

It's not a big deal, but I just want to mention it.

The book has a score! ! ! !

Yes, it suddenly jumped from 8.3 to 9 points in one day.

I've always heard that there will be an ascension at some stage, but I didn't expect it to happen now.

Congratulations, congratulations.


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